Buy guns. Ask general where the money I gave him to buy guns went.
Guns acquired. The general spent all his money on cocaine and subscriptions to a model building magazine.
Crap. Reattach arms, gather up the CPU. "So, can you think of any way to make this body stay together more?"
Arms are back on. You pick up the CPU and your arms fall off again.
(Are your proud of yourself, ya big bully?)
Yes. Yes I am.
You cower in the shelter. The GM, seeing as you now fear his might, raises you into a potato acolyte.
"You have been chosen to pelt potatoes at people. You now have access to potato hammerspace!"CREATE INTERDIMENSIONAL DIVICE
"Hey. I hope you have some memory unused. Cause I wanna upload to you."
Best flirt.
I'm sorry, but digitization is treason. I saw what happened in the I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream video game.
Did you know that because that other computer was in that game???
You need stuff to make it out of. Plus, you're still in the potato dimension.
Eat the potato woman.
Enter the normal world.
Potato woman consumed. The GM, disgusted, sends you back to realspace. Yaaaaaaay.
Send followers to get more followers.
Your followers grab each other and bring themselves to you.
"Of cooooourse, sure, you can upload to me. On /devnull/"
Augment that obscure burn by literally throwing a pixelated fireball at kj1225
Pixelated fireball thrown. The GM, disappointed that nothing really funny happened, throws twenty potatoes at the both of you.
Run to that mech-mechanic I apparently found, but had absolutely no interaction with, and ask for the price of upgrades.
You'll need LODE'S A MONEY for anything awesome. The GM gets mad at you for lampshading and throws a potato.
Create a portal to the normal dimension and teleport there while abosrbing EP's followers.
You manage to escape and eat a follower. However, the bastards are supertea powered up and kick your ass.