You decide upon a goal and chuckle maliciously. The next years go smoothly as you decide to feast on fish, bats and rocks. You quickly learn that there is different qualities of rocks, and if you are unsure you can beat them open to see if there are minerals inside. The digestion of the rock matter becomes easier every month and so does the staying underwater. You manage to breathe underwater, and you can hear for miles. You also seemed to have developed echolocation.
This has helped you in a dangerous encounter with a gigantic anaconda. You were swimming through the swampy by marshes to the river, as suddenly a strike from below blew into your stomach. Quickly a beast coiled around you. Holding its clawing tooth away from your head you rip its jaw open, as it tries to choke you with the weight of his body. You manage to bite into its neck. After minutes of wrestling the beast succumbs to blood loss. You feast for the following 48 hours on its beautiful corpse.
You now stand 7 feet tall, you have bat like wings. Your body is slender, bent to a live underwater. You have a long tail which can be used like a rope or whip. You have extendable jaws, and huge fangs. Your scales are ranging from grey to blue to green.
You arrive at a waterfall, beneath you you see a creature like you, similar yet completely different. It is about your size and black colouration.