Interesting to hear some of these statements regarding the PVP interactions and AI problems. If you don't mind hearing it from myself, I'll be happy to inform all of you of what is happening so that you can lay your concerns to rest.
1] In regards to matchmaking or the gap between AI and player, that will naturally resolve itself. As of right now you are very much so correct in the statements that coming out of the campaign you'll likely just get stomped by some mid-higher tier player right out of the gate. That's most certainly due to the lack of a playerbase at this time which will resolve itself with our Steam launch and our marketing push once the game is in a more completed state.
2] In regards to the AI's cheating and being dumb. Yep, I won't even sugar coat that haha. They're dumb and not programmed to precise specifications. They will be however, for about 2-3 months prior to the full release of the game all we're going to be doing is polishing and bug fixing. Polishing is the part where the campaign's and overall AI's get optimized and worked on to be a tad more intelligent and at the very least follow the rules. We'll also be expanding the available PvE content in the future with events and storylines and lore and fun things with stuff.
3] There is a feature that will be available come Steam launch called The Academy. It is an education tool in which all levels of players can visit various mechanics and concepts of Infinity Wars to better educate themselves on how to think and how to play. With how cerebral we're designing our game to be, it's rather necessary for new users to visit this to understand what they're up against.
4] There were some comments regarding the size of the card pool and balance. Firstly, there are currently 220 cards in the game. Infestation, the third set of cards, is set to launch Mid-February sometime following the Steam Launch so that some of those players of the chance to get some preorders in. Infestation adds 100 new cards to the game, a ridiculous amount of options/responses/niche mechanics, and I'll be releasing a preview video in about a week or so.
Balance is nigh impossible with an incomplete playset, however once you learn more about the mechanics of the game outside of the cards themselves, the balance comes a bit more into focus. Cards like Mass Death or Calamity usually throw new players for a loop until you start to understand how to react/predict as a player rather than just the options you might have in your hand.
I'm glad to see such a healthy discussion going on. Let me know if there's anything else I can discuss for you.
Community Manager
Infinity Wars