Victory possibilities this time include Conquest and completing the Tower of Masteries. (also Time because I forgot to turn that off.)
Engraved upon a collection of rocks near Hianthrough's house:The cold hasss ended. I am Hianthrough, leader of uss who are now the Mazatl. The sscoutss have not returned, sso ssome how ssome otherss have ssurvived elssewhere despite the cold. We have quite a bit of useful ressourcess in the nearby jungless, one group of sshaperss have already started making trailss. I doubt the outssiderss would be able to make usse of our jungle trailss, if they ssurvived outsside of cavess they are not lizardmen. ((They can build trails. These are roads, but only for swampdwelling units. Basically only us, afaik.))
AI1 - I am leaving thiss time marked ass the firsst period of time After Ice.
AI7 - A Monument hass been consstructed in Nochtli. Celebration enssued for the first consstruction in AI time, and ssome wanted to go ssearch for the sscoutss, ssee if they ssurvived and jusst were losst. I am not agreeing, if they were alive they would have ssent a messssage from their group'ss sshaper, and we would've received it many timess ago. I let them prepare to trek out anyway, theress no proper way to deny them after being sstuck in the cavess for sso long. We could do with a better map anyway.
AI10 - They leave to the wesst. I manage to return to my own property before ssighing at them leaving to die.
AI12 - A report arrived from the adventurouss sshaper who'd left with the new sscoutss: "Curiouss. Who are these, who call themselves Aoss SSi? They were not immediately hosstile, but they were not talkative either.
((Darn you, missing text! Unlike the Austrin, I've actually seen the Aos Si in the game before. They are fae. Their starting alignment depends on their leader. I'd need to open up the civpedia to point out more about them though.))
((A Great Prophet on turn 13. Gotta say, thats a new one for me. He's just gonna sit in the capital until I figure out what you do with a superearly Great Prophet. All I can do right now is build the basic Altar of the Luuonatar (bonus culture, starts a long and very religious focused victory condition if that one is on. Didn't know thats where you started that from.), make a too-early golden age, or have a very early specialist in the capital.))
AI15 - SSlowly, the old wayss return as the wissest ssurviving ssages dig through old workss of knowledge. The first of thesse to return is how to teach otherss more than what is necessssary to ssurvive the long winter.
AI18 - A new report hass come from the sscouting group to the wesst: "Evil flowss forth from Bradeline'ss Well, nearby. This land is ssad and lackss greenss a-" It endss with a dissturbing, evil voice that sspeakss wordss I do not undersstand. I do not tell anyone elsse about the voice. A third group comess up to me after hearing the announcement, wantss to go and help the land. I tell them to ssee if the otherss are ssafe if they too want to leave, and they go to get different kindss of toolss instead. Pointier onessss.
AI20 - SSome celebrate the completion of the Gulagarn plantation. SSome are not particularly interessted in them. Regardlessss, we have more food than we need now, until people get happier, and the sshaperss have moved on to expanding the trail network again.
Trails are harder to see on the map than roads. Despite it removing the forest, the plantation tile still reads as Deep Jungle/Swamp, so I don't quite understand how their terraforming works.