okey dokey, now that im finally home time to flesh out my goals:
of course this is all pointless if i cant get my prep done, specifically the pocket dimension super factory...
Firstly, gain immortality through using mission pay to buy a haebi limb and putting haebi flesh samles into the pill machine. use of a mind stim here would also be nice.
or just get plain timelocked if it wont destroy my id manifestor.
secondly, emptying my pocket dimension into quarantine and having steve set it up as a high tech "universal" manufacturing plant controlled by an ameniable wetware AI.
also getting technical schematics so i can produce more dimensional remotes and other non-weapon technologies would be nice.
Lastly, moving all my shit into one of the new universes where the pocket dimension generator still functions correctly.
1) Set myself up as a construction mogul using my pocket dimension as a mobile super-factory and help humanity get established for personal profit.
Rather then constantly using my pocket dimension to churn out goods, use it to build specialised facilities for the people in this universe in exchange for majority shareholding or outright ownership of said facilities but allowing them complete autonomy in how they choose to run them.
basically attempt to set things up so that i own or control literally all industrial and economic markets and basically become the defacto CEO of humanity.
if people try building factories and stuff to subvert my control and reduce reliance on my company either sabotage or destroy them with my superior technology.
2) once im the super rich shadow president of all humanity, fade into the background and siphon funds from my company to set up my own personal HMRC and send my highly trained idiots out into space to find more tehnologies i can use to advance humanity and fortify my control over the masses.
3) HRMC discoveries;
disseminate all non weaponised meta-material, healthcare, energy generation related discoveries freely among my companies many franchises to improve quality of life and gain favour among my universes people.
keep all military grade discoveries to myself and research them in secret isolated facilites.
4)as for how to guide humanity if i become god-president of all humanity;
abolish religion and replace it with a strict moral code centered around following my rule and not being a dick to others.
promote scientific advancement as pretty much the key goal of humanity.
dont go full hitler.