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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO  (Read 2657365 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24150 on: October 30, 2015, 02:28:25 pm »

Ships of the size you are using bare essentially weapons of mass destruction. Without automanipulator defences to stop you, you could hold part of the planet ransom.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24151 on: October 30, 2015, 02:43:22 pm »

Ships of the size you are using bare essentially weapons of mass destruction. Without automanipulator defences to stop you, you could hold part of the planet ransom.
so, what if that automanipulator over loads?
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24152 on: October 30, 2015, 03:30:57 pm »

Ships of the size you are using bare essentially weapons of mass destruction. Without automanipulator defences to stop you, you could hold part of the planet ransom.
so, what if that automanipulator over loads?
Same, if not better result.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24153 on: October 30, 2015, 03:38:13 pm »

Ships of the size you are using bare essentially weapons of mass destruction. Without automanipulator defences to stop you, you could hold part of the planet ransom.
so, what if that automanipulator over loads?
Same, if not better result.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24154 on: October 30, 2015, 04:35:30 pm »

Took some messing around, but I think I've got the hang of this crafting thing now.

Heh, dubious origin.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24155 on: October 30, 2015, 04:40:03 pm »

Heh, dubious origin.
Let's be real here though, is there anything in ER that isn't of dubious origin?

Radio Controlled

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24156 on: October 30, 2015, 05:06:09 pm »

To be entirely honest, I don't much like the things that seem to 'come out of nowhere' so to speak. I mean, (most) people limited their designs to things that have some reason to exist in ER, such as by being based from gathered artifacts, but now it seems that just about anything is possible by handwaving at it. Makes going out on dangerous missions to find artifacts to reverse-engineer a bit pointless.
Matter saver, 5 second reset and solid light came from the god computer.
Ghost blade and white hot club from the snowglobe data and Simus' suit
Haebi limb from...the haebi.

So basically, now if items can do strange stuff not obviously based on an artifact the reason now is 'because god computer' instead of 'because amps'? Fair enough, allows some playing room for sure. And allows you to differentiate exo much more from uncon.

There'd be an interesting Limbo diversion or alternate mission thread; split into small teams of "random ARM trooper" mode, where you're set on a planet with a predetermined gear list and a temporary character, given a vague objective, and told to go nuts.
"Do you see that dense metropolitan area over there?"
"It's blocking my sun. Fix that."

Well, amps and manips are changing in general so I don't expect the UWM to use them much anymore, so it's not that much of a problem.
Gotta suck to be an amp specialist right about now. You train your whole life to do 1 thing, just 1 thing, really well, and then some doohickeys screw it all up.

On a related note, I have no idea why it is putting me in this mode. I'm in editing mode on the account that made the document. Hell, no one is even supposed to be able to edit it except me, I just turned on commenting. Google docs is kinda pissing me off because I have no idea why it is doing this.

You could just copy-paste the data into a new document and delete the old one if it bothers you, see if that works or just repeats the error.

Lars and his id can try to out-zealous each other!
A positive feedback loop of piety!

Mission 23 could place themselves on one of their ships, get them all into space, and sit there until the government gives in to their demands. you wanna repossess our ships? Come 'n get 'em!

@RC When will you already complete the character arc of your Avatar? Name him, talk to him, make friends and learn his true goals? We've been waiting on it ... for years, I think! Longer than the ARM has existed, at the very least.

Because I've had no chance to bring it up in an organic way on a mission, and I want to get that gene treatment that increases defense versus alien mindscrew before I do it deliberatly on ship.

But hey, the longer the wait, all the sweeter when it happens.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 05:21:02 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24157 on: October 30, 2015, 06:46:06 pm »

Mission 23 could place themselves on one of their ships, get them all into space, and sit there until the government gives in to their demands. you wanna repossess our ships? Come 'n get 'em!
I was thinking along those lines too.

Ships of the size you are using bare essentially weapons of mass destruction. Without automanipulator defences to stop you, you could hold part of the planet ransom.
I don't know. We have outdated cargo ships. Beat cops have civic defender level equipment. We might not have the advantage here.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24158 on: October 30, 2015, 07:10:39 pm »

Actually, holding our ships in space as a way to get the government to back off, while we ask for reinforcements could work. We need other players as backup if we are going back to that planet though. Shit is going to hit the fan HARD on that planet, and Im not sure we are equiped to handle that.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 07:13:16 pm by Kedly »
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24159 on: October 30, 2015, 08:00:47 pm »

March your private army into the capital and repossess the government. :P
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24160 on: October 30, 2015, 08:17:10 pm »

Actually, holding our ships in space as a way to get the government to back off, while we ask for reinforcements could work. We need other players as backup if we are going back to that planet though. Shit is going to hit the fan HARD on that planet, and Im not sure we are equiped to handle that.

Ireplied I think. I was having a phjone conversation when I first read the update, so I couldn't immediately respond. Have a look at my action and suggest changes and stuff. Have a conversation with Dester IC, as we have done before :P

We could very likely simply cut and run at this point with our quota filled, but wihtout a long term stable supply. I think keeping the shipping business going while the world burns could get us that stable supply though. We'd probably have to reorganize our system after things settle down and people stop dying by the kiloton.

The Lupanian

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24161 on: October 30, 2015, 09:16:17 pm »

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but when you have a huge number of people on a ship in space don't you start to run out of oxygene?
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24162 on: October 30, 2015, 09:17:43 pm »

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but when you have a huge number of people on a ship in space don't you start to run out of oxygene?
Not when they're in stasis.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24163 on: October 30, 2015, 09:19:53 pm »

Presumably they've figured out a way to recycle air more efficiently without using Origin Tech.
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO
« Reply #24164 on: October 30, 2015, 11:52:03 pm »

((Can I participate in this thread?  If so, can Saint participate physically, and by that I mean through a QEC-bot?))
(Steve has been adverse to bots/drones. Maybe if you asked to be drop-podded down, we'd be able to experience you in the flesh (or in the brain) and we could brain cuddle together.)

QEC bots are banned for most people, but Heph admins are allowed to use them, because we're not mission personnel.  We lose the privilege when going on Sword missions, but I'm not sure if I lose the privilege in this case, because Saint isn't leaving the planet.

Also, Saint wouldn't be droppodded down.  He's currently in a bunker deep below Hephaestus' command center.
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