"Hey guys, just so you know, we're now employing child-slavery. Please note that your slave caretaker assignments are up on the schedule on the corkboard. Do remember to feed them, they're worth more than you are. mmm-kay?"
N-nah, children fanatics, merely. Oh wait, is that bad too? Maybe children volunteers? Children revolutionaries? Children children? We'll see.
Anyway, I find it really hypocritical compared to how no one cares how we employ sods. Those are humans too, you know, even if 'idiot-savant' of a sort. Not that this project is intended to be anywhere
remotely really near that level of slavery and mind control, mind me, but still.
Heph is making Spartans now?
No, but I think I know where that came from. It's just that by "what to do (modified for children)"-accomodation I thought it obvious the answer would be "play", but yeah, that might have been a bit too subtle.
Super-Spartans. With haebi abilities if I remember correctly
Too early, we haven't got that brain-sample yet.
Was this about Sons of Hephaestus? The secret project of Miya and Steve?
I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of something called Sons of Hephaestus, but this is called something differently, for starters.
Ah right, the Player Replacement Project
Yep, that's one of the reasons it was initiated. As in, a possible alternative background for revolutionaries pool (compared to still drawing upon the former convicts of HMRC).
Yep, that's probably a good cue for Anton to skip town.
He won't be able to participate in anything like that when it's situated directly around him. Best-case scenario, he'll take up permanent residence in the off-world labs.
If that happens, could you please at least discuss it with Maurice? Because, you know, whatever project this might be, it is of lesser importance than having at least three active Administrators on Hephaestus.
And really, Dev just jumped on the worst-case imaginable scenario. Don't judge something without at least taking a good look at it, mmm-kay?
Although it isn't exactly the situation I envisioned, I'm not ashamed of deciding not to look the other way.
Eh, now I am really confused. Are you talking of that attempt to blow up Heph base, or was that someone else?
Also, I find it curious how you don't consider the details. I mean, you probably know well that Dr. Sanctor is a nice and friendly person? That it was shown time and time again in the past that he always cares about people and even when he has to hurt some of them, he does it for a hell of a good reason (99% time - protecting/saving them or other people)? Just some food for thought, in case you'd like a brain-snack.
Are we going to start kidnapping homeless people and orphans with our flying saucers?
Only if it happens to be efficient and worth the trouble.
(Spoiler: Nope-nope-nope.)