The idea I had was that we'd basically do away with numerical bonuses. You'd always roll d6, and standard rtd would always apply.
The difference being that high level skills would
1.allow you to do more sophisticated, powerful or impressive things that a lower skilled person couldn't do. (ie standard +0 amp user couldn't target the inside of things, couldn't target things they can't see, can't do micro scale actions, etc. while someone with +1 or +2 could start having the option to do better stuff)
Something about that feels like it's more hampering player options. You can't do x until you're level y in the skill used for x. It doesn't feel right. maybe it does work better mechanically, but for a game like this, part of the fun (for me, at least) is being able to game the system by making intelligent choices, and this restricts that.
In a way, maybe, but I think it does it in a way that makes sense.
For instance, someone with +0 exo skill couldn't directly manipulate the brain of someone they can't see or something, but they could still make intelligent choices in how to fight. For instance, just because you can't heat someone's brain directly doesn't mean you can't focus your attacks on weak areas. You couldn't attack the pilot of a Battle suit, but you could still attempt to damage his cameras or the suit's joints or something like that.
It would force people to think and act differently for a lack of skill but...I dunno, that seems pretty damn realistic if you ask me. Johnny no-brain really shouldn't be able to roll really well with his -1 aux and suddenly start building quantum computers.
I think it's a good idea personally. Although I would like to know how it would affect things that are mostly on the player's side. Like speech rolls or intuition rolls.
I would think it would be pretty similar in theory, unless you can expand upon what you mean.