Good thing TCM edited his action, because shooting the second floor might had not ended well for his catgirl.
(I think, I'm not sure who exactly owns Fat Pat but he acts domesticated whenever he comes in)
Fat Pat sounds like a great name for a cat.
It's short for Fat Pat The Asshole Cat. He's not actually that fat or an asshole, really - unless you consider constantly meowing and rubbing up against you being an asshole - but I think it's funny because I have the maturity of a seven year old. (Example: I had a cat named SpongeBuff NastyBastard aka Buff aka Buffenstein) I'm not sure what his name actually is, but he responds to Pat now and tends to come in every other day to get something to eat and nose around the house.
Aahahahahahahaaha no.
You're just prone to silliness and whimsicality.
This. Really, I don't think I need to argue my position, seems self-evident.
Except if you were making a joke. Self-deprecating absurdities can be considered a form of a joke.
I should know, my humorality is pan-humorous.
And that sounds like the typical cat-like behaviour we know and love.
Ah, now I want a cat to pet.
I wonder what accent people think Feyri sounds lke.
For that matter, how does Jim or Lyra sound like.
I don't know about the rest, but Lyra probably sounds like a cat. Like a big cat maybe. Ever heard a cheetah meow?
Obviously, Jim sounds like a blue.
But is it northern blue?
I don't get [it] D:
...So my accent is yellowgreen? :v
We're defining accent by color, so color is defined by what universal feelings people have upon viewing it? (ie red = RAEG)
Then what does
"Red glow with italics" mean?