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Author Topic: Einsteinian Roulette: OOC and NEW PLAYER INFO  (Read 2657284 times)


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1920 on: March 25, 2014, 04:14:05 am »

If I'm mobile and combat ready, armor up; grab spare weapons, ammo and grenades; and check if anyone else in my pod is alive.

If I'm still conscious but not mobile, wonder how I lost all my limbs but one if I have a robot body, and reattach them, or their replacements.

If I'm unconscious, wait until I'm repaired.

((Terrible, terrible luck. I better not be alone in my pod, otherwise I'm looting everyone's crap in order to survive.))

According to our charts, you are... almost alone. 3 members of your team are dead or disabled. Also, you've received a free triple amputation! I'm not entirely sure you're conscious, but no mention was made of you being out, soooo :P

Radio Controlled

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1921 on: March 25, 2014, 08:05:37 am »

Here's hoping Miyamoto favors sending sods at Milno's ship, since he's a general and less expendable.
Well, Miya will try to save as many as he can, but winning this battle is more important than the life of a single trooper, even if it's Milno. Because loosing is not an option in this case, it could cost us the rebellion, or at least set us back a big amount. It'll depend on what teams landed where (dunno why Steve didn't tell us that).

Damn. Just...damn. I think now would be a good time for some sod backup. I really don't want to try and solo a ship. I wonder if I could use a laser to cut a hole for comms? One that won't let enemies in

We have two sod teams still waiting for launch. If you are indeed the only one there, then I'll try my best to get you some backup.

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1922 on: March 25, 2014, 08:50:13 am »

First hit on Google Image Search.
In my defense, I couldn't find anything that clearly identified the image as a chryssalid.
And I didn't think to go to the webpage it was from.

According to our charts, you are... almost alone. 3 members of your team are dead or disabled. Also, you've received a free triple amputation! I'm not entirely sure you're conscious, but no mention was made of you being out, soooo :P
And you're probably the only team on your ship. Have fun!

(guys, you gotta chose a side to open up on, remember? Laser cutting system on each wall. Which one you open might make a difference, depending on which team you are.
Would advise not opening the one thats facing space.)
1. Don't all the sides look the same?
2. ...We may be in trouble.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1923 on: March 25, 2014, 09:37:32 am »

Hey, it occurs to me, PW says we're naked in the pods.  So our equipment is stored outside of them.

Which means that Milno's hilariously customized suit of ultra-armor is sitting pristine next to Thaddeus.  Along with Saint's emergency kit, Jack's laser rifle, longsword, and a friggin' timmy tear!

We might have more of a chance than I thought.  I think MKIII's even let you dual wield standard rifles.

@GWG sides question
PW tends to not tell us about obvious things automatically, leaving us to ask if something's there.  And the UWM's actually pretty good about making things functional.  See:every weapon having a secondary function.

We can probably just check for a panel next to each door saying whether the other side is pressurized.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1924 on: March 25, 2014, 10:32:20 am »

They're not doors- we're sealed in.  They're micro laser cutters similar to what was used in the recovery effort.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1926 on: March 25, 2014, 10:40:46 am »

You do raise an excellent point about borrowing equipment, though!  Milno's suit is quite tricked out.

The Timmy Tear is just asking for trouble, though.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1927 on: March 25, 2014, 10:49:21 am »

If it's asking for trouble in the same way a manipulator overload is asking for trouble, that could actually be a relatively good thing. I mean, with a choice between dying in vain and taking the enemy battleship down with you...
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1928 on: March 25, 2014, 10:55:14 am »

What about risking death-in-vain or making sure you'll destroy yourself and the ship we're trying to capture?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1929 on: March 25, 2014, 11:18:55 am »

Ultimately, a ship we destroy is better than a ship we fail to capture. I believe to that end Steve is using the same huge-ass cannon the boarding teams used to fire actually destructive projectiles up right now.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1930 on: March 25, 2014, 11:32:38 am »

Too bad the rest of the ships probably won't surrender if we capture most of the ships. Wonder why nobody in this universe is willing to surrender to a bunch of criminals that are known for killing indiscriminately.

Sean, just wondering, why have two letters for your team's name? You could call it Team K(appa) or Team H(eta). Or team HK.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1931 on: March 25, 2014, 12:08:22 pm »

Because it's officially team H, but I chose to call it team Kappa, and I don't like retconning things. :P
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1932 on: March 25, 2014, 01:21:51 pm »

Hey, Kriellya, just checked your entry in idiots in space. Still got that drone platform? That would be good to have.
And if you are really desperate, I can give you my Mining Laser... I can't use it without Gilgamesh's strength but your MK3 has an exoskeleton.
So what if you have a -2 to conventional? It's only an 83.3% chance of failure.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 01:24:40 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1933 on: March 25, 2014, 03:14:05 pm »

Ultimately, a ship we destroy is better than a ship we fail to capture. I believe to that end Steve is using the same huge-ass cannon the boarding teams used to fire actually destructive projectiles up right now.
The latter is yet another reason we don't need to perform destructive tactics.

Team B: Wild Weasels

"Hot DAMN it's good to be off that rock! Simus is down, I'll take command until she's able to take over."

Try to find anything that would allow us to open the pod in a location with atmosphere. If I can't find anything, get everyone braced and activate the laser on the side that would have been the top when fired. If it does open into vacuum, try to catch anybody that get sucked out either with my hands, or if that isn't possible, my amp.
Oh dear.

You press the button for the  cutter in the rear of the shell and, once it has opened, you immediately hurl yourself out. Luckily the ship still has its gravity systems working so you just fall down into a half melted, slumped corridor below. No signs of anyone.
I'm amazed he didn't jump into space.

You also get suited up, but since no doors are open about the most productive thing you can do is play rock paper scissors with Jack to decide who will be the first to stick their head into the corridor.
...Well? Who won?

"I need a capable tactician to take over my role as mission control for our sod team, because I need to direct the overhauling of one of our ships into a combat rescue shuttle."
...Should this have been done before we launched the people?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Einsteinian Roulette OOC
« Reply #1934 on: March 25, 2014, 03:27:53 pm »

"I need a capable tactician to take over my role as mission control for our sod team, because I need to direct the overhauling of one of our ships into a combat rescue shuttle."
...Should this have been done before we launched the people?
Before we launched and lost about a third of our operatives, the ships were intended to be used solely as fast hitters. Get in, shoot, and either crash in and deliver people (S-Cross) or fly out (B-Death). Now, the Cross will need to act as a rescue shuttle, meaning it'll need to fly between ships. Hopefully by then the ships will be damaged enough that the Black Death will be able to act as fire support, and the Southern (Red) Cross will be able to attend to all the injured and disabled.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India
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