Okay, I got enough interest in the pms to flesh out the setting for you guys. I'll take reservations for spots in the game from this thread and from pms, either way. Are in a sort of Foreign Legion, a squad of society's undesireables who have found themselves at rock bottom. You have joined this Organization to escape imprisonment and death, or to flee from an unhappy life, or because you are that weird. Each character will either be marked by the state, so that if they leave the Legion they will be hunted down, or will voluntarily "Take the Queen's Mark," recieving a coin (the mark) in exchange for loyalty and service. Needless to say, that oath is binding.
As for tone, that'll be up to you. I have been tinkering with the idea for this for a while, but was spurred on when someone mentioned missing the days when all we were was "idiots in space." So bar fights will be fine, as will mission failure.
Now, for characters: Standard Fantasy races are acceptable. And not just Human, Elf, Dwarf, or Halfling. Pixies, Orc, Goblins, Dryads, lizardmen, and Trolls also. Stats will be standardized, but will havea similar scaling like with Er's human - roboit - exoskeleton - synthflesh - etc, so for instance, a troll with a -1 strength is still going to vastly outpower a pixie with a +4. I'll have a list of generally approved races, and you can pm me for prestige races or for standard races I haven't thought of.
Magic: there are several types of magic, and your character can be proficient in one or possibly more. Let's see, there will be a set of innate stats, like hte stats in ER, and a set of general skills general knowledge, handiwork, melee, ranged, but you will have a certain number of skill slots, where special skills like magic schools or Command or weapon specialization or (God help Us) medicine.
I'll rely fairly heavily on some of the mechanics from ER just to keep from reinventing the wheel (subject to PW's whim, of course). I can have a first post up this weekend, but I warn you, the setting and backstory are a tad ... nebulous at the moment. I have enough to go on though.