Yeah, that could work.
Speaking of, how did you make that chart?
More specifically, I drew the diagonals, measured out bars of three pixels going horizontally on one side, and then used the circle tool to produce concentric rings that slotted in correctly on each side.
I remember proposing this sort of thing ten millionty billionty years ago.
Yeah, that's why I decided to try out this style this time. It does seem more concise than my old block methods, though I'd have to get a full page of them to really see how intuitive it reads.
@Irony: Tokens are effectively a measure of a person's trust. But since going back and counting all the tokens you've received would be hard, you could instead use a "Net Worth" metric: How many mission's worth of tokens and equipment someone has. Or if you want some efficiency metric, you could do Net Worth divided by Missions to get a token per mission count. Or maybe use a counter for all freaky body-altering stuff that has happened to that person and how many weird stuff they are carrying.
Raw token count was one idea I had for gear, yeah; it's imprecise as hell, but again, the more useful the answer gets the harder it becomes to objectively represent on a graph.
I like the idea of a mutation graph or Veterancy Count or something, but I fear it'd suffer from similar issues where newbies are +0 ("Cool a spaceship!"), anyone who's been on a mission is +1 ("I'm still human but I've SEEN SOME SHIT"), robobodies are +2 ("Greetings meatsack, enjoy your brief time in that fragile shell"), synth and most weird-ass shit is +3 ("Well this is relatively unique"), and then the truly bizarre is +4 ("I wouldn't recommend this except for the all the limitless power it grants").
Maybe raw mission count has more value than I'm giving it credit for.
Ooh, I likey the golden bauble thing. I'll need to get one.
Problem: Average ARM attention span is probably lower and attraction to shinies is probably higher than the average whatever we're fighting.
Which I mean, I guess for you is a convenient way to distract allies while you eat them, but still probably runs the risk of becoming victim to your own ploy. Also Miya will get jealous.