Yeah, totally. All but the most expensive booze tastes like pain and awful for the first few swigs. (After that, my tongue is even more numb than it usually is, and I could quaff if I wanted. I think I have? Those nights end with void, heehee).
Last week I spent with the father's girlfriend's turkey-cult, long story, and it was pretty cool for the most part. On-topic, there was a lot of booze. Except not just "booze", but pricey liquor. And high-quality hippie food. These are those people who buy Eggland's Best hand-grain-fed--free-love chicken eggs.
Got back last night and ate leftovers before passing out after a mere 1.5 beers. Since they woke up at 7AM every day (I get off work at 1AM, and unlike them I had to keep working. And I sleep very lightly)... Point is, I was very sleepy.
Today I woke up and got some Wendy's and Coors Light. At 9AM, which was early even for me, but I needed to recenter myself. Currently working on a can of "beef stew" which I'm sure contains more preservatives than beef, and more dirt-cheep rice beer. Happy, and ready to work. Did my job at noon, drunk, and ready to do it again at midnight.
I guess my point is... Being with some food-and-booze-elitist hippies for a week, while enjoyable, has pushed me to my comfort foods and comfort beer.
It feels soooo good. Alone, wrapped in my blanket with the heat off, swigging cheap beer and watching some shows my dad gave me.
It feels great to have some solitude and comforts.
Proud of how long I lasted in normal socialness, really. Last year I had to flee early.
No seriously it's a 47-year cult about turkey