Saddest part is that current western politics actually empower Putin and goverment. And you don't even understand why. Well, most of you.
And what should "The West" do to remove Putin from power? Any suggestions? Allow him to do whatever he wants?
Don't support fascists Bandera movement, don't hold yearly former SS parades, don't surround every bit of russian land with NATO, dont support coups, don't think that you had rightfull end in Georgia/Chechen conflict, don't piss of if russians vote no to gays or piss of if someone launching concert in orthodox church of nationwide significance... And nothing will ever started.
(for those angry with me personally in advance I welcome you to search page and find my older posts. I dont support even 1/3 of what I just mentioned)
Then why are you supporting it? Seriously. You're making the argument then backing away as if it's not your's. You're basically asking everyone to both agree with everything your country does, regardless, and not to judge you for anything you do, period.
In what fucking world does that fly now? This isn't 1940. We can all see each other, talk to each other and look into each other's lives in seconds. Why does Russia seem to think it deserves to be immune? FFS, look at the US. We can't even fart without half the goddamn world saying we have an ulterior motive for doing so.
Russia wants to be a super power again? Start playing by the rules of super powers in the 21st century. And that is, you don't not have the right to be left alone.
Especially when you're marching into someone else's country.
It's why everyone still considers Russia politically backasswards. Because they're living 50 years in the past when it comes to rhetoric, as though we're not all globally connected now and it still takes 4 days for news to travel outside of where it happened. We can see in 30 seconds that "No Russian" in Crimea is bullshit. And yet Putin keeps staring into the distance when he says it, like making eye contact would expose the lie for what it is.
If you're not supporting those points, quit fighting for them and start fighting against them. Or to put it another way....put what's
right above fucking nationalism.