Here is my point of view from the inside of Russia
The outer world might not imagine the power of a Renaissance in the minds of Russians, we have here. After more than 20 years of mental darkness, it's like a light of dawn, that breaks upon a morning sky to stop a long winter night of the North. Now all the political dispositions are clear.
Do you know what it is to live in a state, that's being destroyed slowly, like a withering flower? At first glance the life seems OK, but day after day you and your family are being slowly destroyed. Not necessary physically, despite this is also possible: a car crash on a highway, because it has not been repaired for some years; a heart attack because of the lack of medical treatment; a heroine overdose, because the drug usage spreads in the society, that has no will to live. The worst kind of destruction, that kindles all the minors, lives in minds. The people of Russia didn't know, for what purpose they live as Russians. They had lost the belief in their empire, after it collapsed in such a miserable way.
The West's only purpose it to complete the destruction of what has left of Soviet Union. After 20 years of political progress, we have no neutral country to the west of our borders: every state has joined NATO, except Belarus, that is allied to us. There has recently been an attempt to fix it, that didn't nearly come as far as in Ukraine: . Yugoslavia is no more. Before 2008 we had a pro-NATO Georgia, and the North Caucasis unrest is like a slow never ending inflamation at our south-west. And now the West decides to take over the Ukraine.
But No! - says our government, and moves in our military forces.
Yes, we've been waiting for that for 20 years! - say our people.
We have a president Putin. He's been making incredible tricks to stay president for the last many years. We have a reason to condemn him. But now, considering what has happened, this all does not matter. As after what he has done, Putin can be forgiven. Because what he does, comes to the prosperity of Russia.