I never understood how people could think of nations and ethnicities as monolithic entities, all thinking the same thing and having the same goals. >___>
Like, seriously. Hypothetically racist, do you as a Russian agree with everything every other Russian or white guy does? No? What about the Russian government? Then why would all the Jews or Americans agree with everything other Jews or Americans do, or their governments?
And also: Why would being Jewish bend you towards sociopathy or world-domination any more than other religions or ethnicities could or would? :I Or whatever it is they think Jews are behind. (It's everything, right?)
And even if it's only the nations leaders: Let's say that the English government really is behind a lot of stuff... So would pretty much every other nations government, if they have the capability. Yours, mine, the Israelis, India, China, Japan, etc. Tea and monarchy do not make you more inclined to subterfuge and perfidiousness than beer and republicanism. No matter what the Scottish might tell you. It's something we have to keep an eye on and advocate for transparency to combat, not just go "IT'S THE ENGLISKI FAULT."
Even ideologies are not monolithic, and THAT'S something you can choose! Just look at how splintered all the communist parties in most countries are, or the diverse base of the American political parties...
It's just insanity and dissonance!