It is good that European Politicans want no war in my country. But I am afraid that they are ready to tolerate unacceptable things to ensure peace
Well, if we're being cynical, the most important short-term interest for the EU is not to get overrun by refugees in case of a civil war, which would probably happen with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania all bordering Ukraine. These countries seem to have been pushing for a more coherent approach by the EU and Poland has taken a leading position in the negotiations.
In terms of unacceptable seems like there is some urgency to find a solution before it all breaks down. Some things might be the price to end the bloodshed. Other things might still get done later. There are voices in the EU too who want to see Yanukovych in court. Tymoshenko got jailed after her term as Prime Minister too, so why not Yanukovych? (if he doesn't flee of course)
It's not that clear, but it looks like the opposition might agree to the compromise. Maybe there have been changes, initially the elections were proposed for next winter, which is obviously way too late for the protesters. It hasn't been signed yet, but looks like it will.
The Russian mediator doesn't want to sign the agreement either. Also there is some sabre-rattling over Crimea now, which means that a break-up of the country should better be prevented sooner than later.
Also the Vice-Chief of the army has resigned to prevent escalation. And there are more rumors about regime people leaving the country, protesters even try to contol access to the airports now, to see who's running off with his money.
Seems like the Maidan council has accepted the terms.
Terms are:
- coalition government in 10 days, with participation of the opposition
- return to 2004 constitution in 48 hours, constitutional reform until September
- presidential elections until December
I've read earlier that parliament is also debating amnesty, no idea if that's part of the deal.