MLP was a subject of convenience, I am ambivalent about adult MLP fans. I dont care either way. They were convenient, because the trolling has occured both ways, and their forums tend to be more akin to private clubs than open forums about the topic they present-- Fandom of MLP. Opposing lines of reasoning for adult fandom of MLP are just as on topic in that context as is lines of reasoning FOR adult fandom of MLP. The point that it is seen immediately as trolling is exactly the point I was getting at. It shouldn't be seen that way, IMHO.
I have absolutely no idea how this is relevant to anything you said. Clearly I failed to communicate something, because what you read certainly isn't related to what I wrote.
That you would choose to ignore such a viewpoint because it does not fit your personal scope of context, to me at least, indicates that you like to operate with the contextual tunnel vision I warned about-- it leads to dangerous places. I think you should reconsider the policy. Yes, seeing OT stuff can be annoying. That is not reason to ignore.
If it's proving a detriment to the conversation I am actually trying to have - yes, yes it is. If ignoring, and encouraging others to ignore, is the only way to keep the discussion productive instead of getting bogged down in a pointless tangent, it is very much worth ignoring. Because otherwise I can't have meaningful conversations at all, if any progress is going to be destroyed by derails and tangents before the conversation has gotten anywhere.
Productive interchanges require time and effort, and if you insist on posting in such a way so as to render worthless the time and effort others have put in should I engage with you, what should I do
other than ignore you? You have literally made yourself the least important person in the conversation by refusing to participate in the conversation, and on top of that you've made yourself kind of a jerk by saying the thing
you want to have a conversation about is
way more important than the thing people were already talking about.
I don't particularly care how badly you want to prove you're correct - it doesn't actually matter, if you're using a methodology in which rational and purposeful discussion becomes impossible.
Like with science, being
right is not even close to the most important condition for participation (in fact, it's one of the less important ones). Being
right is
completely worthless without context, rigor, and the ability to demonstrate that rightness to others, or at the very least the ability to act on that rightness to make meaningful change in the world (depending on what your goal is in regards to being right).
I'm not a charity worker, and it's not my job to address everyone on the internet with a worthless opinion, especially if they've shown themselves to be not worth the effort of engagement. I usually make an effort, but some people (like my personal troll, that oh so lazy dude cat) aren't interested in having anything approaching a rational discussion, and
I'm not interested in having a "fight" where people score "points", or in catering to others demands for attention for no reason beyond the fact that they desperately want people to pay attention to them.
Why should I want to have a conversation with someone who has demonstrated in inability to hold a conversation? It sounds like you're arguing that I should waste a lot more of my time than I already do for... some unclear purpose. What is it that I, or at least someone, would gain by following your policy? Is it actually likely to accomplish anything of value at all?And yeah, ignoring the bulk of my post to quibbly at details, and then misunderstanding the details, certainly makes me want to, if not outright ignore you, at least stop engaging with you. What's the point of putting work into writing these posts if the actual content is just going to be ignored? Your argument seems to be "I'm warning you about some bad thing!" - you need to actually argue why that thing is bad, and why I should care.