After the Great Interwebs Crash of 2014, the governments of the world attempted a crackdown upon the various fandoms that existed in the world. It was brutal, people died by the millions. Then, thankfully for the world, the Devotees of Armok got bored, and created a device using the Whovian TARDISes, the Potter's wands, the Dragonballs, Pokeballs, and exploitation of a pentagram in the pacific that was formed by shipping lanes, and transferred all the fans residing in the various fandoms to an entirely new planet. The Earth breathed a sigh of peace, just before it was revealed that the Devotees had left because they had sent the Gas Giants on a crash course with the sun. It has been centuries since then, and the population of the new world has dropped from the lack of infrastructure. However, it had taken only days after entrance into the new world for computers to be invented among the various groups of population scattered around the world, and the sum total of surviving flashdrives and hard disks allowed for a full library of the canon material of the fandom. Due to how long it has been, the fandoms have transcended into full blown religions based around the materials. Some, such as Homestuck, are based around the creator of the work, while others, such as Doctor Who, are based around the characters, and there are some, such as Dwarf Fortress, that are based around both, with the addition of notable members of the 'forums' that once existed. Due to a desire to desire to become closer to the material, genetic engineering was quickly made to cause the creation of all the races of legend. However, with the exception of the computers and genetic engineering, the world mostly behaves as if it is in the stone or bronze age.
It is into this world that you enter. There is only one question:
What do you do?Name:
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Post-signup: Include a bolded action in the same post as your sheet.
I have no idea what I am getting into...