Makeinu: that's what I thought you were addressing it to, I just had to be sure you weren't t implying that it meant there was only mafia and town. A question for you: do you think that the alignments have any relevance or can be interacted with? Or do you think that the whole thing is intended to lead us off course from the actual game?
I'm not convinced that the alignments correspond at all necessarily to any factions at all. In fact, I'll wager that they don't, given that the only thing we're told is that if we're not told we're Evil, we're not Evil.
Note, we're not told that we are anything else, just that we are or are not Evil. Not Good, not even NQT is Good except in the flavor text. Not Neutral, not Lawful, not Chaotic, not Purple, not Dragon, not Orc. Just Evil. And if not told Evil, then not Evil.
Should we also read a bunch into the whole conversation part where killing the meteor summoners is suggested and rejected? I will say that I know for sure there are votes, which means that we are clearly meant to identify and eliminate some group of people, and I can't see that as being ant group but the meteor summoners. My guess is we're supposed to catch them and make them reverse the rock summoning. And my guess is that Evil is the identifying characteristic.
As for third-party stuff, win conditions, whatever, that's on each individual player obviously. Unless we've a psychopath that has to eat all our livers or some such.