HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE GALA We're not doing this.
In eight days from now, the upcoming Queen will be introduced to the realm's nobles by the ruler of Sobia, a close friend to the belated King and one who arranged her ascension.
This game is very concerned not with the Princess herself, but with the forces behind the throne. The nobles did not take kindly to the succession law being broken in order to satisfy a Sobian fantasy of an united peninsula, and there are worries that the Queen will provide full support for their pointless as they call them wars time and time again, with only losses for the Kingdom itself. Having been shushed one time too many by the interfering forces, one by one they decide there's only one thing to be done.
There are the Royal Guards, whose single goal is to ensure the Queen is not harmed. There are various factions of assassins, then there are the people caught in the crossfire. This concludes the blurb of things everyone knows.
There will be two turns to a day, namely the day and night turns. This leads to 16 turns before the Gala itself occurs, during which a special sequence will activate. The contents of the special sequence will be influenced heavily by the preparations to the Gala itself.
All data will be distributed via PMs and all communications between players is to be passed through the GM unless otherwise permitted. Trading data covertly will both harm the spirit of the game and lead to you being kicked out if detected.
That said, the Princess herself will be controlled in this thread as if in a suggestion game, while actions - both day and night - are to be sent in via PM.
If you have any meta questions, ask them here. Otherwise, let us continue to the sheets:
Preferred Association: Guard/Assassin/Civilian (Does not mean you will receive it.)
That's it. You may additionally deliver a short bio I'll use if you get stabbed in the face and need a dramatic death sequence or something.
Note: I'm fairly aware it'll be hard to hit the 25 player limit. It's a best case scenario. We need at least 8 to begin properly, 6 if really needed as I'd have to cut a few things out. Still, I expect it to be a murderfest.