Is anyone playing the 1.0 release and getting an error during battle?
I'm on a terror mission and went through a few turns, but on the 4th turn or so it bugs out when the enemy moves and seems to freeze.
Are you using a mod ?
I'm asking because i read on the openxcom board several people reporting crashes, and not having them when they're playing without any mod.
Maybe there's a problem with the mod support in the current version (or some mods are very buggy)
I set up a file called "user" in the same directory as the data file, but the game didn't use it, even after removing
It's strange, on my system after i create a folder named user inside my opexcom directory i don't have a problem, the game will save inside that folder.
I remember some of the versions of windows may be very picky regarding user data being saved , depending on where you have your main game directory.
So maybe try to move the openxcom directory into C:\ directly just in case
I used to consider myself an X-Com Pro. I once had a game on the playstation last years upon years, I vaguely remember it being up to 2010. I was toying with the aliens at that point. I had an entire squad of soldiers that were downright superhuman, and my backup squads at other bases were no slouches either.
But now... Now I am getting my ass handed to me.
For people finding openxcom much harder than oldxcom, which level of difficulty are you playing it with ?
I remember oldxcom had a bug regarding the difficulty (you needed to use xcomutils to fix it) making it so that whatever difficulty level you selected, xcom just reverted to the lowest level of difficulty when playing.
As openxcom does not have such bug, you may be experiencing the real difficulty levels, while in the past you were playing without knowing on beginner level ( that was enough to kill half your squaddies by missions anyways