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Author Topic: So OpenX-Com...  (Read 232425 times)


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2235 on: October 16, 2023, 06:34:49 am »

I feel like in last versions of X-piratez attack probability affecting buildings work in reverse. I have a dungeon (jackass captain) in my main base that is supposed to increase frequency of attacks as a side effect, but it is my secondary base with three hideout shrouds that gets attacked every month without fail.
Also, there have been a new version, seemingly aiming to turn X-piratez into X-katzen with relevant starting recruitment choice. Although, most important part of that seems to be free-ish access to golden weaponry and cat space suits.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 07:41:46 am by MCreeper »


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2236 on: October 16, 2023, 09:40:03 am »

If I remember right, the dungeon actually globally increases crackdowns, not just for that base. The hideout shrouds should still be helping that other base, but RNG is RNG is my guess.

Difficulty (specifically 4 and 5) will also globally increase the rate, picking the Theban area for your first base increases the rate, while picking Male Touch decreases the rate (done in the name of balancing, since the male path is currently kind of weak).


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2237 on: November 20, 2023, 05:08:02 pm »

Good gravy. Third attempt at X-files goes down at about the same point - end of cults and start of second tier factions. While author is a lot less prone to random bullshit than Dioxine, he employs honest to god throwing of large numbers at the player until he can't deal with them anymore, as well as penalizing him severely for going both too slow and too fast. This time I unlocked Syndicate way too early (which is unlocked through Osiron, which is unlocked through innocous beach mission), before even promotion 3, and eventually was hit by base assault (with enemies that I could barely damage), then three consecutive, very tough and fast-expiring missions with 1000 score penalty each, then another base assault at the beginning of next month, at which point I gave up. Meanwhile, Black Lotus with unlocked HQ that I wasn't avtually able to storm started rabidly spamming infiltrations, which, I assume, mean base building.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 05:14:37 pm by MCreeper »


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2238 on: November 20, 2023, 08:28:04 pm »

Forgot to mention Rosigma got updated to version 2.4

requires OXCE 7.9.8,5258.0.html
and the 40K mod version 0.36

Spoiler: changelog (click to show/hide)

And Brutal OXCE (ex Brutal AI) , the excellent AI massive improvement is still regularly updated

should not be compatible with xpiratez from what i remember (as it use a custom version of OXCE if my memory does not betray me), but very likely compatible with every other mods or just vanilla play (work really great with 40K/Rosigma).
Brutal OXCE AI is very customisable with lots of options to make it a "chess grandmaster" or a very aggressive player hunter (enemy aggressiveness set to 4 should make it hunting your units very aggressively)

For 40K+Rosigma that add a lot more enemies by map (in comparison to vanilla) Brutal OXCE may turn each battle into a nightmare, in case  you find these too difficult to have fun you may then want to use "Halved and Three Quarter minimods for Brutal AI"  included in that minimod compilation :
« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 08:32:01 pm by Robsoie »


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2239 on: November 30, 2023, 07:02:01 pm »

Hi, it was only august 2022 when I acquired the original xcom in memory of a deceased friend and after playing the newer games that were free on epic. Slapped that on my smartphone, played pretty sporadically... Mostly because the missions are considerably less convenient to play on smartphone (tho it gets better once you put in some serious hours). Well my first campaign is nearing it's end and I can't believe just how good the game is, especially playing my savegame a bit on the PC was a real delight. Like the new xcoms are quite enjoyable games, but they're a straight downgrade compard to vanilla with tiniest bit of QOL changes. I've come to the conclusion that I will be playing a lot more, and that it would probably be a good idea if I ran two different things on mobile and PC, because transfering savegames over and over is just annoying, and half the time I simply dont do it and then I dont play as much as I might lowkey want to.

First of all whats the deal with that "extended" version of the openxcom client? What does it achieve that the skeleton of the base game couldn't?

So I am a notorious savescummer, I do it in every game I can't help myself. Anyway I'm aware xcom would be more enjoyable if I didn't. The thing is as a campaign ramps up and I progressed quite a bit, I usually yearn for it to be longer... But if I'm at the start of a super large stretch, I'd be way too concerned to lock my progress if I allow myself to loose to much. There are too many options, and it's kinda hard to learn about the crazy big mods, unless you full on dive into the details. Probably for the phone something that has a campaign length of 1-2 ingame years would be good (and that I don't mind restarting), whereas on the PC a giant total conversion (that I don't mind stretching forever even if that takes "cheating" a little) would be the better pick... On the phone it would probably best to have something that is forgiving to just trying stuff out (whereas on the PC I don't mind having a wiki open at all times), but that can easily be put on it's head if the early game is so varied and fun that handling it as a roguelike/hardcore/ironman is actually more rewarding... Long story short, I don't mind spending a lot of time, but I hate feeling like I wasted it. I guess I just list a bunch of my concerns and then whoever wants can advise me accordingly:

-I'm interested in terror from the deep, but I heard that it leans much more into the tedious parts... Like if I start loosing my guys after frantically searching the map for the last lost npc, I'll be savescumming for sure. Alltogether there seem to be enough other options to skip this one, or is it required to run a bunch of mods?
-Is there were a mod that combines all the content of the vanilla xcom and terror from the deep, with just a minimum of additions, no more than required to make it all cohesive, that might very much interest me tho. (Basically the wet dream of my deceased friend, he probably wasn't aware of all the mods)
-I heard there is collection of mods that's sort of an expanded version of the basegame without being a total conversion... Which one would that be?
-My first instinct would be to "expand" the game, rather than convert, but you people are the experts if you tell me something's better I'll probably believe it, that was just fyi.
-So x-files, is like a relatively lore friendly total conversion, that should last 5-6 ingame years, and can be unforgiving if you screw up the research right? Basically builds upon the original but far exceeds it in scale right?
-Whereas x-piratez is at least as big as that, and then some more... I'm a little turned off by how funky it is... But if like 4 in 5 tell me that's what makes it so much more fun, I can see the appeal.
-I like warhammer, kinda prefer fantasy over 40k tho I've heard that a typical campaign will kind of have an ideal length for mobile... So I guess if on PC I go for the super serious xfiles that's kinda in theme with the original... something more flashy might be a welcome change on mobile.
-The real question is, does playing piratez without the "extended client" take away a lot from the best experience that could be had with piratez? Not sure if modding that hard would run or run well on the phone.

Yuck such ramblings, but I've postponed posting this for a few days now, it had to be done, any thoughts anybody?


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2240 on: December 01, 2023, 12:26:43 am »

Excuse me for being unhelpful, but "tiniest bit of QOL changes"? For all of the modders' crap, nothing drives me up the wall more than mod-exacerbated base game annoyances.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hell, savescumming. For a long time I didn't believe it is possible to actually beat X-piratez without cheats.
X-files sure is unforgiving, as you can see. Not sure just how lore-friendly can it be with freakcultists, even more evil corpos, ghost conjurers, reptiloids and whatever the hell that I haven't seen yet added to the mix.
X-piratez is a lot less frantic. If you survive first year (already considerably easier), you are highly unlikely to lose "in long term", in most versions including current one. Short term, though... Wackyness and boobs are up to taste, obviously. They do add to a game for me, if there is something to add to. :P

Terror from the deep is not required to run X-files, piratez or warhammer, at least.
Checked, piratez does not even start on normal openxcom.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 01:01:38 am by MCreeper »


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2241 on: December 01, 2023, 12:58:05 am »

Yeah, at this point OXCE has a pretty vast plethora of (optional for mod) features that XPZ makes a fair bit of use of. E.g. the 'freshness' system (or sanity in XCF) is the mana system in OXCE. There's also a lot of UI modernization.

OXCE is designed so that original X-COM will still run very close to as original if you're playing that, but with the additional ability to bring in lots of new features and QOL.


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2242 on: December 01, 2023, 06:15:10 am »

No idea about how it is on smartphones as i play only on pc, but for openxcom vs oxce the main point is that if you want to play one of the more or less big mods oxce is basically a requirement for them.

x-piratez comes with its own custom version of oxce if i remember well.

for more of the vanilla gameplay, there's the "final mod pack" that expand the game but does not change its original gameplay as much as other mods do.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 06:18:16 am by Robsoie »


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2243 on: December 01, 2023, 07:47:19 am »

Ah, see the naming schemes are xbox levels of annoying. I actually am running oxce on the phone. I had to double check and actually read the icon again just now (turquoise skull), and i also checked that to search for my pc client to ensure savegame compatibility, because I suppose I had the plain openx at one point and encountered compatibility issues (tho that's over a year back now, presumably i never fixed it back then)...Anyway I'm pretty sure on pc its a red skull and its called open xcom extended, so that definitly doesn't help.

Yes pretty sure final mod pack is the thing I heard about ty. Did you try it, is it good? So there is no project that stands out for merging the old games right?

So oxce is a requirement for some mods, but reversely, would smaller mods still run on the fancier client?

MCreeper was that a plaidoyer for the new xcom games or didn't I understand you fully? See with most of my playtime on touchscreen, hovering the mouse seems like a luxury to me... On mobile I gotta fatfinger the same tiny spot twice or walk somewhere else if I loose patience, hills are a real challenge, but I've gotten quite good at it. Turns out not being able to scroll on keyboard is worse, really breaks the flow and slows you down.

Which color bar would the freshness be? I know TU I know hp and I'm starting to grasp the orange bar slowly, is freshness pink? TBH Im wondering when Im going to get to the psy stuff... I allready abducted a commander or two, ultimate crafts are incoming... I could probably initiate the steps towards the final mission but im lingering and again, where psybanana.


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2244 on: December 01, 2023, 09:12:34 am »

MCreeper was that a plaidoyer for the new xcom games or didn't I understand you fully?

Which color bar would the freshness be? I know TU I know hp and I'm starting to grasp the orange bar slowly, is freshness pink? TBH Im wondering when Im going to get to the psy stuff... I allready abducted a commander or two, ultimate crafts are incoming... I could probably initiate the steps towards the final mission but im lingering and again, where psybanana.
A pent up rant, pretty much unrelated to anything you said. Also, somehow thought that "QoL changes" refer to newcom's. Derp.

Blue one, which doesn't exist in vanilla. Pink is morale.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 09:41:31 am by MCreeper »

Rince Wind

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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2245 on: December 01, 2023, 09:27:24 am »

A lot of the QoL comes from openxcom, the base game never had much in that way. Not as relevant on mobile of course, but a big one for me are keyboard shortcuts. And the possibility to open a door without going through at the same time, which was only introduced in TftD.

For me old and newcom are just different games. You can't blow up half the map in the newer games because you can't carry enough explosives and those that you do have usually have a smaller blast zone, but for me it feels really good to use multiple special abilities on the same turn and make them work together in a way that oldcom can't, because the soldiers here are mostly differentiated by their loadout.

Also Enemy Within with the Longwar mod is excellent. Longwar 2 isn't as good in my opinion, but it has been long since I tried it.


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2246 on: December 01, 2023, 01:44:47 pm »

for a UFO and TFTD merge, i noticed there's this :

no idea how playable or complete it is, but from the description it does not seem to be purely UFO+TFTD merge but also adds a bunch of other mods to it


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2247 on: December 01, 2023, 02:38:05 pm »

That's a great lead thanks. It seems the added mods are well thought through... But looking for the standalone hybrid mod, what happened?


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2248 on: December 19, 2023, 01:35:38 am »

Xpiratez had an update a few days ago.
FINISHED original composition:

Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit


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Re: So OpenX-Com...
« Reply #2249 on: December 19, 2023, 04:44:33 pm »

These are some interesting patchnotes. Almost makes me want to start a fresh run, but I'm in a good part in my current one...

- Early Game Change: lots of weak enemy ground craft to fight with
Ooh, this sounds great. There were already a number of early player craft that were so slow as to be essentially useless. More early-game interception gameplay sounds very promising and might give a reason to make some of those.

- Gal salaries raised to $40k (Young Ubers, Warriors, Veterans) and $20k (Freaks). Bugeyes' to $25k.
- Monthly limits added to recruitment: Young Ubers 8, Warriors 4, Veterans 1, Freaks 3
- Establishing new Hideouts now requires researching it
I like the hiring caps, though if I'm not mistaken that's a significant jump in salary for Young Ubers and Warriors.

And the rest all looks pretty neat too.
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