Name: Dirk Brown
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Level: 01 Exp: 0/1,000
Statistics – Must equal 40 to be considered a complete application
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 7
Luck: 7
Derived Statistics – Will be filled out by qualified Vault-tec representative. Letters will be placed next to each stat to show which Statistic will increase the starting level.
Hit Points: [STR,END] – How much damage you can take before you die. When this reaches 0, you die.
Armor Class: [AGI] – How difficult it is to hit your character. Can be increased via armor.
Action Points: [AGI] – How many actions you can take per round of combat. [See combat]
Melee Damage: [STR] – How much extra damage you do with melee or unarmed attacks.
Damage Res: 0% - How much damage is absorbed by your armor. Has a max of 95%
Radiation Res: [END]% – How much radiation affects you.
Poison Res: [END]% - How likely you are to avoid getting poisoned.
Sequence: [PER] – Affects which side goes first in combat. [See combat]
Healing Rate: [END] – Every 24 hours you gain this much health back. Every 6 hours while resting.
Critical Chance: [LUK] – How likely you are to do critical damage with any given weapon.
Carry Weight: [STR] – How much equipment you can carry before you are immobilized.
Personal Health Record – Will be monitored by your pip-boy and need not be manually tracked.
-Sickness Stats: These range from [None/Slight/Moderate/Very/Extreme] from best to worst-
Poison: Causes your health to degenerate over time. Will fade over time and comes from animals or poorly prepared food. Higher doses of poison will cause your health to fade faster.
Radiation: Can lower you SPECIAL skills until it is purged. If you reach Extreme you will die a slow and painful death. This can only be cured through prevention or certain medicines. Higher doses of Radiation will cause your SPECIAL skills to be depleted more severely.
-Limb Stats: These range from Fine/Hurt/Crippled/Missing. They can be healed via the doctor skill. You cannot recover a Missing limb however.-
Left/Right Eye: With this eye Hurt you will have your perception lowered by -1. With it Crippled or Missing it will be lowered by -2. If both eyes are Crippled or Missing your Perception and Agility will be lowered to 1.
Left/Right Arm: Hurt bestows no negative effects. If one arm is Crippled/Missing you can no longer use 2-handed weapons or dual wield weaponry. Furthermore you strength receives a -1 modifier. If both arms are Crippled/Missing you cannot use any weaponry and your strength gains a -6 modifier.
Left/Right Leg: Hurt bestows no negative effects. If one leg is Crippled/Missing you move half as quickly. If both legs are Crippled/Missing you cannot move at all unless another character is carrying you.
Misc – Follow instructions next to each heading.
Traits: Bloody Mess, Chem Resistant
Perks: [0 are available at character creation. After certain levels are reached your pip-boy will alert you that ‘A perk has been gained!’ during the level-up process. A perk’s existence is only revealed to you if you or one of your allies are capable of taking it.]
Karma: 0 [Karma begins at 0 for all characters. Behaving nobly will increase it up to a max of 10 while behaving like a dirty communist will lower it to a minimum of -10. This affects how certain characters react to you. Characters of similar Karma rating will react better to you while characters of opposite karma polarity will react negatively. The effects of Karma are, thankfully, rather minor but it is something you should be aware of.]
Repuation (City): 0 (Nobody) [Similar to Karma reputation exists on a scale of -10 to 10. Treating a group of people well increases this value while behaving negatively can lower it. Reputation has a much more tangible effect however. Consult the Reputation scale further in the Survival Guide in order to better understand the effects it could have.]
Kills: 0 [This card shows how many kills you have made. Notable kills are included in this section but will be listed below it. Say you killed your pet Radscorpion. Oops! Well unfortunately no matter how much you try to hide it the deed will always be listed in your pip-boy as: Kills: 1 [Notable: Slimy the Radscorpion]. So do be careful whom you point your killing powers at.]
Skills: Will be filled out by certified Vault-Tec Representative. However you must select 3 skills to “tag”. Tagging increases the stats starting amount by 20% and causes it to grow twice as fast during the Level Up process. All skills have a maximum amount of 300.
Combat Skills
Small Guns :

[Initially based off Agility]TAG
Big Guns:

[Initially based off Agility]
Energy Weapons :

[Initially based off Agility]
Unarmed :

[Initially based off of Agility and Strength]
Melee Weapons:

[Initially based off of Agility and Strength]
Throwing :

[Initially based off of Agility]
Medical Skills
First aid:

[Initially based off Intelligence and Perception]

[Initially based off Intelligence and Perception]
Theft Skills [These are not condoned by Vault-Tec and may result in loss of Karma, Reputation or Life]

[Initially based off of Agility]

[Initially based off of Perception and Agility]
Steal :

[Initially based off of Agility]

[Initially based off of Perception and Agility]
Misc. Skills

[Initially based off of Intelligence]

[Initially based off of Intelligence]

[Initially based off of Charisma]TAG

[Initially based off of Charisma]TAG

[Initially based off of Luck]

[Initially based off of Endurance and Intelligence]
Inventory (Starting inventory will be determined by your TAG skills.)
Inventory: [Weight of Current Inventory/Total Carrying Weight]
Total Weight: 0 lbs.
Vault-Tec Personnel Background Check
In order to be accepted into Vault 222 you must fill out the following to the best of your knowledge. These may seems much less important than the previous however in the interest of Vault Security they are actually some of the most important information you could give. Any falsifying on your part will result in immediate termination of your Vault 222 residency.
Personnel Appearance: Brown eyes and black hair. I look a bit more fat than the others, at least that's what I've heard.
Personnel Personality: I'm friendly and like to make jokes every now and then. I get angry quite quickly, too.
Personnel Background: Well, I'm one of the guards. I'm a good shot, but not as tough or strong than the other guards. I guess I just got real lucky, though I heard the others say that the chief or hell, even the overseer took a liking to me. The others are always creeped out at how I always make a big mess when shooting something.