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Author Topic: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game  (Read 63978 times)


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #945 on: June 10, 2014, 06:45:36 pm »

Well as it stands the current change of rules [very little] can be found here. You WON'T be starting in a vault. But I jsut want you guys to look at the traits [mostly] and make sure they're acceptable to you. ALSO, I'd like you to suggest other traits or changes before I go through with this.

Quote from: Da Rules
Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Forum Game

[Flavor hidden]

Character Creation
In order to participate in the world after nuclear Armageddon you will require a player character. How do you make one? Simply fill out the following sheet:
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Known Traits
These are documented traits that have been observed within the wastelands.  During character creation you can select up to 2 traits. All traits have a positive and a negative effect. Note that some traits are mutually exclusive. These will be noted via underlined text.

Bloody Mess: Your attacks are always all out. You can cause a lot more damage but you rarely cause a critical hit.Finesse
Bruiser: Your large, muscular frame is almost freakish and causes you to hit a lot harder. However, you seem to be slightly less intelligent than others. Small Frame.
Chem Resistant: You don’t see the point in chem-use. You’ve tried them but you find it boring. Maybe others see something you don’t?
Conqueror:  You love combat! You seek it out at every opportunity. Unfortunately, your blood-lust has led to your other skills deteriorating over time.
 Fast Metabolism: Your metabolic rate is abnormally high. You are thinner, heal faster, and seem to exude an aura of health no matter what you eat. You lucky bastard.
Fast Shot: You don’t have time for fancy trick shots. After all, if you plug the enemy full of holes before they can even draw their gun who is the real winner? Steady Shot
 Finesse: Few are more graceful than you with a weapon. Unfortunately you’ve sacrificed power for this level of skill.
Ghoulified: You have come into contact with large amounts of radiation. More than enough to kill a normal person. But you are no longer normal. Your flesh has melted off  the bone and you look like a walking corpse. But there are some fringe benefits. You don’t get sun-burned for example… Super Mutant.
Gifted: Others learned skills, you were born with attributes. Things come easy to you, but you feel like your coasting through life will come back to bite you. Skilled.
Good Natured: You don’t yearn for combat and prefer peaceful solutions. Outside of a fight you are THE person to talk to. In a fight… Not so much.
Jinxed: Nothing ever seems to go right for you… Or the person next to you… or anyone you’ve ever seen for that matter… It’s almost as if there is a curse centered on you that destroys luck.
 Kamikaze: You attack first and often. You are always the first into a fight. Unfortunately your reckless nature often means you are also the first out of the fight.
One Hander: One of your hands is very dominant. You can use one handed weapons with great skill! Unfortunately the second you try to include your other hand into the mix you find that everything goes down-hill quickly.
Skilled: You don’t rely on your natural gifts to succeed. Mainly because you have none! Your natural states is a despicable thing indeed. Thankfully long years of practice have resulted in you being somewhat acceptable in other matters. Gifted
Small Frame: Be you slim or short you are much smaller than other people. You don’t let this slow you down however. In fact, you are much faster for not having to carry around a lot of bulk. Bruiser
Steady Shot: You don’t like wasting bullets so you try to make each shot count. Some may prefer firing more often but that only leaves them with a knife when a deathclaw comes creeping about. Unfortunately you seem to have some trouble if firing on the move.
Super Mutant: You don’t know how you came to be like this. You don’t remember much about your life prior to becoming this hulking humanoid. You easily dwarf even the tallest of humans and could out-wrestle them all. Unfortunately their words hurt your head… Your skin is also an interesting color… But still, you’ve managed to make a decent living out here in the wasteland… Or so your smarter friends tell you.

Combat: Or Resolving Differences via Alternative Methodry
Combat is unavoidable in the wasteland. It will occur when attacked or when you initiate an attack. Combat follows the following flowchart:
Quote from: Usual Combat Flowchart
A.   Combat is initiated.
B.   Sequence for both sides is rolled (d20+Sequence of random member of side)
C.   Side with the highest sequence goes first, followed by 2nd highest, then 3rd, etc. etc.
a.   The members of each side go in order of their Sequence modifier in descending order. Members with matching Sequence modifiers roll a die. Highest goes first.
D.   If any members of an opposing side remain repeat B and C until only one side remains.
E.   The Victorious side gains experience and may continue on however they wish.
But we at Vault-Tec feel we should further go into how combat works. But first you should know what actions are available to you during combat.

See the following for actions you can take on your turn:
Quote from: Combat Actions
Walking – 1 AP per Space Moved
Attacking - # AP (Varies from Weapon to Weapon)
Targeted Attack - +1 AP (In addition to the weapons normal cost)
Reload Weapon – 2 AP
Access Inventory – 4 AP (This involves switching weapons, using chems, or anything else not in your hands currently.)
Other Actions – 3 AP (This involves moving rocks, picking up a weapon from the ground, etc. etc.)
Walking is rather self evident. You can move any amount of spaces during your turn so long as you do not end your turn in the same square as anyone else. You can move through the same square as your allies however you must walk around enemies. You can also attempt to Sneak by using the sneaking skill. This may allow you to move undetected. Attacks made while sneaking have a +5% chance to critical hits. Unfortunately if you are noticed while sneaking your turn will end immediately.

Attacking is a bit harder. You should analyze the weapon you have for more details on how best to use it but in general the theory holds something like this: You select a target to attack, you roll a d100 for chance to hit. If you roll at or below your “Chance to Hit (CtH)” you successfully hit them and they take damage. CtH is affected by light level, distance from target, and proficiency with your weapon. Aimed shots work similarly however you can target a specific spot on your enemy for a variety of effects depending on weapon. Try out a variety of attacks to find the one you like best.
Quote from: Overseer’s Note on Criticals
Every person has a chance to do a Critical Hit. This could be anything from increased damage [1.5x, 2x, or even 3x on very lucky shots], Crippling a Limb [Only on targeted shots], Ignoring the Targets Armor, Knocking the Target out, or Knocking the Target over. This is rolled independently of CtH and Damage.

Unfortunately you also have a chance to suffer a critical failure. If your CtH roll fails you make a second roll. If that one also fails you will suffer a Critical Failure. This can include Running out of Ammo, Jamming your Gun, Losing all of your remaining AP, Dropping your Weapon, or even your weapon exploding! If this wasn’t bad enough you can also see other critical failures!

Reload Weapon is simple. Most firearms, and some rare melee weapons, rely on ammunition or energy cells to function. Once the clip/cell is spent you must replace it with a fresh one or else you cannot attack. Simply reload in order be able to attack again.

Access Inventory is vital! As you can only have one weapon prepared at a time you might find that another would be better suited to your situation. Thus you can rummage through your backpack/holsters/holding container in order to fetch a new one or grab a stim-pack. Regardless finding your equipment takes time. If you do not have enough AP you may have to deal with making an unarmed strike [Always an option] instead of using your brand new chainsaw.

Other can be anything else! Vault-Tec cannot think of everything. Perhaps you want to eat a bullet or talk to your opponent or open a sewer grating or climb down a ladder. This can mean almost anything other than what has already been explained.

Armor Class Bonus is also an option. Sometimes you do not want or cannot take another action that would be tactically sound and so you must wait. Thankfully this grants you a small bonus to your Armor Class. For each unspent action point at the end of your turn you gain +1 to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Frequently Asked Questions
No matter how long the supplies in your vault last one day you will be required to leave it in order to reestablish America and defeat any remaining communists on the planet. Set below are several Frequently Asked Questions that should cover some of the basics:

What’s up with the colored text?:

That depends. If it is within quotation marks that means that someone is speaking. People who use the same colored text sound like eachother. If it is an item or weapon name it denotes what skill is used with the weapon or if it is an armor or some other type of item. The weapons are colored thusly:

Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Armor, Misc. Items, Chems, or other items that don’t fall into an earlier category.

Furthermore all colored text, aside from speech can be moused over to show more details. Give it a try! But not here…

What actions can I take?
Any and all actions you can think of! Part of life after the nuclear devastation is being able to adapt. Generally actions wills proceed like this:
1.   The player will state the action  they wish to take in bold.
2.   Their character will attempt to perform that action. If they are unable to they will do the action as closely as possible.
a.   Actions with a meaningful chance of failure will rely on a SPECIAL stat, tools, or a skill in order to accomplish it.
3.   The Mod will post the results in the forum.

Let’s take an example shall we?

Little Jimmy wants a cookie from the cookie jar. Oh that rapscallion. Unfortunately his mom has placed the jar atop the counter [just out of Little Jimmy’s reach]! How will our hero prevail? Well in this case we’ll assume Little Jimmy is an agile sneakster.

Little Jimmy might say he wants to Sneak up to the counter and try to climb to the cookies. Good plan Jimmy! Let’s see if that works out for you.

Obviously he wants to sneak so his sneak skill will be pitted against his mom’s Perception. We’ll skip any complications and say that he succeeds. Sneaking over to the counter he now much climb up the counter. As there are no skills for climbing he’ll have to rely on his Agility Stat to do so. Again we’ll say this works for him.

Congratulations Little Jimmy you have succeeded in your mission!

How do I gain EXP?
By completing quests or killing/knocking out enemies.

How do I move?

In most instances you simply treat movement like any other action. Meaning you bold what you want to do. However when you’re trying to move on the Overmap [The Map covering the entirety of the world available to you] it’s a little different. You can either denote locations [I.E. Go to Vault 222], Directions [Head East until…], Specific squares [Go to ZZ24], or simply state you want to explore [This will make your group head into unexplored hexes].

Be warned however that moving through the Overmap is dangerous. Each Grid square has a possibility of a Random Event which could be anything from Merchants to Bandits to Mutants. It is a necessary evil however. You can ask to see the available “Overmap” at any time and the Overseer will send all relevant data to your pipboy.

How Do I Get More Non-Vault-Tec Equipment?
There will likely be several ways. Scavenging the bones of civilization for what you need, purchasing it from roaming traders (Using whatever primitive currency they have), or even stripping the cannibals who thought they might have you for supper. In short: You can find equipment in almost any area so long as you are clever and keep an open mind.
Quote from: Overseer’s Note
You could also steal it. The wasteland savages don’t need it as much as you. Just try not to get caught.

What about...?

Any further questions can be posited directly to a Vault-Tec representative who will answer your question AND add it to the FAQ if needed.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #946 on: June 10, 2014, 07:06:53 pm »

Good natured says -10% to non-combat skills, which is presumably a typo.

Maybe conqueror should also apply a malus to repair and science? They don't have too much to do with direct warfare.

Trying to think of some new ones. Hmm.

EDIT: Can critical hits cripple without being aimed shots?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #947 on: June 10, 2014, 07:13:45 pm »

I can do that.

And yes, critical hits have a chance to cripple limbs without being aimed shots. Thought the chance is negligable.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #948 on: June 10, 2014, 07:49:48 pm »

Because looking at finesse, unless they do +200% damage every 10 shots they don't even break even in damage, thinking about it. If the weapon's only 1.5x damage, it's more than likely to make you do less damage overall.

What are the critical hit multipliers for energy weapons?
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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #949 on: June 10, 2014, 07:53:36 pm »

Hm... A decent point. And the critical multipliers are different for every weapon. Unless otherwise specified the critical multiplier is going to be x2. The highest is x5 and the lowest is currently x1.5.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #950 on: June 10, 2014, 08:01:44 pm »

How many bonus skill points do you get per level of intelligence?
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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #951 on: June 10, 2014, 08:19:24 pm »

Im thinking about remaking my character so I can make him a super mutant, is that ok, or do you want me to keep my current character so its easier?
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."

Just goes to show, even a Male Doctor that Looks Like a Female and a Criminal with Poor Hygiene Habits can fall in love.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #952 on: June 11, 2014, 07:04:39 am »

Can I keep my previous sheet? Obviously, I won't keep any items I got before, but I can keep my first sheet, right?


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #953 on: June 11, 2014, 03:24:30 pm »

How many bonus skill points do you get per level of intelligence?

The exact formula is (2*Intelligence)+5. So 2.

Im thinking about remaking my character so I can make him a super mutant, is that ok, or do you want me to keep my current character so its easier?

Go for it. I don't really expect people to keep th-

Can I keep my previous sheet? Obviously, I won't keep any items I got before, but I can keep my first sheet, right?

Oh, well yes. You are allowed to keep the original sheet. I don't have a strong feeling about it one way or the other. New character or old, most are welcome. Just no like... flaming penis fencers if you please. Keep it somewhat in-world is all I ask.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #954 on: June 11, 2014, 03:44:17 pm »

In that case... Could modify my sheet a bit?

Strength: 4
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 10
Luck: 10

With gifted replacing small frame.
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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #955 on: June 11, 2014, 04:07:47 pm »

Seems fine, but please submit a complete sheet. And wait for the flavor. At this rate though the game might go up as early as later today with Friday being the latest it'll go up.
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #956 on: June 11, 2014, 04:44:26 pm »

AH, i was thinking you'd change the sheet I gave you already. I'll submit a more flavoured sheet when we get more details, then.
You fool. Don't you understand?
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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #957 on: June 11, 2014, 04:46:08 pm »

I recommend changing ghoulified back.
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #958 on: June 11, 2014, 04:49:24 pm »

I don't know... I sorta want the charisma loss to be a permanent thing. Perhaps a -1 to Strength, Endurance, and Charisma instead? it's a bit more spread out... I dunno. Definitely a -1 to Charisma at all times though...

Anyways, here's the more recent version of the rules:

Quote from: Da Rules
Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Forum Game


Character Creation
In order to participate in the world after nuclear Armageddon you will require a player character. How do you make one? Simply fill out the following sheet:
Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Quote from: Known Traits
These are documented traits that have been observed within the wastelands.  During character creation you can select up to 2 traits. All traits have a positive and a negative effect. Note that some traits are mutually exclusive. These will be noted via underlined text.

Bloody Mess: Your attacks are always all out. You can cause a lot more damage but you rarely cause a critical hit.Finesse
Bruiser: Your large, muscular frame is almost freakish and causes you to hit a lot harder. However, you seem to be slightly less intelligent than others. Small Frame.
Chem Resistant: You don’t see the point in chem-use. You’ve tried them but you find it boring. Maybe others see something you don’t?
Conqueror:  You love combat! You seek it out at every opportunity. Unfortunately, your blood-lust has led to your other skills deteriorating over time.
 Fast Metabolism: Your metabolic rate is abnormally high. You are thinner, heal faster, and seem to exude an aura of health no matter what you eat. You lucky bastard.
Fast Shot: You don’t have time for fancy trick shots. After all, if you plug the enemy full of holes before they can even draw their gun who is the real winner? Steady Shot
 Finesse: Few are more graceful than you with a weapon. Unfortunately you’ve sacrificed power for this level of skill.
Ghoulified: You have come into contact with large amounts of radiation. More than enough to kill a normal person. But you are no longer normal. Your flesh has melted off  the bone and you look like a walking corpse. But there are some fringe benefits. You don’t get sun-burned for example… Super Mutant.
Gifted: Others learned skills, you were born with attributes. Things come easy to you, but you feel like your coasting through life will come back to bite you. Skilled.
Good Natured: You don’t yearn for combat and prefer peaceful solutions. Outside of a fight you are THE person to talk to. In a fight… Not so much.
Jinxed: Nothing ever seems to go right for you… Or the person next to you… or anyone you’ve ever seen for that matter… It’s almost as if there is a curse centered on you that destroys luck.
 Kamikaze: You attack first and often. You are always the first into a fight. Unfortunately your reckless nature often means you are also the first out of the fight.
One Hander: One of your hands is very dominant. You can use one handed weapons with great skill! Unfortunately the second you try to include your other hand into the mix you find that everything goes down-hill quickly.
Skilled: You don’t rely on your natural gifts to succeed. Mainly because you have none! Your natural states is a despicable thing indeed. Thankfully long years of practice have resulted in you being somewhat acceptable in other matters. Gifted
Small Frame: Be you slim or short you are much smaller than other people. You don’t let this slow you down however. In fact, you are much faster for not having to carry around a lot of bulk. Bruiser
Steady Shot: You don’t like wasting bullets so you try to make each shot count. Some may prefer firing more often but that only leaves them with a knife when a deathclaw comes creeping about. Unfortunately you seem to have some trouble if firing on the move.
Super Mutant: You don’t know how you came to be like this. You don’t remember much about your life prior to becoming this hulking humanoid. You easily dwarf even the tallest of humans and could out-wrestle them all. Unfortunately their words hurt your head… Your skin is also an interesting color… But still, you’ve managed to make a decent living out here in the wasteland… Or so your smarter friends tell you.

Combat: Or Resolving Differences via Alternative Methodry
Combat is unavoidable in the wasteland. It will occur when attacked or when you initiate an attack. Combat follows the following flowchart:
Quote from: Usual Combat Flowchart
A.   Combat is initiated.
B.   Sequence for both sides is rolled (d20+Sequence of random member of side)
C.   Side with the highest sequence goes first, followed by 2nd highest, then 3rd, etc. etc.
a.   The members of each side go in order of their Sequence modifier in descending order. Members with matching Sequence modifiers roll a die. Highest goes first.
D.   If any members of an opposing side remain repeat B and C until only one side remains.
E.   The Victorious side gains experience and may continue on however they wish.
But we at Vault-Tec feel we should further go into how combat works. But first you should know what actions are available to you during combat.

See the following for actions you can take on your turn:
Quote from: Combat Actions
Walking – 1 AP per Space Moved
Attacking - # AP (Varies from Weapon to Weapon)
Targeted Attack - +1 AP (In addition to the weapons normal cost)
Reload Weapon – 2 AP
Access Inventory – 4 AP (This involves switching weapons, using chems, or anything else not in your hands currently.)
Other Actions – 3 AP (This involves moving rocks, picking up a weapon from the ground, etc. etc.)
Walking is rather self evident. You can move any amount of spaces during your turn so long as you do not end your turn in the same square as anyone else. You can move through the same square as your allies however you must walk around enemies. You can also attempt to Sneak by using the sneaking skill. This may allow you to move undetected. Attacks made while sneaking have a +5% chance to critical hits. Unfortunately if you are noticed while sneaking your turn will end immediately.

Attacking is a bit harder. You should analyze the weapon you have for more details on how best to use it but in general the theory holds something like this: You select a target to attack, you roll a d100 for chance to hit. If you roll at or below your “Chance to Hit (CtH)” you successfully hit them and they take damage. CtH is affected by light level, distance from target, and proficiency with your weapon. Aimed shots work similarly however you can target a specific spot on your enemy for a variety of effects depending on weapon. Try out a variety of attacks to find the one you like best.
Quote from: Overseer’s Note on Criticals
Every person has a chance to do a Critical Hit. This could be anything from increased damage [1.5x, 2x, or even 3x on very lucky shots], Crippling a Limb [Only on targeted shots], Ignoring the Targets Armor, Knocking the Target out, or Knocking the Target over. This is rolled independently of CtH and Damage.

Unfortunately you also have a chance to suffer a critical failure. If your CtH roll fails you make a second roll. If that one also fails you will suffer a Critical Failure. This can include Running out of Ammo, Jamming your Gun, Losing all of your remaining AP, Dropping your Weapon, or even your weapon exploding! If this wasn’t bad enough you can also see other critical failures!

Reload Weapon is simple. Most firearms, and some rare melee weapons, rely on ammunition or energy cells to function. Once the clip/cell is spent you must replace it with a fresh one or else you cannot attack. Simply reload in order be able to attack again.

Access Inventory is vital! As you can only have one weapon prepared at a time you might find that another would be better suited to your situation. Thus you can rummage through your backpack/holsters/holding container in order to fetch a new one or grab a stim-pack. Regardless finding your equipment takes time. If you do not have enough AP you may have to deal with making an unarmed strike [Always an option] instead of using your brand new chainsaw.

Other can be anything else! Vault-Tec cannot think of everything. Perhaps you want to eat a bullet or talk to your opponent or open a sewer grating or climb down a ladder. This can mean almost anything other than what has already been explained.

Armor Class Bonus is also an option. Sometimes you do not want or cannot take another action that would be tactically sound and so you must wait. Thankfully this grants you a small bonus to your Armor Class. For each unspent action point at the end of your turn you gain +1 to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Frequently Asked Questions
No matter how long the supplies in your vault last one day you will be required to leave it in order to reestablish America and defeat any remaining communists on the planet. Set below are several Frequently Asked Questions that should cover some of the basics:

What’s up with the colored text?:

That depends. If it is within quotation marks that means that someone is speaking. People who use the same colored text sound like eachother. If it is an item or weapon name it denotes what skill is used with the weapon or if it is an armor or some other type of item. The weapons are colored thusly:

Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Armor, Misc. Items, Chems, or other items that don’t fall into an earlier category.

Furthermore all colored text, aside from speech can be moused over to show more details. Give it a try! But not here…

What actions can I take?
Any and all actions you can think of! Part of life after the nuclear devastation is being able to adapt. Generally actions wills proceed like this:
1.   The player will state the action  they wish to take in bold.
2.   Their character will attempt to perform that action. If they are unable to they will do the action as closely as possible.
a.   Actions with a meaningful chance of failure will rely on a SPECIAL stat, tools, or a skill in order to accomplish it.
3.   The Mod will post the results in the forum.

Let’s take an example shall we?

Little Jimmy wants a cookie from the cookie jar. Oh that rapscallion. Unfortunately his mom has placed the jar atop the counter [just out of Little Jimmy’s reach]! How will our hero prevail? Well in this case we’ll assume Little Jimmy is an agile sneakster.

Little Jimmy might say he wants to Sneak up to the counter and try to climb to the cookies. Good plan Jimmy! Let’s see if that works out for you.

Obviously he wants to sneak so his sneak skill will be pitted against his mom’s Perception. We’ll skip any complications and say that he succeeds. Sneaking over to the counter he now much climb up the counter. As there are no skills for climbing he’ll have to rely on his Agility Stat to do so. Again we’ll say this works for him.

Congratulations Little Jimmy you have succeeded in your mission!

How do I gain EXP?
By completing quests or killing/knocking out enemies.

How do I move?

In most instances you simply treat movement like any other action. Meaning you bold what you want to do. However when you’re trying to move on the Overmap [The Map covering the entirety of the world available to you] it’s a little different. You can either denote locations [I.E. Go to Vault 222], Directions [Head East until…], Specific squares [Go to ZZ24], or simply state you want to explore [This will make your group head into unexplored hexes].

Be warned however that moving through the Overmap is dangerous. Each Grid square has a possibility of a Random Event which could be anything from Merchants to Bandits to Mutants. It is a necessary evil however. You can ask to see the available “Overmap” at any time and the Overseer will send all relevant data to your pipboy.

How Do I Get More Non-Vault-Tec Equipment?
There will likely be several ways. Scavenging the bones of civilization for what you need, purchasing it from roaming traders (Using whatever primitive currency they have), or even stripping the cannibals who thought they might have you for supper. In short: You can find equipment in almost any area so long as you are clever and keep an open mind.
Quote from: Overseer’s Note
You could also steal it. The wasteland savages don’t need it as much as you. Just try not to get caught.

What about...?

Any further questions can be posited directly to a Vault-Tec representative who will answer your question AND add it to the FAQ if needed.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 04:53:39 pm by Nerjin »
The demon code prevents me from declining a rock-off challenge.

Is the admiral of the SS Lapidot.


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Re: The Saviors of Vault-222: A Fallout Role-playing game
« Reply #959 on: June 11, 2014, 05:09:18 pm »

With ghoulified, unless you're got very high charisma, I do think you should have a malus to charisma. Maybe endurance, because your skin is all rotted and less protective? Ghouls still need their blood, right?
You fool. Don't you understand?
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