Bailey is pretty desperate right now and it's making him a bit mad. It doesn't really help that Pepper is an awful influence on him. I was stalling the capture last night because I can't really trust Bailey to not use the loyalty switch the second his trust in someone dips. He's not really beyond abusing the power of a pokeball, he just hasn't ever had the opportunity to before. So yeah, making sure the one he uses on his sister is loyalty switch free would be a good call, if it comes down to him really having to use a ball on her. There are other options, such as wards. The pokeball is the only solution he can see because he assumes he can't trust anyone to help him and doesn't believe that if he did something to cause someone who can help him to owe him a favor, that they'd follow through on the favor without backstabbing him. There's a reason he's so good at spotting liars and is just looking for lies perpetually. d:
Thing is, though, he's not thinking it through either. His sister is important to him, but K1 can just as easily control him by using his mom and/or dad. Hell, even his grip on Kalas and Talia is enough to force him into doing something questionable. Really the only thing that will help him stand up to K1 is to A) get Pepper fully evolved so he has a metang, B) get his confidence back to the level it used to be, C) unbrainwash him. B and C might prove to be more difficult than A. B has the drug solution, but that's not really a solution so much as a quick fix and one that would be really easy to foil if the drug is taken away or tainted.
I've no problem with Velik being a background character, but how do we remove his commander duties? Last night gave us some really strict restrictions on that sort of thing. Could it be possible that he wasn't really a commander? And that Hector somehow found a way to fake it so he could have a rep on the bridge? Hmmmmm, probably not.
When do we wanna get that extra RP session in, and what do we want our goal in it to be? Not a quest, persay, but character goal. That way when it's done we'll have things cleared and settled enough so that the new characters aren't jumping into a hostile environment. Plus it'll be much harder to balance two new character backstories when two others are flaring up to a possible climax. (In other words Bails and Hui should probably get their shit together quick, or at least get things to a point where it can simmer slowly until their proper game climax like the GM probably had in mind.)