My fuel tank system is correct, I must insist. Point is that 1 fuel tank holds 2 fuel, so if you put 1 in amount, you get 2 fuel units on the right. That might cause some confusion, but the correct amount of fuel is noted on the right. The major problem with the fuel tanks is that fuel weights so much, that it greatly slows down the ship, requiring even more fuel.
On a side note, we don't have access to your revised engine spreadsheet.
Oh and another question. I hope we can install more than one part in each ship modification. Otherwise install those radioisotopic reactors might be complicated.
Ship modifications: (choose up to 4)
- Expanded superstructure (This is a necessity. )
- Expanded superstructure (Less of a necessity, but I think we're going to need it.)
Science/Engineering Project: (choose 1, say how much RU to spend)
- Portable space elevator (10 RU, if needed. I don't like the idea of spending RU for research. It's limited as it is now.) : Making a space elevator if you come from space is easy. We already got the counterweight (the ship). We just need a place to set up and we're done with it.
Cargo purchase: (choose any number)
- ((Nothing yet, even the largest installation can still be taken))
Event: Mission Destination
Choose one:
- Star B
On a side note, we need to decide upon a strategy. My strategy is the following. We will not land the ship at our destination. This should cut costs significantly. Instead, we move to a small moon, set up a mining operation, and meanwhile start terraforming. We need to keep the ship operational to let people stay in cryo, so crashlanding it isn't an option.
Edit: These new numbers are not an improvement. Fuel economy for most reactors has worsened significantly ((Large simple fusion used to provided 500 with 4 fuel, now it does 200 with 2)), gains have dropped, and the cost has remained the same.
And for the advanced reactors it's even weirder. Building 2 reactors provides the same output, but costs less, takes less space, and has greater flexibility. There's literally no reason why one would take the large complex reactor.
Edit 2:
For normal fusion reactors it's the same as well, no point in using anything but the small ones. It's more efficient. My bad, small fusion reactors have worse fuel efficiency. Still counts for the advanced reactors.
Note: This assumes reactors running at max capacity
Small simple : Any flight longer than 30 years
Medium Simple : Any flight longer than 40 years (+-))
Large simple : Any flight longer than 55 years ((So, never. Large simple reactor is always more mass efficient))
Medium complex : Any flight longer than 48 years
Large complex : Less efficient than medium
So the update did help, but it doesn't matter that much. The real problem was with the engines.
Note: This assumes reactors running at max capacity
Small simple : Any flight longer than 30 years
Medium Simple : Any flight longer than 34 years (+-)
Large simple : Any flight longer than 50 years ((So, never. Large simple reactor is always more cost efficient))
Medium complex : Any flight longer than 65 years
Large complex : Less efficient than medium
So the update did help, but it doesn't matter that much. The real problem was with the engines.
Note: This assumes reactors running at max capacity
Small simple : Any flight longer than 45 years
Medium Simple : Any flight longer than 57 years (+-)) ((Ie, never))
Large simple : Any flight longer than 82.5 years ((So, never. Large simple reactor is always more mass efficient))
Medium complex : Any flight longer than 70 years
Large complex : Less efficient than medium
So the update did help, but it doesn't matter that much. The real problem was with the engines.
Edit many: There's no reason to use the VSI Magnetoplasma Rocket. The plasma torch has same fuel efficiency, lower cost, lower mass and a better size to thrust ratio.
Edit many +1: This post looks way to ugly
1 RU = 1 fuel= 50 MW
1 mw = 0.02 RU
Note: Size and mass of the engines haven't been in calculated, and neither has reactor cost. Ion engines have a significant advantage in these 2 things.
Electrostatic Ion Engine. 4.5 RU. Electricity 0.75 MW. Thrust 1. Does not require fuel.
VSI Magnetoplasma Rocket: Flight time above 29 years
Fusion Plasma Torch: Flight time above 46 years
Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster. Flight time above 68 years.
This doesn't incorporate a variety of considerations, most importantly that fuel that's required for the engines slows down the ship.