Maximum Loadout is tomorrow, non-maximum doublepost is right now.
Interesting points from the patch notes:
EVERYTHING is now round-robin firing. Teslas don't fire, so they don't count. (instead they're only active when selected and drain power per blade while ramming thy enemy. Also teslas are no longer one shot weaponry)
Limit of 5 weapon/module types per bot (front&top lasers are the same type)
6-gun cap is dead, hail energy bar. Energy regen is 100% in 10 seconds.
Firing guns no longer interrupts regen.
All weapons now turn about as fast as the lasers do.
Laser damage buffed to solidify it as the short-range weapon. Hitscan removed as previously mentioned.
It sounds like Rails no longer have the 'charge everything before firing'. You may shoot as many non-hitscan round-robin penetrative railgun shots as your energy allows. Railgun shots are faster than laser shots by a significant amount. This probably confuses physics a bit.
Plasma damage at centre (and splash damage) buffed to compensate for less frequent alpha strikes. Mega Plasma now blows the shit out of things with one huge blast instead of two good ones.
Nanos no longer have offense. Instead, they have stronger round-robin burst healing.
More nerfs to lighter cubes, because bloody tesseract nonsense.
The shield module works exactly like base shields: You can shoot through it, but not through enemy shields. It also takes less power than the blink.
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