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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12747 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #150 on: January 25, 2014, 03:44:22 pm »

Request that the Earl of Westwater appear for an audience to discuss the funding of Westwater's repairs and the status of his vassalage.
Hold open council for the commons and nobles, separately.
Have scouts dispatched across the countryside for two weeks, while the army reassembles, in an attempt to locate the bandits' encampments.
Have agents try and pinpoint the source of the pirates infesting the coast. Try and locate their docking grounds.
Have my steward come up with opportune ways of increasing trade through the province. Also appraise the cost of expanding the city docks.
Have announcements placed around the city offering employment for any would be warfare/charisma specialists. Adept, in the earlier's case, renowned, in the later's.

[3] The Earl tentatively agrees to discuss both the topics, but refuses to come to you in an audience, instead insisting you send an emissary to him to discuss such things.

[2] The scouts have no luck in finding the encampments at this time.

[2] The agents trying to find the pirate lairs happen to have the same amount of luck as the scouts, finding neither hide nor hair of the corsairs.

[6] Your steward, a bright and eager lesser noble, claims to have several ideas he could implement that would certainly boost the trade throughout the duchy if the bandits weren't in the way. He only requests that he is paid for this with a pound of silver, and an estate to call his own.

[5, 2-2] While, being unable to find any statesmen within the duchy (And most such men would have moved away the very instant they could, to form their own kingdom somewhere), you are easily able to flag down several adepts of the art of military strategy. Each has his asking price of a single pound however, which may make it an expensive proposition to hire all three...

Open Court:

The Peasantry
[4] The peasantry are doing comparatively well within the duchy, and there's little for them to complain about. The situation for them could be better, but not by much. With a cessation of hostilities from the civil war, they have had time to settle down and have been able to properly tend the land.

A few villages have sent a couple of petitioners, in light of the recent campaign against the bandits, to fortify their villages along with the materials to do so. While expensive, it could prove valuable for holding the land against marauders and other miscreants, along with reassuring the general peasant population.

Steward's opinion: While it certainly has it's merits, the sheer expense of providing the materials would take around five pounds out of the treasury. And if an enemy manages to take the village, it would be harder for us to reclaim it. Furthermore, if we want to keep any future parcels safe, we'd need to have them fortified as well. Giving them the rights to build it themselves, but not providing the materials would be cost-effective, but it would prevent us from raising any levies from them for the year.

The Burghers
[5] Compared to most of the cities, Stormport emerged from the war unscathed, the middle class flourishing with the goods coming in from the demesne and the capital. Even with the recent spate with the bandits and pirates, the city is doing extremely well.

The burgeoning population however, has meant the city is starting to be overcrowded, and that a lack of work is starting to become a problem. Fortunately, the representatives have a few plans on how to deal with this. Building up more houses would mean the overcrowding would no longer be a problem, but would be very expensive to do so within the walls. Of course, outside the walls means that in the case of a siege, these populace outside the walls would be cut off from the interior. Modifying the walls to enclose a larger area would not be a difficult task however, as the wood-and-earth fortifications are rather uncomplex and simple to refurbish, though it would take time to do so. This would also have an impact on the lack of work, since the city has an abundance of the unemployed.

Steward's opinion: Expanding the city is a costly, but necessary expense, with how quickly it's growing. With the extra supply of labour, and the simple defences means it's far cheaper than what it could end up being. Around three to five pounds would be enough however.

The Nobles
[6] The nobility have thrived, having dodged the worst of the war being no worse for wear. Of course, this has led to them pushing the boundaries on occasion, with them levying higher taxes upon the peasants at times, along with a few disturbing reports of them co-operating with the bandits.

Though given the rumours against them, the nobles seem rather content at your rule, though more than a few have come to ask you if that, with your blessing, they could take some of the unemployed burghers and take them as serfs, and claim some extra farmland with the new labour. Though it would take a while, it could bring in more than a few extra parcels under your banner.

Steward's opinion: While the idea is certainly sound, I doubt the city-dwellers would be happy that they can be dragged off to the fields by a noble just because the city was overcrowded. On the other hand, once they adapted to their environs, the extra land that they could settle would certainly be a big boost to the economy.

Upon my return to the Capital begin searching for any hired blades or solo mercs with a reputation of completing the jobs they're given successfully.
Ask around about rumors or knowledge of the bandit knight I faced in the battle, and exactly why these bandits seem to be so well supplied.
[4] The capital happens to have a reasonable number of freelance mercenaries, most stopping on their way to Falken and Selridge to take jobs there.

[5] The bandit knight, though you are unable to learn his name, but are able to learn that he is either related to a prominent noble, or was one at a point. [1] Of course, when you ask around about how they are supplied, everyone refuses to answer your questions, going so far as to refuse you service if you keep the questioning up.

Hold an open council for the commoners and the nobility--concerns on Severance and probably the outlying perimeters.
In the ^above^, open the prospect of what was detailed by the Prince; encourage the act of exploration and discovery, for wisdom, wealth and prosperity.

Have my spies or those of...'dubious' connection to initiate a talk with any bandits plaguing my lands-the cause, and their beliefs under the white flag of peace.

Lower the taxes at the ports, and order the sailors to spread word of the focus on national trade.

[3] It doesn't take long before word reaches you that the bandits have gotten word of such by accosting a messenger delivering a message between agents. The agent in question reports they are somewhat... confused by such an offer. They sent a message back via the same messenger, requesting a meeting between you, and their local leader in one of the inns along the road to Dorenstadt to further discuss such an arrangement

[2] While the tax cut goes into effect, the message goes onto deaf ears, which only leaves you potentially out of pocket next year with the reduced tax income. (Severance Tax income reduced by .75 pounds until repealed.)

Open Court:
The Peasantry
[5] The peasantry are seemingly completely happy with your rule, having very well prospered due to the duchy being located away from the primary battlefields. A population boom has lead to an increase of the farming population, and the harvests as of late have been well, providing the peasants with more wealth than most others inside the kingdom as of late.

Though this recent swell of people and money has brought the villages into prosperity, some of the younger villagers, along with some of the nobles, feel it's time to spread their wings. The peasant petitioners do not come to you with an individual request, joining the nobles in theirs for some reason...

The Burghers
[1] The burghers, at the very least, are dissatisfied. The events that led up to your father taking power have taken a toll on them, and his policies have not helped. And with the recent bandit and pirate activity, it's only getting worse. With the manpower and arms kept by the levies though, it is unlikely they could muster up any threat of any proportion without outside interference. Some of the burghers have taken to emigrating, heading to Stormborough and Stormport to go somewhere where the conditions for the townspeople are better.

Still, a few petitioners have taken the plunge into the open court with an open mind. The representatives state that unless something is done about the economic state of the city soon, it's likely to start seeing mass emigrations to other cities. They don't care how you do it, so long as there's something being done.

Steward's opinion: There's more than a few ways we can go about this. The easiest option would be giving the city a break from taxation for a few years, but that would certainly cut into our treasury and no doubt some of them may end up using the money to hire a private army in the worst case. Some investment money would surely help with their complaints, but with a city this size, it'll be fairly expensive to do enough for it to be meaningful. A trade agreement with one of the neighbouring fiefs could yield a cheap way of satisfying them, but that would depend on the bandits being nullified, and said neighbour agreeing to it.

The Nobles
[5] The nobles, having long languished under house Severance, have reached a level of well-being that they have not had even before the severances were in power. Between house Flazer acting as an unofficial dispute-resolver for the other houses, and your father's actions, have ensured a sense of definite loyalty towards your reign. Most of the noble houses have even had to start splurging on things they have not done in the past due to the prosperity of not only themselves, but the peasants as well. The recent denial of Duke severance's marriage offer has only bolstered their faith in you.

Baron Traviath heads a small group of petitioners, both noble and peasant, coming before you with a proposal: With the increase of the wealth of the general rural population, and the explosion in population of the people, the petitioners request your permission, and funding, for a wave of settlement in some of the unclaimed land within the ducal borders. While told this would be expensive endeavour, Travaith assures you this will assuredly bring in large-scale returns after a couple of years.

Steward's opinion: With due respect, this plan is not only ideal, but with the peasants and nobles co-operating on this, it has a very real chance at succeeding. It will be expensive to commit to, and the bandits are likely to throw it into disarray for their own purposes, but if it's successful, we're looking at doubling the amount of parcels we have, more if we're lucky, and half at worst. This is, of course, going to cost us atleast five pounds to get this off the ground, and the entire treasury to reap the rewards...

Allocate 1 pound to the Mining Guild to increase productivity.

Allocate 3 pounds to the Master of Arms to raise a (Dwarven) levy with shields and Heavy Training. (That should be 3 pounds total, yes? Raising a levy isn't given a cost, so I assumed it was 1 pound.)

The miners guild takes the money, saying they cannot exactly expand the current operations with that amount, but they can try looking for a new vein of materials. In a few days though, the guild excitedly reports that they have found a mineral find that could potentially bring in a great amount of wealth, and the size of it means that that it'll be extremely unlikely to run dry within several hundred years by the surveyor's estimate. They only need more funding in order to start the operation on that lode though...

[5 = Gems, 5= Huge deposit found!]

The master at arms complains that he cannot raise a levy with what you wanted with the funds you provided. In order to do so, he would need atleast ten times that amount, but it would affect all the levies of your realm once it was. ((Upgrades can only be bought for retinue units Hans. Levies can't be upgraded in the same way))
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #151 on: January 25, 2014, 08:18:07 pm »

((Derp. So how do I raise levy? :P))

Daelin nods thoughtfully to his Master at Arms, and turns his attention to the runner from the mines, a small human boy that was panting like mad. Curiously enough, the boy spoke Dwarven at Daelin, an uncommon enough affectation for a human, albeit more understandable here in Dorenshadt. "Laird Daelin!" Daelin started, startled by the use of the ancient and proper form of address the boy used. Even most Elders didn't say Laird these days. "Laird Daelin! The miners found a vein of gemstones, milord! They said the spot of ore you found was just part of an inclusion, and the rest of the vein is thick with gems."

Daelin furrows his brow, squinting at the boy thoughtfully. The boy, accustomed to the mannerisms of dwarves, didn't flinch from the hard glare. After a long moment, Daelin turned to the Master of Arms, and said, "I apologize for being an elf-gifter, but I think I have found a better place to sink some money. Forgive me." Then he turned to the boy, and, after another healthy glare, said, "And you, boy. Tell the Master of Mines that I am giving him the three pounds intended for the levies. Make sure he uses them well."

Re-allocate the previously allocated funds all to the Mining Guild.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2014, 08:33:19 pm »

((You just order them to be raised.))

Re-allocate the previously allocated funds all to the Mining Guild.
The Master at arms nods, and also informs you the levies are also dwarven before you leave to invest the money elsewhere. The Guildmaster thanks you for the contribution towards the mine, and tells you that the operation will be ready soon, and that it should have enough profit to be collected sometime next spring.

A gem mine has been constructed in Dorenstadt, providing an income of 1.5 pounds per year.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #153 on: January 25, 2014, 08:48:15 pm »

In Stormport...

Anders spent the duke's meeting leaning against a wall, seemingly paying more attention to a scratch on his hand than to what was being said. He remained in that stance until he was spoken to, after which he straightened up slightly.

"I can talk with Greybend, and make him see the advantages of changing his allegiances... I would need two things, however: firstly, having an idea of what I can and cannot promise would help me clarify how important he is and how important he should feel, as well as preventing diplomatic incidents later on, and secondly... Well, he might not be comfortable interacting with a commoner. If you could grant me some obscure knighthood and modify your archives to say my family gained it back when the Iron Prince earned his name or something similar, we would avoid the risk that he'd feel my appointment as negotiator could be meant as an insult."

Having said that, he lowered his eyes back at the scratch and smiled nonchalantly.

"I'll be honest, that's hardly a selfless request, but it is not entirely made out of greed - every thing I said is true."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #154 on: January 25, 2014, 09:59:51 pm »

"Very well, a fair point. I am sure the position will come useful if you are to act as my representative" the Duke states flatly.

"You are to promise him everything, and yet nothing. Find out why he is discontent with the Duchess' reign, and address that that point. More importantly, address why that would not be a concern under my suzerainty. As long as his expectations are with reason, whether militarily or financially, they may well be granted. Should he ask for land, or something absurd, do not outright refuse him, but claim you must consult with me first before having such a burden undertaken".

"Last, but not least" his voice takes on a solemn tone "Kneel".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #155 on: January 25, 2014, 10:19:27 pm »

Anders nodded slowly as the duke spoke, his smile becoming knowing.

"Protection from retaliation, money for economic reconstruction, and fine ladies to be chosen... And pretty words to color the rest. It should be quite doable."

When the nobleman told him to kneel, however, his smile disappeared, replaced by a strange expression. He bent the knee ceremoniously, in a seriousness at odds with his usual manners, and lowered his eyes to look at the floor.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #156 on: January 25, 2014, 10:21:43 pm »

The Duke unsheathes his sword, placing it over your shoulder "By the earth and sky, the heart and hand, I will to thee be faithful and true, according to the laws of the gods and the order of the world.  I shall hold to thee as thou deservest it, shall treat with thee on grounds of justice, equity and protection, and in return you shall not with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to me".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #157 on: January 25, 2014, 10:33:41 pm »

Anders spoke up, his voice oddly grim.

"By the shadow and the flame, the mind and the heart, I will to my lord be loyal and honest, and defend all that he loves and destroy all that he loathes, as demand the will of gods and the laws of men. Through dark nights and days of steel, I shall remain true to my word and my oath, so long as his remains unbroken; today by honor we are united, and tomorrow by honor shall our blood be united, until all light runs out, and the age of men ends."

The oath was Falkenlander in origin; though it had some distant similarities with the one used in Stormborough, no one would have confused the two. Anders had recited it by heart, without hesitation; he knew it very well.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #158 on: January 25, 2014, 10:48:15 pm »

"Interesting, a Falkenlander oath of fealty? Very unusual, but spoken true" the Duke says, amused.

"Rise forth, Sir Anders, and know that you are a commoner no longer" he proclaims, before resuming his usual tone .

"Remember though, it is not the oath that matters, but what you make of it. But you already know that" he says summarily "As we are, so to say, inaugurating your dynasty, you will have a chance to choose your heraldry at a later date. Rest assured, the Chancellor shall provide the documents so that it looks as though you were a knight back during the civil war. Talk with the quartermaster about getting yourself a proper warhorse and some plate mail, even if you choose not to use it"

"I will grant you a seal of office once you are ready to depart, so that the Count knows whom you represent. Which reminds me, once you've returned, I have an interesting learning opportunity for you, outside your field of specialty, yes, but closely tied to your newly acquired position"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #159 on: January 26, 2014, 03:32:28 pm »

Anders rose, looking around and then back at his new liege.

"My last day as a Falkenlander might as well be marked by an oath from Falken...  Whatever the case, I will go and make the necessary arrangements. I will be leaving at dawn. If you have any other duties you wish for me to carry out while in the county, you may as well give it to me now. As for learning... Well, I am always eager to improve."

Go get a warhorse and plate armor from the Duke's quartermaster, and documents from the Chancellor describing house Banegem as a minor noble dynasty sworn to the Duke of Stormport, with a purple flame on a silver field as its heraldry.

After taking a seal of office and all other documents he may wish to give from the duke, leave for the Earl of Greybend's castle in order to get an audience with him as a representative of the duke.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #160 on: January 26, 2014, 06:38:27 pm »

After the Open Court of Severance...which was sometime after the meeting with the Prince and Duke Severan as the treasurer is back in the Prince's lands...
The knightly retinue slowly approached capital, where most of the were scarcely few weeks ago. But as the country became a hive of activity, so did they have to lift their weapons and go to and fro, following thier lord.  The mass of horsemen remained behind the walls, where horses, servants and equipment were laid down while the knights themselves entered the city to live in more comfortable, paid quarters.

Jawyn had no free time to spend however, business occupied him. He made his was to the castle though the bustle of the town and directed his steps to the chambers of the current Home Secretary. If one thing was certain, the prince wasted no time in growing a bureaucracy of the country. On the other hand, maybe the times were moving forward and the feudal inefficiency was being driven out. Little did he know who the current Secretary was.

"Baronet Jawyn Landemourne, here to see the Home Secretary, if you please." He threw the name and request at the servant who stood by the entrance to the administrative wing.

Request meeting with Home Secretary.
The servant nods as he sights your crest and seal, then gestures with the appropriate courtesy. "Proceed."

You soon enter the quarters of the Treasurer, not that splendid or lavish, but quaint and simplistic, and see Aria herself. She greets you, "To whom am I speaking with at this splendid hour?"

((I will also address open court but...oh gods. Sorry Ardas. Shame on me for this :S))
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 09:06:40 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #161 on: January 26, 2014, 07:07:58 pm »

Jawyn entered and was pleasantly surprised with the sight of duchess. He bowed and approached the duchess.

"Milady, Jawyn Landemourne. I serve as governor of Whitehall for the Crown. We've met at the coronation, where I was made into the overseer of that earldom.

I've come to request two things, both of which are important for the development and trade. First would be your permission for peasantry of Whitehall to hunt on the edge of White Forest. While we know that the folk living in the woods have no love for... humans, it would be foolish to deny our own people a source of food that they need only to bridge the time between next planting season and harvest.

Second would be a request for £1 to alleviate the issues of Whitehall merchants and provision for workshops and the like. Before the war Whitehall mined gems and was a great source of income for the country, I think its only fitting we restore at least part of that."

He paused and smiled, easing in his stance. He looked at Aria with interest. 

"May I ask how did the marriage proposal from duke Severan go? Politics and inheritance aside, man could hardly choose a better match."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #162 on: January 28, 2014, 09:23:11 am »

Aria brought out a map while listening to the Baron. "For the first request, either I see you asking to move towards the borders of the White Forest--being its own separate demense. I'd rather prefer a diplomatic route, informing the people there of the Prince's coronation, if word hadn't reached at all; I will entrust that matter to you, however. However on all counts, I am giving my permission--you or your men, whoever is in the area at the time, however, should obey their laws while on their edges. Especially if you're sending fishermen for whatever reason, though the map does not dictate any major rivers.

"I've...heard grisly details about fishbones."

She then looked around for a recent chart on gemstones. "On the second matter-I grant, too. £1, in the long run when discussing precious stones will be a considerable boon for the nation-either for economic purposes or enhancements to industry and other spheres of development. I take it you've plans for that ahead?"

A moment passed until she took note of the later statement, making sure her words were as clear as a sunny day without any overcast nimbus or stratus clouds, foretelling any sort of emphasis on doom and destruction.
"Oh, Severan. While we are on good terms, I had to...reluctantly disagree with the marriage proposal. I would agree-for the benefit of the nation, however I cannot do so in full conscience if my people would not. And they did not.

"But I wonder what you thoughts are about it. It seems word spreads fast-I've heard a lot of people talking about it."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #163 on: January 28, 2014, 11:05:00 am »

Jawyn listened and nodded with his head in reply to the requests.

"I will also require £1 for mining operations in Whitehall. That matter will be analyzed directly with the treasurer, but I must assure you that the region still bears game to be mined. The craftsmen need raw materials too after all.

As for my thoughts about your marriage - your nobles were guided by their sense of duty, and so are you. We all are, under our prince, but duty without worthwhile thing to protect is empty, don't you think? Without a thing to care about, duty is just a thing you do out of fear, not out of commitment.

"But, duty born out of friendship or more..."
he paused, as if searching for the right word. "Loyalty, be it between comrades or between wedded people, something that can't be had easily. That is what your nobles would accept for sure. 

Sorry for my boldness Milady. As a knight I tend to view those things in a straightforward and open fashion."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #164 on: January 29, 2014, 02:51:18 pm »

Ramus looked at the group gathered around him, eight of his most able soldiers picked specifically for this task, and smiled before taking a deep drink of ale from the plain cup on the table before him. Nodding to the soldier by the door, who promptly goes out into the hallway and shuts the door behind him to prevent anyone from listening in, he talks to those gathered.

"We have a lot of preparation to do in the week to come before we can begin what I have planned in full, Dalmere you and Yoric are to find us a nice little secluded place outside of the city for our 'guest' and ensure that the surrounding area is clear before we start. While they're doing that I want the rest of you to ask around, and listen to rumors before bringing me names of those who are both criminals and most likely know about information of the bandits.

When that is done we'll move to the next part of our plan at night ... and kidnap several of them and take them to the place Dalmere and Yoric secured for us, now you're dismissed. Get to work I want this job over and done with."

Send six of my men out to find rumors and ask around about people of lesser repute who might be connected to the bandits. Do the same myself.
When we find some people who do then kidnap them in the night and take them to a secluded and secure place outside of the city to pry answers from them.
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