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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12759 times)


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #135 on: January 21, 2014, 09:28:10 pm »

With Jawyn
"Indeed! The Duke of...Stormport, I believe it was? Provoked me into such action. Otherwise I might've just stuck to songs and fine wines. And silks." A grin curls upon his lips, almost on cue after Karac finishes speaking. With a sweep of his arm, he produces a swish from the silk of his long tunic, as if the noise would prove his words true.

"Is there anything else wrong with your lands you might need assistance with? I'm not much one for battle, but I do throw a wonderful party, my dear Baronet. Baron. Knight."

At the Drymark Meeting...
Karac neatly bends at the hips and doffs his cap to the Orcish delegation. A crooked grin crossed his lips after the Prince speaks, but it fades as he itches at his face and looks as blank, but attentive. The grin was perhaps unprofessional on his part, but it couldn't be stifled at his older brother's mistake. His fingers begin to tap upon the brim of his hat as he holds it out in front of him.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 09:29:43 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #136 on: January 22, 2014, 09:56:59 am »

Send a letter to Stormport with a mounted entourage of knights. They are to make haste, then return to the Capital.

"Steward, my return to the Stormport, it seems, will be significantly delayed. However, the bandits menace must be dealt with immediately, not once I return. It is with that in mind that I hereby authorize the levying of three regiments of Stormguards for the purpose of maintaining the duchy's roads and coast safe.

Seek not to strike directly against the bandits, but to protect our own, for once they were loyal subject of Stormport, and once they can freed themselves no more through banditry, they will crave to return to their old lives.

Those who have ceased their criminal activities by the time I return, even if found guilty at a later date, are to be issued a pardon. Those who have not done so by the time I return will be dealt with accordingly, in the full weight of the law. Make as much known.

PS: I will hold private and open council alike upon my return, for any other matters that might have to be addressed.

- Severan, Ducal Seat of Stormport".

Raise two noble levies in Stormport and have them patrol the Duchy's roads and coast, putting pressure on the bandits.
Once bandit activity has been sufficiently frustrated, announce that all who abandon their activities within the week shall be pardoned.
Passed a week, upon the Duke's likely return, break the patrols into extermination squads and actively hunt for bandits. Those who abandon banditry on their own are to be ignored, those few who resist are to be enslaved and broken. That should get the right message across to wary traders.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 02:39:41 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #137 on: January 22, 2014, 04:50:17 pm »

Sometime after the meeting with The Home Secretary...

Jawyn arrived at the temporary quarters of the current Treasurer. Despite having to see only one of the current ministers of the prince, Jawyn decided to go to the money counter himself to present his case.

"Baronet Landemourne, here to meet with the Treasurer." Short, compact and to the point- that was all that the door servants needed to know."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #138 on: January 22, 2014, 10:40:55 pm »

((Sorry for lateness))
"We were not aware that you would have someone accompany you, my Lady... Shall I fetch another chair for the honorable gentleman? The Duke will be coming shortly."
"I am quite content, standing," the Baron, Traviath, replied as he stood at Aria's side, wearing quite the amused expression and looking quite relaxed. "Unless you'd prefer I sit, instead."

"Onto business however, I quite like how word has spread among the...people, here." Aria said, looking at the guardsmen, and continuing in her casual tone. "I do believe that the Duke has made himself ready in both occasions?"

And at the meeting...
((...I don't see any of the gentlemen replying so I'll go with my response action instead.))

"Aria, I want you to perform a census; find out exactly what resources we do still have access to in the country and what we'll need to trade abroad for.  As for... mercantilism?"  A distant look came to the Prince's eyes, as if he was reading something invisible directly in front of him.  "Building up the state at the expense of international trade, yes?  Risky, weak as we are, but vital as well.  Set moderate tarriffs, but only once we actually have trade re-established.  I want you to get in touch with Falken, Selridge and Drymark, your counterparts on their end.  See what it will take to open up trade with them again.

Meanwhile, I am prioritising military adventures.  Once the trade routes are clear, then we will rebuild the nation's economy.  Defense of the realm comes first.  Gentlemen, I want to train and establish a standing Royal Army, one that can move quickly to support the levies of the vassal estates.  If you have anything you wish to say on the matter, say it now, for I have already asked your counsel.  If not, I will be more despotic on the matter and simply implement it."

"If I may speak your majesty," Aria said, continuing, "I'd doubt that external warfare will come unless word of prosperity reaches their ears. I'm more in favor of trade and economic focus rather than military ventures given that notion. Once we have a stable ground for expenditures, then can we only focus on our defenses in full--going between either extremes would hinder us in the long run, far worse than if we chose either/or."

Now with the acknowledgement and permission granted, Aria spends...(just enough?)pounds for the process of a nationwide census, with resource focus as its primary goal, including any rumors of probable resource gains and areas of exploit and-
"But before I continue-you did mean tariffs, correct? Meaning, the prices for governance-provided services?"
...await the response of the Prince!


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #139 on: January 23, 2014, 08:34:34 am »

[Edited out due to storyline issues.  See later post for results.]

"But before I continue-you did mean tariffs, correct? Meaning, the prices for governance-provided services?"
...await the response of the Prince!

"No, tariffs as in the duties on goods imported and exported through out ports.  Shipping tax, in essence.  Keep it low until traders are more invested in their business here."
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 12:36:30 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #140 on: January 23, 2014, 02:31:15 pm »

Arrange for a dinner to be prepared at the mansion.  Before visiting, have the chamberlain provide a short dossier on Drymarksman customs and nobility - the castle textbooks are proving sorely lacking.
[2] The chamberlain reports, with regret, that the book is the only materiel on the orcs within the entire city, atleast that can be obtained at such a short notice. The only suggestion he does have is treating them with respect befitting a noble

[5] At the very least though, the feast, from it's announcement, is received warmly by the orcish entourage,, and from what you've heard from the kitchens, they're more than likely to enjoy the food being served at it.

One question remains, however, does the Prince invite any other nobles to the feast?

Raise two noble levies in Stormport and have them patrol the Duchy's roads and coast, putting pressure on the bandits.
Once bandit activity has been sufficiently frustrated, announce that all who abandon their activities within the week shall be pardoned.
Passed a week, upon the Duke's likely return, break the patrols into extermination squads and actively hunt for bandits. Those who abandon banditry on their own are to be ignored, those few who resist are to be enslaved and broken. That should get the right message across to wary traders.

[5] The initial suppression goes well, enough that most of the bandit activity has stopped on the roads. This ends up giving a few traders a little leeway during that time, giving them a rather safe journey throughout the demesne.
[-] Despite the offer, no-one comes forward to claim it.
[3-2] The extermination proceeds... less than well. With the recent influx of bandits fleeing Stormborough, a lack of knowledge of where the bandit's camps are and the fact the units had been split into small bands means not only are the bandits able to elude any extermination squads, but able to fight back, leaving several nobles wounded from ambushes and traps and demoralising them to the point where only the most foolish or courageous would even think about trying to exerminate the bandits. And as a further setback to the duchy, the string of ambushes and defeats lead to the bandits reclaiming most of the roads once more.

And it's pretty clear they aren't going to be leaving anytime soon.

Now with the acknowledgement and permission granted, Aria spends...(just enough?)pounds for the process of a nationwide census, with resource focus as its primary goal, including any rumors of probable resource gains and areas of exploit
Before you start to authorise this, the chamberlain politely interrupts you, stating that such a thing, if financed by the royal treasury, would completely empty it. While a regular census has already been carried out, a large-scale prospecting and surveying would be unfathomable, especially at this time. He suggest "Encouraging" the nobles to fund the exploration and investment of their own territory, in order to cut down costs.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #141 on: January 23, 2014, 08:17:43 pm »

With the Duchess...

"Welcome, and excuse me for the delay, Milady" the Duke says as he enters the room through a set of massive double doors.

He then turns towards the Duchess's companion, a bit surprised that it'd be a man, but clearly recognizing him as lesser nobility "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lord...?"

"If you will follow me, more adequate accommodations have been arranged for the occasion in the nearby room" he says as he turns to walk through the same doorway he entered through.

He waits for both guests to take a seat, or not, should they so prefer, before taking a seat himself. His expression sours a bit "From your rather unusual company for the occasion, I assume it is as I feared?"

He sighs deeply "Baron Traviath, it is no secret that the nobility of Severance is less than fond of my dynasty. My grandmother was hardly the most beloved person around. It is also no secret that, Your Grace being of eligible age for marriage, many of your Barons wish to, themselves, marry their heirs to you".

"With that in mind, and noted that Severance's population will not, for their own part, dare speak against their Lords, I'd like to extend you an invitation to a stay in the city of Stormport, so that you might see, for yourself, how the peasantry has fared under my rule. That, I dare say, would be much truer a test of my character"

He then stands slowly, turning to look outside though a window¹ "I will, of course, understand if you'd rather simply take the words of your Barons for granted. Odds are I might do the same were I in your position, though that would, indeed, be a shame, that, even if not in our own generation, our people will yet see blood shed over this misunderstanding"

"I will not press that claim in my lifetime, at least for as long as you, yourself, rule Severance, but as I dare not deprive my dynasty of its ancient holdings, nor can I guarantee my children or grandchildren will not come to do so" he says, masterfully feigning regret.

¹push him, you know you want to!

Later, at the Council...

The Duke lowers his head in respect before the Prince "You honor me with such an appointment, Your Highness".

"Currently, I believe, our priorities lie not in accounting for a census of the land, or even productive investments, but rather, the growth of our cities and bolstering of trade, which we have been starved of. That, of course, goes hand in hand with the bandit problem ravaging the landscape"

"If we scour a fief individually, we run the risk of the bandits merely, for the most part, migrating to a nearby region and resuming their activities. That, as we speak of the welfare of the Principality as a whole, and not merely the Crown lands, is less than optimal a solution"

"We have more than enough men available within our levies to take care of the problem, the real issue at hand is that we lack any coordination on that regard. Were we to concert a simultaneous assault upon the bandits' encampments, we might be able to altogether drive them from the country, or at least drive powerful enough a blow that they will be reduced to a shadow of their former selves".

"That said, though I am not Marshal, I propose that the Crown enforce that all of its vassals conduct a simultaneous attack a month from now. The time in-between should necessarily employed in scouting the countryside for the bandit encampments. For optimal effect, the nature of the move should be kept a secret closely guarded to those strictly necessary".

"Every major noble should be privately informed of the required scouting a week from now, another letter to arrive three weeks from there, by royal couriers, to commence reprisal operations across the countryside".

"That is my view on the more pressing issue at hand, though there is more to be said about the treasury"

"Trade is most profitable done through our maritime lanes. Trade north of the Principality is, so to say, none to speak of, and likely to remain so, such is the nature of the northerners, barbarians, for the most part, barring the dwarven settlements. That makes Severance little attractive as a port,  double so as it remains one of the more unsettled parts of the realm".

"That leaves us two options when determining where maritime trade would flow from and to in the Principality, Ciall, whose ruler is not currently amongst us, and Stormport, my own fief. Though I am, of course, biased in that regard, Ciall's merit is in being our southernmost city, and therefore the nearest location for trade flowing north from the south, whereas Stormport bolsters a larger population, and therefore larger docks, as well as being the port historically and regionally connected to Stormborough, as trade flows upstream and downstream from river Storm.

"That said, the building of better bridges between the three coastal fiefs, the improvement of the roads connecting Stormport to Stormborough and the expansion of Stormport's docks are all viable options, provided that the banditry issue is dealt with first"

"On the diplomatic front, and I am also not Chancellor, an alliance with Drymark, one way or another, would be directly conductive towards trade flowing in from the south, both by sea and by land, whereas negotiations with our eastern neighbours could also prove profitable. A census, however, is much too expensive, and currently largely unnecessary"

"Alternatively, should we opt for expanding our trade with our eastern neighbours, improving the roads leading there from Valleyfall and Whitehall could prove a very promising notion, something to be considered, truly".

"That said, there is yet much more to be said, and just as much to be done, even as the Crown and Lord's funds only go so far. Those issues are already more than we can immediately deal with, and so I'd submit them to your judgement, Your Highness, rather than speak of further, less pressing matters".

"I hope that my rambling proves, in some way or another, useful to you, my liege, all things considered".

Even later, with Baron Landemourne...

The servant goes in for a short while, before returning "The Duke will now receive you, please, go right in and His Grace will speak with you. The door at the end of the hallway".

As you enter, the Duke turns his attention away from what seems to be a letter in the works, directly to you "Greetings, Baron of Landemourne, and soon to be Count of Whitehall, or so we hope".

"It would seem you have quite the perfect timing, as you've caught me right as I prepare to leave for Stormport. But enough of that. What is it that brings you here today, Your Lordship?"

Even later, no really, even later...

The Duke encloses the letter he wishes sent to the Duke of Valleyfall, ordering the courier to make haste, before turning to other travel preparations. Another letter is set aside for Stormport proper, announcing his arrival.

"To Your Grace, the Duke of Valleyfall,

The news concerning the King's edicts must have reached you by now. If by some twist of fate, they have not, I regret to inform you that the King has retracted both of your Count vassals, Whitehall and Woodsedge, which now count amongst the Crown's numerous direct vassals.

As part of the realm, I'd like to express my condolences for your losses so soon after the conclusion of an already tiring civil war. As my brother in rank², however, I'd like to go further.

The two of us have much to gain from each other's support. I would like to extend a private invitation to Stormport, at the earliest occasion, so that we might speak of such matters I cannot therein allude to directly.

My blessings,
Severan, Duke of Stormport".

The Duke returns to Stormport, under heavy escort, his newfound retainer in tow.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 04:37:36 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #142 on: January 23, 2014, 11:18:46 pm »

With the Duchess...

"Welcome, and excuse me for the delay, Milady" the Duke says as he enters the room through a set of massive double doors.

He then turns towards the Duchess's companion, a bit surprised that it'd be a man, but clearly recognizing him as lesser nobility "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lord...?"

"If you will follow me, more adequate accommodations have been arranged for the occasion in the nearby room" he says as he turns to walk through the same doorway he entered through.

He waits for both guests to take a seat, or not, should they so prefer, before taking a seat himself. His expression sours a bit "From your rather unusual company for the occasion, I assume it is as I feared?"

He sighs deeply "Baron Traviath, it is no secret that the nobility of Severance is less than fond of my dynasty. My grandmother was hardly the most beloved person around. It is also no secret that, Your Grace being of eligible age for marriage, many of your Barons wish to, themselves, marry their heirs to you".

"With that in mind, and noted that Severance's population will not, for their own part, dare speak against their Lords, I'd like to extend you an invitation to a stay in the city of Stormport, so that you might see, for yourself, how the peasantry has fared under my rule. That, I dare say, would be much truer a test of my character"

He then stands slowly, turning to look outside though a window¹ "I will, of course, understand if you'd rather simply take the words of your Barons for granted. Odds are I might do the same were I in your position, though that would, indeed, be a shame, that, even if not in our own generation, our people will yet see blood shed over this misunderstanding"

"I will not press that claim in my lifetime, at least for as long as you, yourself, rule Severance, but as I dare not deprive my dynasty of its ancient holdings, nor can I guarantee my children or grandchildren will not come to do so" he says, masterfully feigning regret.

¹push him, you know you want to!

The Duke returns to Stormport, under heavy escort, his newfound retainer in tow.

"If you seem to fear the obvious, then yes. Though to have expected anything else was complete folly. And less than fond would be an understatement for how much we despise you and your line." Traviath says, scowling as he takes a seat, before he starts to speak again.

"And while it is true that many of the younger sons are angling for her hand in marriage, even if that was not the case they would still voice their anger over this. We still full-well remember the atrocities committed by your dynasty, and the wounds caused by it will never heal." the baron snarled, clasping his hands together and holding them together.

"As for your invite, I must politely decline due circumstances outside my control. And if you so truely wished to stop any blood over a claim, you'd have dropped it completely and utterly, even at the cost of your pride. If anything, this only strengthens the case against this marriage: You care nothing about Aria, so much as your own pride and what you mistakenly claim as "Your" land."

You and your retinue make it back safely to the ducal capital
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #143 on: January 24, 2014, 02:38:41 am »

With the Duchess...

"I am not my ancestors, Baron, however it is clear that our views are irreconcilable".

"I have made no allusions to this marriage being anything but political in nature, or do you not recall there was no courting to speak of?" he sighs.

"At the very least, you ought to have the manners to let your own liege speak first, rather than do so out of turn, Lord Traviath" he says, turning to the Duchess "I do, however, believe your reply is already therein expressed, or you would not have allowed him to speak so".

"And with that, we are done, unless there is anything you'd like to discuss concerning the nearing Council?".

Later, in Stormport...

The Duke seats himself on the ducal throne.

"Chancellor, I will hold council for the commons and lords alike through the week. Make it known. I will, of course, receive any emergencies that might arise in the meantime"

"The attempted marriage with the Duchess of Severance has, as expected, ended in failure, have the documents archived for now. The Duke of Valleyfall should send a letter within a week or two, make sure I receive it in time. I also need a letter sent to the Earl of Greybend".

"Finally, request that the Earl Westwater appear for an appointment. It would seem he has attempted petitioning His Highness for his vassalage's retraction, rather bold"

"Marshal, I hear the attempt at scouring the countryside against bandits ended in failure. No matter, it was a lapse in judgement to conduct the campaign as it was conducted. Dispatch scouts across the countryside and bribe the odd supplier for information as necessary. You have two weeks. Have the army reassembled by then"

"Meanwhile, i need the piracy issue dealt with, have a few agents gather information around the docks district. Once we know what you are dealing with, try and pinpoint their hiding grounds".

"Steward, set aside one pounds for the levies' payment at the end of the year, keep the rest of the treasury on hold for the moment. I want a report on the condition of the roads to Stormborough, as well as an estimate on the cost for expanding the docks to their original size. If you can think of any way to improve trade, I want to hear it"

"Dispatch a few officers to spread word around town. I am looking for any man skilled in the trade of warfare¹ or statesmanship², for my personal benefit. It should not be too hard to get a hold of a retired mercenary captain, at the very least"

"Council adjourned. I will start receiving petitioners early in the afternoon".

"Stay, Mr. Anders, I require your skills be put to us. The marriage may have failed, but there is much to be done. While I believe your skills are well suited to leading the scouting parties, they would also be invaluable in gathering intelligence concerning the recent influx of pirates. Ultimately, I trust your judgement; you have free hand on which task you'd rather undertake".

"Alternatively, I require someone to act as an envoy to the Earl of Greybend, the Duchess of Severance's sole major vassal. More of a diplomatic task, but one you could well succeed in. He has expressed interest in leaving her protection as his liege lord, quite likely an indicator of dissension. I am not one to waste a perfectly good opportunity; if you were to pay him a visit as my official envoy and determine his allegiances, and, more importantly, the possibility of them shifting to me, you would be well rewarded".

¹any of the three military skills.

Request that the Earl of Westwater appear for an audience to discuss the funding of Westwater's repairs and the status of his vassalage.
Hold open council for the commons and nobles, separately.
Have scouts dispatched across the countryside for two weeks, while the army reassembles, in an attempt to locate the bandits' encampments.
Have agents try and pinpoint the source of the pirates infesting the coast. Try and locate their docking grounds.
Have my steward come up with opportune ways of increasing trade through the province. Also appraise the cost of expanding the city docks.
Have announcements placed around the city offering employment for any would be warfare/charisma specialists. Adept, in the earlier's case, renowned, in the later's.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #144 on: January 24, 2014, 04:09:00 am »

Even later, with Baron Landmourne...

The servant goes in for a short while, before returning "The Duke will now receive you, please, go right in and His Grace will speak with you. The door at the end of the hallway".

As you enter, the Duke turns his attention away from what seems to be a letter in the works, directly to you "Greetings, Baron of Landmourne, and soon to be Count of Whitehall, or so we hope".

"It would seem you have quite the perfect timing, as you've caught me right as I prepare to leave for Stormport. But enough of that. What is it that brings you here today, Your Lordship?"

Jawyn bowed as it was befitting.  "Thank you for making time for me, Your Grace. and Thank you for the encouragement. Truly, you must be the first person actually wishing me success in my job."

"I've come to the capital to seek funds for the county of Whitehall. The last popular unrest rendered local gem mines unusable, and as part of the rebuilding effort, I assumed it reasonable to reopen mining operations. The people in the duchy complain about trade and lack of work, and reopening the collapsed shafts proved impossible. We would need to open new mines, and as Your Grace is probably aware, mining is expensive.

Had dwarves been ready for hire for a shilling I would not have bothered Your Grace with it, but that is not the case and laborers, even the lowest-paid ones still need to be hired in large numbers to get through the rock and find ore and lodes."

Jawyn sighed and eased. This commercial talk took energy out of the knight. "I must ask your forgiveness, I am not usually a man who concerns himself with coin or land. I must ask for your insight in this case."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #145 on: January 24, 2014, 03:29:02 pm »

With the Sealord

"So long as you and your men earn what you take then you can have it, we did well enough working together this time and I'd much prefer if we could coordinate our efforts in the next region as a single force since it'll make our jobs all that much faster. Not to mention it'll ensure both our lives, and our the lives of our troops somewhat, anyway we set out for the Capital soon to report to the Prince if you want to come with us."

With that Ramus turns back to organize a group of mercs loading their fallen comrades into carts, by tonight fifteen funeral pyres would be burning to send their souls on to the afterlife. He didn't believe in the gods himself, but many of his men still worshiped the cruel gods of the Frozen Wastes and he had no right to tell them what to believe, let them find hope in the arms of 'gods' he'd find his comfort as he always had ...

Upon my return to the Capital begin searching for any hired blades or solo mercs with a reputation of completing the jobs they're given successfully.
Ask around about rumors or knowledge of the bandit knight I faced in the battle, and exactly why these bandits seem to be so well supplied.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #146 on: January 25, 2014, 02:32:11 am »

"And with that, we are done, unless there is anything you'd like to discuss concerning the nearing Council?".
Lady Cairn smiled at the dropping note.
"My people wouldn't rudely speak if I had not asked them to-my fellow nobleman. However on the note of your offspring-while they may not share your views, you still have the choice to educate them why the lands of Severance lie under my claim--I thank you for this meeting, however. I cannot yield when we, as nobility, are but for the people."

Having the meeting and the Prince's council finished, the Duchess of Severance decided to...

((I'll be condensing Iiteum/Taricus' posts into one, thanks!))
Now with the acknowledgement and permission granted, Aria spends...(just enough?)pounds for the process of a nationwide census, with resource focus as its primary goal, including any rumors of probable resource gains and areas of exploit
Before you start to authorise this, the chamberlain politely interrupts you, stating that such a thing, if financed by the royal treasury, would completely empty it. While a regular census has already been carried out, a large-scale prospecting and surveying would be unfathomable, especially at this time. He suggest "Encouraging" the nobles to fund the exploration and investment of their own territory, in order to cut down costs.
Hold an open council for the commoners and the nobility--concerns on Severance and probably the outlying perimeters.
In the ^above^, open the prospect of what was detailed by the Prince; encourage the act of exploration and discovery, for wisdom, wealth and prosperity.

Have my spies or those of...'dubious' connection to initiate a talk with any bandits plaguing my lands-the cause, and their beliefs under the white flag of peace.

Lower the taxes at the ports, and order the sailors to spread word of the focus on national trade.



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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #147 on: January 25, 2014, 03:41:14 am »

"That is to say, the County clearly has the work force necessary for setting a mine up, but lacks prospector and/or the funds necessary. That you have not mentioned the costs involved thus far leads me to believe that we are both equally in the dark as to that regard. Seemingly" he sighs.

"An attempt at prospecting for a new mining site will take a pound, assuming there are still gems to be found. The construction of the mine proper will probably take at least three times as much as that, but likely no more than five pounds".

"I can requisite both the prospectors and the funding, or only the later, if you already have someone in mind. First, however, we will have to agree on what will be each party's share, as the Crown will not finance such an operation without the hope of some return, if only to break even".

"Not that any of that matters if we aren't sure there is a source to be exploited and how much to expect from it in the first place. I propose that the County treasury come forward with half a pound and the Crown join with another half, up to two prospecting attempts. No binding agreements. Should we have to try thrice, odds are the mineral reserves are not worth persisting".

"As I said, should you wish to pursue the mine's construction on your own once a site is found, you will be free to do so. Consider this share of the prospecting the Crown's windfall for rebuilding Whitehall".

 If, on the other hand, you'd rather continue the partnership split further costs with the Crown, or other parties, we will run an estimate of the mines' expected profits and decide on the division of the potential profits before commencing excavation".

"While the County is technically part of the Crown lands at the present moment, meaning it would be the mine's sole owner either way, it is safe to assume that, should you become Count of Whitehall, the mine will go with it. Or so it is expected of the Prince. Hence the necessity of such arrangement".

"Does that sound agreeable?"
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 03:52:20 am by Azthor »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Skippity-Bap-Pap for your soul
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #148 on: January 25, 2014, 04:07:03 am »

Jawyn took a moment to take it all in. "That sounds agreeable Your Grace. I still have enough money left over for prospecting, with Crown coming up with the other half. I will be honest, I am not very trusting of any merchants or outside money coming into the county that is not from the Crown, if only because that usually carries extra obligations I wish to be without."

The baronet took a step forward. He imagined earning his position in a different way, but politics dictated otherwise. "As I said before, you are one of the few people who actually wish me to be granted a full county - I can only thank you and ask your patronage in this case. I do wonder though, what your motives are. That is, if I the question is not too forward Your Grace. As a knight, I am used to straightforward assessment of things. Half-words and whispers kill in battle if there is no trust."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Baal's More Evil American Twin
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #149 on: January 25, 2014, 01:21:40 pm »

Daelin surveyed this stretch of mine carefully, the work crew behind him silent and patient in the pitch black of the tunnel. Daelin crept forward slowly, sniffing delicately every few steps for the gentle taste of that invisible, poison gas that has taken so many dwarven lives. He came to the end of the small natural section of cavern which this team had breached without scenting the deadly coaldamp, and he tapped a small metal pick against the stone. To his surprise, he tapped it against something metallic he hadn't noticed. Instead of the gentle tink of metal on stone, it was the ringing clink of metal on metal. Daelin examined the part of the wall he'd struck, finding a small patch of ore. He grunted happily as the foreman came up to him. "Thankee Lord. We appreciate your own attention. Hopefully we can find some more rich veins before our current ones become lost in the mountain."

Daelin nodded sharply once, "Towards this end, I'm going to allocate some additional funding to the miners for exploration and exploitation of existing veins. We need to increase our production." Allocate 1 pound to the Mining Guild to increase productivity.


Daelin eyed the human levies he had been gifted control of dubiously, still finding his own dwarves to be superior fighters, but he didn't say this. Instead, he turned to his Master of Arms and said, "I am placing what little funds I can in your control for the raising of another levy. We'll worry about outfitting them well later. For now, we simply need more arms to bring against the bandits." Allocate 3 pounds to the Master of Arms to raise a (Dwarven) levy with shields and Heavy Training. (That should be 3 pounds total, yes? Raising a levy isn't given a cost, so I assumed it was 1 pound.)
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.
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