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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12768 times)


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2014, 07:24:34 pm »

Ramus stopped and turned towards the tall, rather pale man with a grin, he chuckled slightly before replying.

"At least I wear what I am clearly on my sleeve unlike your 'Order', I'm a murderer, a cutthroat, a blade for hire, and much more. Sure I might just look a glorified bandit, but I wear my job with pride, displaying what I am for the world to see while you hide your acts as if they were the divine will of gods or righteous judgement. The difference between me and a bandit my tall friend is I get paid by someone to rob another person, and I usually take something a lot more valuable than gold from a person. Now if you'll excuse me your highness I have drinking, brawling, and fine women to attend to, I'll leave one of my men here if you wish to give me a message."

With that Ramus turns, and walks away from the group seemingly ignoring everyone else as he waltz out of the room, it takes him a while to find his man in the castle but when he does it comes at no surprise to find they grey bearded dwarf smoking and dicing with some of the servants. Pulling the man aside he speaks up,

"Dalmere you're to stay here and relay so messages I have as well as act as my messenger from the Prince here who has so nicely decided to hire us for a new job. Any way onto the messages.

First, I want you to find a merchant by the name of Franz Sebastian something, tell him I'd be willing to meet another time and have a much better discussion but sadly at the moment I have more pressing matters to attend to. Tell him to that if its a business proposition he's looking for you'll go fetch me immediately, otherwise arrange a meeting with him some time, maybe get me some from wine or ale out of it if you can.

Finally, a Sealord Yorvus was looking to work side by side with us, tell him he can accompany us when we go out to scourge bandits for the first time and we can talk about a mutual agreement then. I wanna see what the man and his men are worth before committing to anything, but try not to let him know that. Now I'm off Gral, try not to die the servants out of all their wages."

With that done Ramus departs to frequent the less reputable parts of town, drinking, gambling very minor stakes, and altogether enjoying himself while the peace before his new job lasts.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2014, 07:26:23 pm by adwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2014, 04:34:31 am »

Much, much earlier today...

"Finally, though I abide by your desires in peace, a claim is a claim, and it is, indeed, all too true that my dynasty harbors a strong claim on the Duchy of Severance. Having been in my family for generations, that is not something I can easily let go without great blemish to my family; however, I'd be willing to lay down such a claim were the Duchess of Severance to agree to a contract of marriage, so that I might rest easy on my dynasty's continued prosperity".

"And with that I've voiced my position. May your reign be long and prosperous, Your Highness"

Lady Cairn did not touch the wine as it was passed, thanking the servant instead and enjoying in the feast prepared for the masses. She waited until the proposing Duke finished speaking, and replying to those in turn, using it to ponder on the proposal. For one, he was historically right--her line had won the lands through words, and yet neither partner in this union was the noble ruler of the lands.

She gazed upon the Duke. He was young, and had quite a reputation to match--daring, bold and probably chivalric, she wondered if his morals were as pure as she thought him to be given how he worded his idea to the Prince, given the number of rumors she heard about the quelled instances of...dissent.

"Your Majesty," she raised her glass in his honor, "while I share The Duke of Severan's notions about taxes and lands, I would like to speak with him in private about this union, and on other matters which involve the lands in dispute--the people's future is what is foremost in my thoughts, and I would like to hear his side of the story. If the people will be unhappy with our personal decisions, no matter our standing, then I will have to disagree in advance."

She was not much for words, as the sight of most of the table on her for the moment was quite daunting, "If, that is deemed acceptable of course."



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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2014, 05:26:11 pm »

Jawyn observed Lady Cairn as she responded to the request and to Princely order. She was a fair maiden and it made sense for a lord like Canute to make such a proposal; he would gain considerably if not in land then in connections and influence. And while the young knight entertained an errant thought about the Duchess, he knew that his path was elsewhere. He would have to carry twice the burdens that other lords and nobles do to earn his repute in a land that considers him alien, despite being among these people his whole life.

He had his writ, his business for the most part was concluded and further proceedings of upper nobles did not concerned him much...yet. His party of light riders was ready since morning, keeping the horses saddled in the courtyard to surprise of others that just arrived for the coronation and long festivities after. They knew they wouldn't stay long.  In surly mood they would leave the capital, heading for Whitehall.

Unless stopped by anyone, leave for Whitehall.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 05:32:45 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2014, 12:38:03 pm »

Franz took a moment to consider. "Lets make it twenty percent. I have to maintain ships and the crew. They of course expect more money for dangerous and long voyages as well. Other than that, I accept your offer. I will head to Stormport and then make my way to Dorenshadt via Severance"
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2014, 04:40:23 pm »

Swear Fealty to the King. Then return to the White Forest


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2014, 05:01:47 pm »

Franz took a moment to consider. "Lets make it twenty percent. I have to maintain ships and the crew. They of course expect more money for dangerous and long voyages as well. Other than that, I accept your offer. I will head to Stormport and then make my way to Dorenshadt via Severance"

Daelin smiled softly, and replied, "Seventeen and a half."
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #66 on: January 09, 2014, 03:40:15 pm »

Franz also smiled, "I have a feeling you and I are going to get along well. I accept seventeen and a half percent of the profits! Do we sign the contract here or in Dorenshadt?"

(After the signing or no signing)

He was walking very briskly around town. He smelled money and he had a goal. His plans would be to first find something to take to Stormport for a profit via an escorted caravan that he will hire for this one job. From there on he will hire a ship with protection to transport goods to Severance and then to Durenshadt. From there he hopes to set everything up so he wouldn't have to be on each trip. Right now he was going to see an old friend of his, a local trader. His name was Richard and he would know what goods would be the best to take to Stormport and maybe a good haul for Stormport-Severance even. He would also get the best contact for a cheap but reliable caravan with guards. He wouldn't let a moment go to waste.
Franz had finally made it to a red-brick building close to the harbour, it didn't look much from outside but he knew that the inside was beautiful. He entered through the door into the commercial part of the house, which was quite simple in furnishing. Richard almost instantaneously recognized him and they both greeted each other with joy. Franz told Richard that it was nice to see him but he was here for business. He was asked to come in to Richard's office. The office was brilliantly decorated with weaponry and maps, he also had a model of a ship. The walls were covered with bookshelves and cases showing souvenirs from exotic lands.

"Well my boy, what brings you to me?", asked Richard
"There was the coronation of this new prince in the castle today and all the nobles were gathered to see a boy getting crowned. I got in there thanks to that one amorous adventure I had with Milly a couple years back. Now the sweet news is that I got a contract with the Earl of Dorenshadt. Freight of goods via ship to Severance.", he let it settle in a bit before continuing the tale. "Since you like to keep your hand on the pulse of the market as well as the black market, I need your advice. What should I haul to Stormport from here and then on from Stormport to Severance and Severance-Dorenshadt? Also where could I get a reliable caravan for the best price and do you happen to have any contacts in Stormport who I could contact with the mission of hiring a ship for a longer period?"

Franz asks about goods to trade between Stormborough-Stormport, Stormport-Severance and Severance-Dorenshadt. Also the would like to know on how to get a reliable and escorted caravan for the best price and a contact for the hiring of a ship in Stormport.
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #67 on: January 09, 2014, 03:51:49 pm »

((Eh, this works too.))

"Forgive me, I forget that my kind are not common knowledge. I am a construct built by order of Rajah Mekkos of Bharat with the task of aiding and protecting lords and leaders in this region. I accomplish this through my form and my knowledge; my builders ensured that I was archived with information useful to any ruler. I personally was specialised in knowledge pertaining to the arcane and it has been of use to many of my Masters."

 "My identification number is located within my head, if you are inclined to view it, although I make no use of it here. In this land, I am called Nestor; an Elven master named me that once and I've had the inclination to keep it since. You may call me anything else, for the duration of my service to you, should you accept it."

The Prince was silent for a time, studying the golem.  "We will discuss your nature and freedoms later.  If you are truly my servant, you will permit the guards to escort you to a cell - a clean cell - until this evening, when I will see you by appointment.  Otherwise you will be escorted to an unclean cell, indefinitely.  You are dismissed... Nestor."

Earlier, addressing the Duchess...

"If you wish to deal with this matter between you, I will not stop you.  Merely keep me abreast."

Later, just before dealing with the golem...

"With that, I bring this council to a close.  I will accept your oaths of fealty and renew our bonds.  I will hold any appointments this evening, and a fresh council tomorrow; Dukes Stormport and Severance, please attend.  Daggeroak, you too.  You are also invited to attend me personally this evening, if you wish.  For the rest of you, enjoy the remainder of the feast beyond and sup well.  Good night."

Even later, in the Prince's private apartments...

Aethelred addressed a member of his house guard.  "Begin the appointments, then.  The new Baron Elfsend first, if you will.  Get the servants to open a bottle of the Tokay; this might be a long night."


[4] Ramus: You spend an equitable night out drinking and whoring; the madam at the Golden Horn, the best brothel in town, reserves you a room for longer term occupancy.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #68 on: January 09, 2014, 04:22:30 pm »

Franz asks about goods to trade between Stormborough-Stormport, Stormport-Severance and Severance-Dorenshadt. Also the would like to know on how to get a reliable and escorted caravan for the best price and a contact for the hiring of a ship in Stormport.

[5,5,5] (You lucky son of a bitch, I'll get you for this! *Shakes fist*)
Between a few cursory inquiries at the markets, you find that there are abundant amounts of valuable trade goods far below their usual price for sale in Stormborough, Stormport and Severance. You estimate that you coud easily make about double to six times the profit on what you buy here. The sheer amount means that you'll need a rather large caravan or ship to get the goods through however.

[1,1] (Or nevermind, the RNG had ideas on that :P)
On the other hand, when you head to the caravan master's office, you see that the place is decrepit, the place having seen far better days before the master speaks up. "Look, unless you've already hired a ship, a full regiment of men and have a death wish, there's no hope of getting anything shipped anywhere. Between the bandits prying just about every caravan open for a share of the goods to the point the only ones being let through unmolested are single caravans and food shipments, and the pirates taking or otherwise sinking every ship that tries to enter our ports. The guards just cannot handle the degree of banditry we've been having, and I'm not about to make any of my people die for someone's profit needlessly. If the nobles sort out this mess like they should, I can let folks hire them again, but you'll be waiting atleast a year or three."

Swear Fealty to the King. Then return to the White Forest
Unless stopped by anyone, leave for Whitehall.
You both arrive to your respective fiefs without much issue, being far to well armed compared to the little amount of value of what you carry to have been intercepted by bandits.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #69 on: January 09, 2014, 04:32:55 pm »

Smoothing out the front of his doublet, Karac shifts through the crowd easily. A wineglass is snatched from a serving tray, and he nears the doors, trailing Anders in silence, never letting the assassin out of his sight. Stopping short at the sight of the duke, he presses waiting until they leave and slipping through the doors behind them a safe, or hopefully so, distance.

Karac continues to stealthily try and follow Anders, mostly to see where they go. If they start talking, he tries to get closer to eavesdrop, as well.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #70 on: January 09, 2014, 04:39:35 pm »

Karac continues to stealthily try and follow Anders, mostly to see where they go. If they start talking, he tries to get closer to eavesdrop, as well.
[1,1] Continuing to follow Anders outside of a crowd happens to go... poorly. As in you see him enter a room, and then BARGE in in order to overhear what they're talking about. You're pretty sure that could've been done a LOT more subtle though, especially since both Anders and what you assume to be his prospective employer looking at you like you're a village idiot.

And unfortunately, you're sober. You can't really use drink as an excuse this time.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #71 on: January 09, 2014, 04:54:00 pm »

Anders turned around in a quick spin, glaring at the lordling as he entered the garden. Instinctively placing himself between the Duke and the fop, he crossed his arms and closed his hands into fists, but did not make any further move. Instead, he spoke up, breaking the silence.

"That's one of those I checked, my liege. I was almost certain he was going to make a scene in there before I took him aside, but he did not confess to having any criminal intentions - I could not charge him with anything, so I left it there... Though it seems he was not joking when he implied I'd caught his fancy. What brought you away from your peers and friends, my lord?"

He was now talking in a slightly different fashion - his accent was more refined and his tone was more serious, similar to the cultivated tongue of nobility.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #72 on: January 09, 2014, 06:23:24 pm »


Before the Civil War a bustling river town trading the precious and rare whitewood to Falken, Selridge and the Dwarves, it now looked liked it weathered a siege.

Well it had.

The sigs of the siege begun however already miles away from the town. Wheat fields, once rich now trampled to mud, the occasional carcass of a burnt out farmhouse.

As the Daggeroak came closer he found the remains of the Valleyfall Siege Camp in what was once an Apple Orchard, most of the trees had been cut down for ladders and siege rams. Ruins of tents had been left lying about abandoned in the haste to withdraw towards Stormborough and attend the Coronation of the Prince. The smell of blood and smoke still hung thick in the air. finally Woodsedge came into sight, the towns wooden palisade broken in several places, the gates hanging open, gutted. Most of the cabbage fields around it had been trodden into the mud. the burnt out corpse of a siege ram lay forlorn and abandoned in the midst of the mudfield.

The banner of the order hang lamely from one of the wooden towers. As his brewery horse slowly approached the gates (the only kind of horse able to carry the massive half-turmen, at least the only kind he could afford) he more felt then noticed the crossbows trained on him. Warily Half-Brothers eyed him from their positions. They had lost many a brother in the siege, leaving the gates to the neophytes spoke lengths of the lamentable situation the Order was in. As he came closer they recognized his adornments as Lord Protector and they stood aside saluting silently, watching him through weary and tired eyes. five of the six gate guards where not older than sixteen winters, the other being a veteran brother past his fifties.

Woodsedge. The town looked miserable and downtrodden. At least it still stood. Severa haggard looking children ran past him, chasing a dog, which would propably end in a pot come the night.

He rode onwards reaching the centre of the town and one of the few buildings in the town which was build from stone. In fact it was the only notable building in it. It was the official seat of the Order of the White Forest, a fortified motte surrounded by stone-walls, housing mostly scribes and the neophytes. The true heart of the Order was somewhere deep within the White Forest, close to the hidden sanctuaries of the Druids. as he reached the Gates of the Compound a cart filled with corpses passed him, most of them wore the colours of Valleyfall but many, too many for his taste wore the green of the Order. All of them would be carted off deep inside the Sanctuaries, where their bodies would serve one last purpose, being sacrificed to the Spirits. The Souls of the Valleyfall men, the Neophytes and the Peasants would be sacrificed too, while those of the Full Brothers would join the spirits.

He left his brewery horse to the stable boy and turned towards the entrance of the motte. Steeling himself with a deep breath he prepared himself for the inevitable...

Returning to Woodsedge, Daggeroak takes stock of the Order. How many Brothers serve in it, how many Neophytes and Half-Brothers and how they are armed. He also discerns the cost of raising a New Regiment of Ranger Brothers (A Retinue Regiment) to hunt down bandits.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2014, 07:00:16 pm »

Daelin smiled at Franz, and took a fine piece of vellum out of his breast pocket. He filled '17.5' into a small blank space, and then signed it, his signature surprisingly beautiful. As he had Franz sign it, he brought out another contract, this one written in Dwarven. "I understand if you don't wish to sign this without being able to read it, for we Dwarves take our contracts seriously. I will merely fill it in and leave it with you to get translated by an independent source. I assure you that it is a carbon copy of the other contract, merely for my own personal records." Daelin said softly, and then signed it and filled a section in with that curiously beautiful Dwarven script. He then handed it to Franz and walked away without another word.

Return with my household guard to Dorenshadt.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #74 on: January 09, 2014, 08:27:45 pm »

"If that is your desire, Prince."

Nestor allows himself to be taken to the cell.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando
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