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Author Topic: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread  (Read 12720 times)


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 09:20:26 pm »

Anders' smile didn't even tremble when the duke first replied, though it did grow broader towards the end.

"Banegem. Anders Banegem, at your service. I am perfectly aware that now is not the time for business - I merely wished to make my presence and my interests known, my lord."

He looked around, scanning the room for other persons of interest.

"Besides, I might have a few other people to talk to before the end of the speeches. I shall meet up with you while you are leaving."

Without another word, he straightened himself and got up, walking off to another part of the room. His tone of voice had never changed.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:13:52 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 09:33:35 pm »

Daelin cocked his head contemplatively as the Chamberlain spoke, and he leaned forward. "I imagine the levies provided to me until I can raise some of my own would be best put to use upon the trade routes. I will begin sending troops down the Three Branches to guard shipments back and forth. If I can clear those routes in a reasonable span of time, I will, if others are willing to allow the trespass, keep the men out clearing bandits until they get the message." Daelin dipped his chin forward ever so slightly. "In accordance with the old laws of my people, I will have the thieves we capture along the roads crucified or burned alive. We have neither the time nor the desire to fight a protracted war on these criminals. Let us end them swiftly."
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2014, 05:23:27 am »

"I am at your disposal, your majesty." The young knight spoke up again. "As long as you have my direct allegiance, I will be happy to hunt down the looters and marauders. Whitehall levies will return home, but I  will be able to raise a troop, with your blessing of course."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2014, 06:52:59 am »

You would shit on the god-given protection of the Temples, you jumped-up whelp? Magos Blewyn thought, but after a moment, decided against saying.

'You would rid the Temples of their ancestral rights, Prince?' he said, taking on a friendly smile and stepping forward as if there were no others wanting to speak. 'A bold move that would be, certainly. Perilous. Things guaranteed under the gods are not so easily broken. My master would need to be appeased, in other ways, if this would come to pass.'

He nodded towards the gathered lords.  'I must be bold and speak for the gods, Prince. I will ask you and the noble lords gathered here to remember their oaths and obligations - a Prince is sworn to protect the his vassals and his people, as his vassals are bound by oath to him. In these troubled times the proper order has been forgotten all too much. Above everything else, Prince, respect these oaths, and the Chained God will love your line and your kingdom. The depths take any man who breaks his word and forgets his place.'

'As such - the honorable Duke Severan and others are correct. The contracts of vassalage must be upheld. This Earl of Westwater risks the Chained God's ire even now, and it would be ill-becoming of Your Highness to support him. If there is fault in the noble Duke, and the others of his rank - the Duke of Valleyfall, for example - the gods will see them punished, but their vassals should not be so quick to forsake their fealty. This is my council - the gods bless your reign.'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2014, 08:11:51 am »

Even sitting The Daggeroak stood out. His pale skin betrayed his Reyk-Man Bloodline among the darker hues of the Stormborough nobility and the fact that even sitting he towered over half the nobles standing, betrayed a heritage which was the only reason nobody dared to adress him as Half-Blood. When the others where finished he rose his head almost striking one of the wooden beams.

When he spoke his voice was loud, very loud.

My Prince. There are in fact several reasons why the Order of the White Forest would like to be considered a Crown Vassal rather then serving under some jumped-up bandit lord.

The insult was heard by all and was intentional. It was well known that during the Crown Wars, the White Forest, percieved as a sacred Place by the Order had been under siege ,even until the end of the Civil War, by Valleyfalls sons. Or at least those who survived.

It is well known that our Order kept the Roads of Stormborough free of bandits, outlaws and other scum before the War. The only reason why this matter has gotten so out of hand sits with you in this Council Chamber.
I am not a Feudal Lord, i am the Protector of the White Forest and as such had never given my fealty to Valleyfall. now imagine my suprise when his sons arrived with a veritable army ordering me not only to give him my fellow Battle Brothers but also the Novices and even the Druids as a levy and worse even to hand over the Tithes and the Offerings so graciously granted to us by the believers!
I represent a Holy Order and as such i refuse to fight against fellow countrymen on the grounds of increasing power for greedy lordlings my Prince. I refuse to be put under the yoke of some minor lord who plans to abuse the Orders Ideals for his nefarious power-mongering. As such i'd like to swear fealty to you my prince.

The Lands of the Order are the White Forest and as such the Holy Land may not be tilled nor may it be farmed. The Order is not rich my prince, what we have in funds we use to feed the men and arm them. However if you should choose to accept us as your own Vassal, we will free the roads of the Bandits as is our Spirits given duty. Not to mention that the Order will raise every able arm should you have need of soldiers, that is as long as we do not have to fight against brothers of the faith or cousins of the faith.

At that the Daggeroak gave a respectful nod towards Magos Blewyn.

That is all, The Protector has stated his cause.

He sat bag in his chair, which groaned under the weight of the Half-Turman and his chainmail.



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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2014, 01:01:31 pm »


The peasant/servant hears the lords talk and walks away knowing his place is not here.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 01:15:51 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2014, 01:07:53 pm »

Buudy, you have posted not once, but TWICE with seemingly reading the rules in the OP. If you want to discuss the text coours and the like GO USE THE DAMNED OOC THREAD.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2014, 03:32:14 pm »

Franz had gotten to the coronation thanks to some much needed contacts and formerly amorous adventures. He looked at the prince from within the crowd, fitting in with his red clothes, elegant, yet practical. He was here for a reason, although the war had ended, there was still a lot of money to be made and this was the perfect place to find some business partners, nobles. Gently moving around so as not to overly disturb his fellow guests, he finally sighted his first potential partner. Lord Borokshtan, the honourable darf, earl of Dorenshadt had great troubles with bandits and the lack of trade. Franz of course being the former smuggler and semi-criminal was willing to offer his services of transporting goods through anything, at a price, as always.

He smoothly moved up to the dwarf.

"Honourable Lord Borokshtan! What a wonderful event, is it not? Finally shall peace be restored!"

With those annoying niceties and small-talk out of the way, he got to the point.

"I am Franz Sebastian Langton! I am a business man, a merchant. Since you are having trouble with trade and you have great resources at your hands, I am willing to offer my services to you. You see, I can get anything anywhere!"
That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2014, 04:10:19 pm »

Magos Mihaylow nods at Magos Blewyn and takes a gulp of his wine. "What Magos Blewyn said is true, Prince. The rights of the temples were established long ago by your predecessors and the will of the Gods. It would be unwise to displease the Gods in such a fashion, especially given the turbulent times and your recent ascension to the throne. Besides, the wealth of the Temples lies not in material possessions but in spiritual wisdom and intellect. If you need gold look to the merchants, for the riches of the Temples lies in words and knowledge."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2014, 05:13:15 pm »

Aethelred tapped his fingers gently on the table, ignoring his wine.  He managed a wan smile at the head of the daylight's clergy.

"We keep coming back to the oath of fealty, don't we?  It is traditional, after all, to re-swear it to a new Prince; an oath dies with its holder.  No doubt you have noticed that part of the coronation ceremony was skipped; that was not an oversight.  When we are done here, I will ask you to swear your oaths to me, and I will ask it on the understanding of what is discussed today.  For the sake of argument, let us recite that oath.  Do correct me, Magos, if I get the wording wrong.  Specifics are important with oaths; the devils forge their chains from the details, after all.

"By the earth and sky, the heart and hand, I will to my lord be faithful and true, and love all that he loves and shun all that he shuns, according to the laws of the gods and the order of the world.  Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.

"That last part is important, think you not?  I will to my lord et cetera et cetera and he will hold to me as I deserve it.  As you have so eloquently put it, a lord is obliged to protect his people, as they are sworn to serve him.  An oath is a contract, and a contract can be broken.  Whatever I might require of His servants, I am not so blind or foolhardy to stand against the Chained God.  There is no higher crime than oathbreaking, but if an oath has been broken by one party neither I nor He would hold the other to their pact.

"Not that I suggest deliberate oathbreaking on any part; we are all honourable men and women, I am sure.  Nevertheless, if I find that a lord has failed to uphold his protection by negligence or intent I will be forced to review the eligibility of that contract.  With that in mind, allow me to address your issues in turn.

"Baronet Landemourne, your argument holds in part.  I consider Duke Valleyfall to have been neglectful of his duties to the people of Whitehall.  While I understand the need to raise taxes and am not opposed to it, he failed to contain the violence resulting from his overburdening of the people.  With his forces elsewhere, fighting for his chosen liege instead of protecting his citizens even against themselves, he suffered the shame of the city falling and being looted by the rebels.  I have reason to believe that the Duke's current estate is larger than he can govern and shall therefore reduce it to a more manageable size.

"However, I disagree with your statement that your action of reclaiming that city makes you its lord, despite your de facto armed presence there.  Might alone does not make right; even the Iron Prince won this land by the right of the gods and the law he himself was answerable to.  If this was the case, I should have to promote every mercenary and warlord to an earldom if he had the might to seize a city.  You have shown bravery and skill and are to be rewarded, but I do not lightly grant titles.  Perhaps, when you have proved yourself to me, I shall reconsider.  After all, I have no desire to raise a son above his father, at least while his father yet lives.

"With this in mind it is my judgement that the town and surrounds of Whitehall be retracted from vassalage to Duke Valleyfall and placed in the Royal Demesne.  Baronet Landemourne, if you will swear your oath to myself directly I will appoint you autonomous Governor of the city and estates, but at this stage I will not invest you with an earldom.

"Severan, Westwater has suffered under your rule, but under its Earl's governance.  The oath is not broken, but I will insist that you keep your vassal in check.  The issue in which we are going to disagree however is one of peacetime levies.  While you would certainly prefer to retain full levies during peacetime, the current situation demands contributions from all parties, especially regarding the brigandry problem.  I have yet to decide whether a reserve of the levy will be required or if I may simply enforce upon you the burden of guarding your own demesne's roads.  At present, I am leaning towards the latter.

"Daggeroak, I caution you on your tone.  These jumped up bandit lords come from a very long line of jumped up bandit lords who, by and large, have been loyal servants of this kingdom and my dynasty.  Since they chose to re-establish that loyalty rather than opt to die painfully in a ditch at each other's throats, they deserve some respect.  The issue is one of Woodsedge town, not the White Forest proper.  The rights of the Forest and its Folk are well established, and I will not cross those rights, but the river town has traditionally come under human government.  From my understanding of the issue at hand, Woodsedge has traditionally been governed by the Order but vassal to the Duchy of Valleyfall.  The prior Dukes have ruled with a very light hand and been decidedly generous with taxation, but the question of vassalage has never been seriously pressed.

"Duke Valleyfall's position, I am sure, is that he would forget about the Forest in exchange for the town.  Given its current state of disrepair, it would not be a terrible bargain for you.  The Order's allegiance would be most useful to me in this current time, but having already bereft the Duke of one vassal I am leary of depriving him of the other.  I will hear his word on this before acting.

"Magos Blewyn, the ancestral rights of the temples are to serve as mediators between man and god.  Your temple's ancestral rights of tax avoidance stretch back only two ancestors; I think the gods will manage so long as we keep up the sacrifices.  However I understand the need of the church to provide for the poor, as charity and fraternity are keystones of the faith.  Therefore upon consideration I may not exact a tax upon the clergy after all.  I will simply insist upon your contribution to the rebuilding of this nation's savaged cities.  Two pounds will suffice, annually, and I might recommend Ciall as your benefactor; Severan can deal with Westwater's reconstruction, as may Lady Cairn with Greybend.  Consider this a polite but undeniable request."
  The Prince smiled again at the Magos.

"If such charity leaves a sour taste in your mouth, though I could not possibly imagine why, I am prepared to grant the barony of Ewerburgh to the Church, along with its rents and a responsibility to keep that garrison readied for the support of its neighbours.  Since its trade depends directly upon the prosperity of Ciall, consider that an incentive towards your benefaction.

"Magos Mihaylow, I thank you for your counsel and would not dream of dishonouring the night by allowing the day such an advantage.  To the thousand cults I am prepared to grant the barony of Highpeak, with its rents and responsibilities, in tribute to the Destroyer.  Appropriate, as it is in your capacity as His representative that I have need of you.  The brigands and deserters that plague these lands simply need to go.  I must formally request the church's military assistance in wiping them out.

"There are others with plaints to make, I am sure, and some of those addressed will have more to say, I am sure.  Continue."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2014, 06:46:22 pm »

Karac sat in sullen silence as the prince droned on. His suggestion wasn't denied so much as ignored among the squabbling and bickering of the Nobility. Twirling his goblet by the stem, he let his attention wander away from the Prince, to the lowlife peasants offering and bartering and selling their services for pennies and provender. So much the same with the nobility-- Only scum floats to the top, after all.

The empty glass was replaced with another, full one, steaming with warmth and spices. It was emptied almost as soon as it was placed within his hand and set aside on the arm of his chair. Wine fogged his senses, making the entire meeting more bearable than it was. Few things caught his wandering attention, mostly those disgusting beings playing at humanity's game; the 'Turman' and Dwarf. Dismissing the thoughts of insulting the two creatures that grew out of his drink induced haze, it was difficult to redirect his stare elsewhere.

Eventually he fixed it somewhere above his brother's head, upon the ceiling -- a crack in the plaster, to be exact. Minute and barely visible, but there. Without thinking about it, at least not overmuch, he begins to try and find words that rhyme with crack. Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few. Like rack. And smack. And back.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2014, 07:26:39 pm »

The Prince caught his brother's restlessness in the corner of his eye.  His lips pursed slightly and then he addressed his brother in somewhat stern tones.

"I see I have been neglecting you, brother dear.  Do not think you are without a role in all of this.  We will meet the Drymarkman princess when we are done here, and I expect you to be charming, brilliant and witty."

He leaned in and lowered his voice.  "And then I expect you to be a horrific tease and let slip that when you are married the princess or duchess-elect who takes you shall gain a sizeable portion of Stormborough's estates as a dowry, which I will deny fervently.  That should bring suitors from Selridge and Falken coming; so long as they think they might gain an ally in their eternal bloody war they might stay a more militant hand while we are still weak.  Completely untrue, but perhaps suggest that Valleyfall's star is on the descendant and his lands might become your own.  Besides, I know you will enjoy the parties.  You do nothing but.  Meanwhile, try and pick out any useful miscreants from the special guests, would you?"

The Prince straightened up again.  "You stink of wine, brother.  Go bother the rest of the table, some of us are trying to work."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2014, 08:02:56 pm »

As he was navigating through the nobles looking for opportunities - he disliked staying in one place, and he disliked doing nothing productive even more -, something important caught Anders' eye. The prince spoke to a lordling personally. Although he did not hear the words, he understood rather quickly that the message had not pleased the minor noble, for the man was looking positively furious.

Fortune smiled to the bold. He took a few great steps, and as the Prince moved away from the lordling he placed himself between the two, bearing his warmest smile and trying his best to look like he was oblivious to any tension between the two, opening his arms like he was seeing an old friend again. When he spoke, however, it was in a very low tone and very quickly, so that none could hear but the petty noble.

"You look like you're about to make a very bad choice at a very bad time, my lord. Though it may be impudent of me to put forward my counsels for these noble ears to hear, I advise cooling down and weighing your words very carefully before speaking again to the Prince. Trust me - any insult he may have caused can be paid for... Later."

His expression had remained cordial and even complicit while he spoke, making him look like he had told a joke meant only for the lordling's ears.

((Asked Fil beforehand to make sure he was okay with me seeing his reaction))


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2014, 08:35:14 pm »

He smoothly moved up to the dwarf.

"Honourable Lord Borokshtan! What a wonderful event, is it not? Finally shall peace be restored!"

With those annoying niceties and small-talk out of the way, he got to the point.

"I am Franz Sebastian Langton! I am a business man, a merchant. Since you are having trouble with trade and you have great resources at your hands, I am willing to offer my services to you. You see, I can get anything anywhere!"

Daelin sized up the man beside him carefully, letting his gaze settle piercingly on the man's eyes. He stared silently for a moment, a traditional Dwarven sign of polite acknowledgement, and then said, "I appreciate your candor in getting straight to the point, manling. Perhaps after the Prince is finished resolving the issues of the mewling nobility, we can discuss your offer further, for I am not without a considerable interest. When we are finished here, meet me by the fountain in the courtyard. Until then, business must wait, unfortunately." Daelin nodded curtly at the man, and returned his attention to the Prince, to see him saying something to the fop that stared at Daelin when he thought Daelin wasn't paying attention. Daelin watched the young human intently, seeing that he couldn't help but gulp his wine down and that as the Prince spoke, the fop became red with fury. As the Prince turned and walked away from the fop, Daelin saw a man walking with the subtle motions of a soldier lean in to whisper in the fop's ear. Perhaps one of the mercenaries that toddled about peddling their blades.

Daelin filed this away uninterestedly, and took the time to give the Turman a good look. The half-breed was a monstrous creature, almost double Daelin's height and surely massing nearly three times as much. Surely a fanatic of that strange religion of the forests, almost as bad as the two clergymen that bickered incessantly over the issue of churches paying tax. Daelin prayed little, but when he did, he spoke with the Dwarven God of Steel, not any of these manling gods. He knew it might become an issue if a clergymen pressed him, for the Gods of men were jealous and violent about their status. But Daelin knew plenty about the human gods. Enough that he could bluff his way out of the conversation if need be.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: You are King: New Realms: IC Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2014, 09:18:21 pm »

The stern tone of his brother snapped him out of his drunken reverie. Defiance swiftly gave way to anger as the Prince continued, implying and insulting. His face reddened and his gaze shifted over the room, before returning to stare daggers at his brother.  Straightening up after his brother finished speaking, his mouth opened--

Then some...knight or peasant or lowblood stepped in front of him and spoke swiftly. A pithy remark died in his throat and he pushed himself out of the muddle of wine in time to realize the sense in the man's words. Standing, he took a step to the right and bowed low to the Iron Prince, even if he couldn't see him, or his back was turned. The next words out of his mouth were polite and crisp; straight to the point.

"Please forgive me, your Highness." Stiff-backed now, he considered the man that stopped him from speaking too harshly. The wine imbibed smoothed out some of the man's faults -- especially his dress sense, and a false smile came easy to Karac's lips. In a lower tone, then, the smile growing wider as he tried to seem as if he was jesting, "Come, my friend, I believe you wish to speak some, considering how my head doesn't yet adorn a pike."

It was easy to wave away the waiter who brought him another goblet. It was harder to actually walk away, but he managed it without looking too drunk.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 09:19:57 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."
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