1st Opal, 36We stand with 21 dwarves, plenty of food and drink, a hell hole full of wraiths, zombies, 5 forgotten monstrosities, a plain encamped by a squad of imperial bladeguards, and three ghosts. At least we have walls, food and drink. One of our number is mad.
We have the start of a “minecart grinder”, whatever that is, that the previous overseer wants me to finish. Some of the others have wondered if maybe we should direct this effort towards the beasts below. I am tempted to agree. I have ordered some preliminary tunnels to be dug near the ruins of the Hammer.
Additionally, I have ordered most of our dwarves to help in creating new clothing. We have little, and more will be very useful.
16th Opal, 36Niku starved today, poor bastard. He was already mad, so it was an inevitable end.
5th Obsidian, 36Big D the 145 was found dead today, contorted in fear. I looked into the death records, and it seems although there are engraved slabs for many of the dead here, many have not been placed. This clerical error has been rectified.
14th Obsidian, 36A new beast has entered the caverns. More for the menagerie, I suppose.
1st Granite, 37Spring has come. We have clothing, and more is being ordered. Hopefully we shall be done wearing threads soon. All the dead have been buried or memorialized. Work on the new minecart grinder continues apace, and testing shall begin soon.
14th Granite, 37It seems we just finished selling a lot of 30 platinum bars. That’s a fair bit of gold. I’ll have to check in at the embassy and portal to see what we can find to do with all this money.
15th Granite, 37Talonis Wolf became a priest today. I’m not sure why we need a second priest, but his training is complete.
22nd Granite, 37Avdpos withrew from society today, and claimed a mason’s shop. After searching through his scribbled list of demands and allowing access to the piles of leather in the courtyard, he gathered some gypsum, studded leather, rough rock crystals, copper bars and some silk cloth, and began working.
24th Granite, 37Avdpos made a gypsum coffer. It appears that a portion of it depicts the suffering of society. How wonderful.
I also tested our new minecarft contraption today. It seems to have a few snags to work out, so I’ve order a few ramps rebuilt.
14th Slate, 37We are making progress on creating some new underground storage space. We have so many items all over the place, it is impossible to make sense of things. So I am turning to the brute force solution of just piling all of our things near the heart of the fortress.
25th Slate, 37After months of work, the grinder had an unfortunate test run. The system worked all too well before failing. We had blocked off the entrances, and Mc Mahrgell moved the cart into place above the drop chute. But as he pushed the cart over the open hatch, he fell along with the cart onto the tracks. There was nothing to do, save hope for a malfunction. There was a malfunction, but unlike previous runs where the cart dislodged before completing a circuit, Mc Mahrgell was battered by three runs. The accelerating cart ground him to paste through the three successful circuits it completed before stopping. We have found his torso, hand, and the rest of his body all over the short loop of track. I can only hope his blood serves to lure in the undead once we improve the infernal machine.