Hey guys. Been a while since I posted. I usually do purely request threads, much to my shame. This time, I'm hoping to expand that a bit and do a more broad compilation deal.
As a gamer, I get the most enjoyment out of feeling like I'm just one part of a larger world. Stuff like RTSs don't grab me because nothing happens without my explicit control. I had a thread praising the Majesty series for breaking that mold.
So let's have a list of some games that really make you feel immersed in their setting, where you aren't the thing the entire world revolves around!
I have quite a few. Please post what makes them immersive if you have any to add. If this kicks off, I may edit this opening post to include a complete list.
The List:
The Elder Scrolls series: Kind of hit and miss, really. In the more recent games, NPCs have schedules and go around doing their own things. The in-game lore books are probably the best part for immersion in my opinion. The down side is that quests don't move until you act on them, and the whole level scaling thing makes it feel like the world caters to you. At least Oblivion had an in-game fluff reason for it (more oblivion gates opening or whatever).
Majesty series: As mentioned, in this game you have no direct control over your population. It makes it feel like they have a mind of their own and could live their lives without you. However short those lives would be.
Distant Worlds: Even if you don't let the AI control any part of your empire, this is the only 4x game I've ever seen with a private sector that actually buys ships and does things of their own volition. They're even worth protecting with the state military.
Aurora: Okay, I lied. Recently I discovered that Aurora also has a private sector, though it seems less pronounced. A little too much control for what I'd like, but the research system (research parts, then put them together and research the entire component) manages to provide immersion via the minute details rather than the overarching picture.
Populous: The old ones, where you don't have direct control over your worshipers. For much the same reasons as the Majesty series.
Creatures series: Once again, by taking agency from the player, it feels more like an ant farm than a "game," which I find to be more immersive. There's less abstraction involved.
Anyone else have some to add? Just any game that's had you forget, even if for a moment, that you're playing it, or where you've just sat back and watched a world at work rather than feeling the need to "play".