I tried following Josh's strategy but then the new cavalier got mobbed and killed. She was partnered up with another unit but I'm not sure Dual Guard triggered even once.
You can do it Sirus, Ch12 isn't even the hardest challenge ahead of you
I'm actually finding mounted units to be very hard to level up. My chapter 20 team right now is full of promotes, and the ones I'm still struggling to train are Silas and Baruka. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to just drop Baruka cause the threat level of enemies is increasing greatly every chapter and now she's not strong enough to kill weakened units reliably, and Silas is very close to level 20, I'm being extra patient with him because he has a lot of support levels with my current units. In previous Fire Emblems, mounted units were frequently god-tier if only because mobility let you crush groups of units in one big rush without a chance of retaliation. It would seem that the huge rebalancing initiative hit mounted units hard, so that they're more for support and transporting around your slower units, which are statistically superior to make up for the reduced mobility.
Or maybe my build is just highly specialized in foot soldiers, and if I double-downed on mounted units I could revive that rush down strategy, but I'm too late in the game to switch horses midstream now.
I kinda wish there was an alternative way to gain exp, because just being somebody's partner and blocking attacks for them gives a *tiny* bit of exp with each block, but it's not nearly enough, and killing units is too hard for her now, and there's no Pokemon Daycare I can put Baruka into and have her gain exp over time. A Daycare would be pretty ok if it had some cost to it, and you could only put unpromoted units in it, and the 'incubation period' was long enough, like 4-5 chapters, and then they could hatch from their shell all leveled up and ready to promote.
I just think it's a bummer that there's so many units you just have to leave on the bench because at a certain point it just becomes impossible to train them up, but I guess that's the hard choice you gotta making in this Campaign.