A conversation is the combination of options and the response to them.
There are two tags that are valid in the response line of a conversation.
This tag retrieves a value from the variables stored and replaces itself with that value.
There are a number of special, reserved names which are as follows:
time - This returns the current time and date.
binary, hexadecimal, octal - These return the value stored in the variable (binaryparam, hexadecimalparam, octalparam) in the base (2, 16,
getmemory - This returns the value of a variable specified by index. It can also be used with the keywords "last" and "first". Ex. <get>getmemory last</get> returns the last variable added to the list.
randomcolor - This returns a random color along with a shade, which can either be nothing, "bright", "light", "dark", or "deep." Ex. dark chartreuse, bright yellow, light brown.
random - Returns a random number. Can either be limited by the numbers specified in the variable "randomparams" or none, in which case it will choose a random number with no limits.
datafilesize - Returns the size of both "Amaline.xml" and "Database.xml" in bytes.
exefilesize - Returns the file size of "Chat.exe" in bytes.
This tag is used to set variables to a certain value.
Commands are separated by spaces. If you wish to have multiple words in a command, surround it by quotes, or use a backslash before the spaces to ignore them.
cull - Only has one acceptable parameter after right now, which is words. This will remove all words in the input provided by the user that are in one of the options, leaving only additional text. For example, if the option was, "My name is", and the user typed, "My name is John." using cull words would return "John." This command replaces itself with the text culled.
into - Sets the variable on the right side to the value on the left. For example - 10 into x - sets x to 10. Can be used like this "cull words into name." Reserved variable name - "new". "new" adds a new variable to the end of the variable list with name specifying its index and the variable from the left of the into.
quit - Quits the program.