I was really surprised at your aggression towards me, then and later.
I was thinking more about getting 3 provinces for a few turn for the extra income, more that a total war. Moreover, the one my pretender targeted was your ichtyid village (and my scouts told me there wasn't an army near this one), where I could have recruited enough troops to help me get a few sea provinces, next.
You even sent a couple of assassins at me, was a bit surprised by that.
Pythium's assassins aren't really more expensive than their scouts. So I basically recruited assassins each time I needed scouts. Except samourais aren't exactly killable by those :s
Surely Mictlan was an actual threat to you and worthy of such gifts. I figured (and still figure) that you have an alliance of sorts with Patala. That's the only reasoning I could come up with when you attacked me.
not really. I just though I could attack you and handle the retaliation much later. I attacked in spring, when the water between my island and your land was becoming "not walkable" again so you had to go around, attacking someone else
Did you expect my mages to kill off your guys so easily? Spells are pretty great when you pick the right ones to match what you're fighting.
I didn't mind. My attacks with mermen wasn't here to stay, and other than that I put a few hydra hatchling just so that you needed real troops to kill em, not just a few militia. Fact is, you have really good blade fighters, with Jomon, so I knew you could kill them easily even without mages ^^'
You saw what my poorly thought out and moderately equipped dragon could do as well. With some experience and skill put behind it it could even cooler stuff. Your cyclops had a lot more long-term potential though. Dragons can only ever have a helmet + 2 misc. items while cyclops has the whole range of things it can get. Construction-4 and upwards especially give some awesome stuff to forge.
Well, I didn't expect that, for sure. It makes me even more angry because of how the combat system in dominions works, because if my cyclop could have casted spells, he would have done something (even if not a kill).
Well, he has sent two assassins to attack my province defense. (That however, is the wrong way to use assassins).
Desperate times...