Making somebody unrecruitable is harder than it sounds, but I can look into that.
Ah, yes, the legislative corruption display bug. I tried to fix that one, but need to playtest it to make sure. The movies should not be related to the corruption process, but since they're both monthly events, they can happen at the same time. Theoretically, there can be four movies per month due to factors (partially) beyond the player's control, one inspired by AM Radio, one by Cable News, one by Terra Vitae, and one by the SCS. Technically there is a fifth one as well by publishing Liberal Guardian special editions.
Computer science - check. Bug found, bug fixed
Powered armor only appears in the military if certain laws are C+, yes. It's like the other superhero classes, where moderate laws make for realism while extreme laws make for fantasticalness.
Weird that recruiting Vivian Pines did not open up the TV locations, but I have added code to the sleeperize prompt that fixes that. Also, I made sure that the wilderness is always accessible as it is supposed to be.
Like I said, every secret mission has a skill. The remote rainforest one is Science. Keep plugging - there is a seduction mission (and secret missions are so powerful that this is necessary). Also, yes, you can send as many agents as you want. They don't even need to be of the agent type, although agents do get a bonus
Ah, the middle text just means that a movie got inspired the same month that corruption happened. It's not a bug.
Looking forward for it
Interesting.. i think for texting the middle texts at the corruption or fixing the movies overwriting (to fix that bug) you should maybe get the movies in ONLY one window and, probably, make a button to skip the movie screen (or a option?)..
Besides the computer science, there is "Weaving", "Fencing" and
Welp, thats strange.. trying to see if in a new game i can open up TV locations. The wilderness is accesible, but not as safehouse.
Managed to get 1 mission done.. i think i already know what the mission requirements are..
But is a little annoying to see that text there
btw, this appears on the questions to make your character: i dont have the movies,or the "wilderness"...
i dont know how but i think that i downoladed the older version....
can someone send me the link to the newest version of the mod?
welp, the link in on the first part of the thread but here you go:
Just download and execute it.. maybe the problem is the LCS folder..