In a traditional makefile, it would be in the linker command, but here you should put it into the LIBS.
The makefile from DEV-C contains that line :
LIBS = -L"F:/DEVC/lib" -L"F:/terravitae0.5/src/sdl" pdcurses/pdcurses.lib -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_mixer -g3
The bolt text is for SDL, the other things (except curses) are compiler specific.
Your makefile has a LIBS variable, too, so it should go to the linker, if you put it there.
I didn't know there is a working makefile, so I added all files, and deleted those that donÄt compile, as usual, thought the FACTIONS.CPP looked important at first.
The message was "You have received an anonymous tip, that the Mafia is planing to attack Vivian Pines house." It was just a random message, that poped up while I was waiting. Now even I got a message, that conservatives have raided it, and nobody was there. I offended only the corporations in this game, but had nothing to do with the Mafia or Terra Vitae.
In SIEGE.CPP, line 1511, the conditions for a raid are checked. Probably contracted_mafia was set. There seems to be no check, whom they can attack. Other raids check the variable numpres, the heat or other variables, so the mafia seems to be able to attack any location, as the functions loops through any location. I wondering, if they can attack everything, like Sweatshop, Vegan Coop and so. If you have a sleeper, you should be spammed with such warnings. I am still not sure what offended them and why nobody was there. As you are using the offended_... flags as counters, and increase and decrease them in some places, maybe, you should check if they go negative.
Something else:
SIEGE.CPP, line 133
if (law[LAW_SUPERHUMANS] == 0)
offended_superheroes = 0;
offended_supercriminals = 0;
Is this supposed to be ==, not >= or <= ? They can't raid you, if the law is moderate, but they can raid you on both extremes ?