What I need is somebody with PC-saaviness to drop by and compile this for Windows (I've tried, but Windows changed its libraries so that they no longer work with the base LCS code, and I don't understand how to fix it).
What about Reelya or Purple Gorilla?
Ok, I got it compiled, thought it is still a clutch.
It is fairly easy to compile without SDL, but getting SDL working with Bloodshed DEC-C was tricky.
After trying various permutaions and looking through some tutorials, this works :
*Copy from %TERRAVITAE BASE%\SRC\SDL\ all *.A and *.LA files into the directory %DEV-C BASE%\LIB\
*Add the following line (no quotationmarks) into the linker parameters (where you added the pdcurses.lib):"-lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_mixer
I really hate this solution, because copying files into your compilers directory is nasty. Maybe I find a way to give a directory in this command, thought I am not sure what it is actually doing.
I found a tip at this tutorial :
http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson03/windows/devcpp/index.php, thought it uses SDL version 1, so I had to add a 2 on some commands, and most important, don't donload any files, use the files from Terra Vitae (which are Version 2). If you downloaded any files from a tutorial you might have get conflicts (thats why I hate installing libraries to the compiler).
Should I distribute the *.EXE File somehow ? My E-mail Provider, Google doesn't permit sending Executables, and blocks also most simple workarounds like normal encryption and compression, but I could try to encrypt it with a selfmade programe (adding some random bytes at the beginning, or xoring with a constant should work) and you can decrypt it with a own programe.
Uploading a WIN32 Version of Terra Vitae at the DFFD would be also good, but SlatersQuest couldn't acess it if I do this.