Game speed doesnt care. The mod has 7000 reactions, 1300 creatures already. Its the items that fly around in fort mode that hurt. Items, creatures that pathfind, temperature... that kind of stuff. (WAIT. Did you say you have 200*25*8 creatures?)
Graphics: Very complex topic.
Creatures can have 5 sprites.. Alive. Kid. Undead. Wartrained. Huntingtrained. Thats it. Castes have the same sprite. Caste can have a different color.
The AS_IS means the sprite looks like the sprite in the graphics folder. You can replace AS_IS with ADD_COLOR, and it will use the caste color for the sprite. It adds a hue.
Since blobs look alike, but are clearly made of different materials, they get ADD_COLOR. Red fire blobs, Green Acid blobs and so on.
Thats for wildlife and pets. Civ-Graphics will be a lot different.
Civs use profession sprites, noble sprites (these are unlimited btw), and military sprites. You can also use ADD_COLOR, for example all your construct-wielding gnomes are gold/brown/grey... But they will still look like gnomes. There are a few ways to cheat:
Make unique professions: If a creature cant learn a skill, it will never have this profession. Then make a caste with natural skill, and it will be the only caste with this profession. It will then take on the caste graphics.
Problems with that: Players can give 5 points at embark anyway, so it has to be a profession you cant teach at embark (not many), and all other castes need at least a natural skill 6 in some other skill. This way, even if players give them 5 points on the unwanted skill at embark, they are still better in another and wont assume the unwanted profession.
Problem Nr.2 with that: If a creature is made a noble, the noble sprite will overpower the normal profession sprite. This is both good and bad. If your EPIC_GOLEM who looks like a machine is elected Mayor, he will look like a little gnome in a fancy hat. So thats bad. On the other hand, ALLOWED_CREATURE and ALLOWED_CLASS can restrict nobles a bit, making it possible to have a noble that can only be appointed from your EPIC_GOLEMS, and no one else. But this has to be done manually. Make golem. Golem still looks like gnome. Appoint golem to golem noble. Golem now looks like golem.
Problem Nr3: Soldiers. Even if you have a unique profession for special graphicsm, as soon as they join the military they will look like a Recruit. When they learn a weapon skill, they will look like any other soldier. The solution to this is again making a military skill unique, and adding (and this hurts), 6 points of natural skill to a military skill for all other castes, and making the skill not learnable at embark. (For example its blowgunner you use, just dont add blowguns to the entity, then you cant learn blowgunning at embark).
I think the permitted jobs in the entity also toggle which skills can be learned at embark, even if people can still learn everything by themselves later.
There is also ALT_TILE and FLASH_TILE, but they dont work on civ-members, as I sadly had to find out. They flicker uncontrollably. They are ok for pets though.
And the question couldnt have come at a better time. I have been working all day yesterday on the Warlock graphics, so everything is fresh in my mind. Because I managed to do it, having a civ with 2 graphics, Warlocks and Skeletons. I am still cleaning out rough edges, but it works. Skeletons cant learn 13 skills except combat skills, with the exception of pike, have natural mining 6. Warlocks can learn 13 labors, but only pike in combat, and start with natural skill 6 in pike and extract_strand (praying), and pikes are foreign, which means pike skill can not be learned at embark.
PS: Oh, btw, if a noble profession has no graphics assigned, it will not use anything and the profession from the labor is still used. I would assume its the same for military.
EDIT: And because I started rambling instead of answering questions:
What are the limitations of creature graphics?
- A lot.
Can each caste of a species have its own graphics?
- No, only its own color.
How hard is it to change the color of a creature?
- Easy. Either make more sprites with photoshop, which looks better, or use CASTE_COLOR, which overlays the sprite with a hue. Might be a very strong color.
Also, I know that civ creature graphics can only be divided up based on their jobs, but does that also apply to colors?
- No, CASTE_COLOR will still work on them, no problem. Your normal mason and your blue-caste mason will look different. Same sprite, different color.
Like, can I make clockwork or half-clockwork gnomes that look like normal gnomes but are different colors?
- Yes, again, CASTE_COLOR for the clockwork gnomes.