Less badass, but entirely brutal. Delving deep into the sewers with my somewhat-fresh-already-beloved-by-myself created character with my six companions I stumble upon a mummy/necro/whatever in the sewers of a town for the second time in my entire career of playing. At first I attempted fighting but my character was barely powerful enough to take one of them on instead of twenty eight.
There were two exits. The one I came from and another one that lead further into sewer, of course this could of linked me back up to the surface and saved me; or just dug myself deeper into the horrific nightmare. I decided to try my luck with the latter door and of course it took me to what can only be described as a stony broom cupboard. I turned on my heels and scanned the area. My companions bravely fighting on, almost turning the tide until I realised after each die they rise themselves as an enemy. I decided to cowardly begin my journey around the room passing by the oblivious undead one by one getting closer to the door, hacking away at legs so any obstacle in my road would be knocked down and praying not to be latched onto.
It was a final stretch to the exit and I'd be away; free. I ran, not before going off course for the slightest second to jollily slicing off the mummy/necro/whatever's right hand to muster the feeling that I've accomplished something from this tale. I blasted through the exit, leaving my faithful companions to an existence of everlasting servitude and pain. I intended to go back one day and have my revenge but that character died several days later from being forced to traverse a small river in which I also forgot he couldn't swim.
Drat! Drat it all!
Well, this means one thing: Embark next to the town, near enough to enter, and get revenge. With dorfs. Lots and lots of dorfs.
Barring that, take him on later as opposed to now with your next adventurer.
Never step foot on roads. They are the -- I believe this is the non-spoilerific term -- circus of adventure mode. Bandits like to patrol the roads, human, goblin, and kobold alike. This time, it starts earlier than this.
I went to go kill some bandits. No problem until one cuts my hand off.
Luke, I am your father!Slightly bummed, I see my hand on the ground and throw it in my pack. Later, I sleep on a road. Kobolds show up. I decide to actually kill them. My <<iron rapier>> is
super effective, and eventually I find myself in an advantageous position against the last spearman.
I pulled my hand out of my sack and whack him in the head, caving in his skull and killing him instantly.
I like to imagine that as the kobold dueled with my crossbowman, I pulled the hand out, curled the fingers into a fist, and pretended to Falcon Punch him.
I gotta draw this later.