Heroes and Legends
This is my second attempt at running an rtd. The first attempt went rather well, to the extent that it probably wouldn’t have ended if it weren’t for all the schoolwork, but I felt like it was getting disorganized and complicated to the extent that it took over two hours to update. I also felt like there were some flaws in its design. As such, I have decided to experiment with something more minimalist.
This rtd will tend towards a fantasy world setting. The capabilities of one's character varies depending on the character's Rank.
This rtd will have a simple advancement mechanism. You have a level which affects the x of the dx rolled (as well as your health). This also means that the rolls will have different meanings than in a typical d6 RTD. If you roll a crit, you level up. I am not restricting the methods of leveling to rolling crits. Of course, there are other means to make your character more powerful, so leveling isn't really the main focus.
If your character dies, the character goes to the afterlife. The character will then attempt to leave, such as via reincarnation. This may take up to a couple of turns depending on what you roll. Generally speaking, reincarnating is the more practical path, but if one sees one's character as valuable, or if one's character has a high enough level, one may attempt to leave the afterlife.
In order to spawn, all you need to do is to state what you want to spawn as, unless you would like for me to pick something random.
Note that for the first round, there will be a wider range of what one may spawn as, in order to set the setting. However, new players can spawn in at any time.