No matter how much I take away in forms of ranged weapons: As soon as goblins, orcs, elves or anyone else with crossbows and bows come by, you will have access to them, and your soldiers will be able to use them, and your hunters will forcibly take them.
Miasma attacks are kind a pointless, because miasma only makes bad thoughts in civ members. Nothing else. But a miasma-named attack with syndromes can be done... but not real miasma.
And something else:I just found out that units spawned with spawnunit dont use interactions.
EDIT:Fixed it.
Two solutions: Teach the creature the interaction, or transform the creature once.
First inorganic spawns a Monolith. It doesnt use any of its own interactions. Second inorganic teaches a monolith on the workshop the very same interactions again. A wonder happens. They use them. Third inorganic transforms the monolith generic into monolith generic2, literally the same creature, just a different caste. No difference between castes either. Still, it fixes it. The spawned monolith caste does not do interactions, but the transformed caste does use them.
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:Build a monolith]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:Teach a monolith]
[CDI:ADV_NAME:Animate corpse]
[CDI:TARGET_VERB:shudder and begin to move:shudders and begins to move]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:Transform a Monolith]
For completions sake: The creature file.
[DESCRIPTION:A black monolith. It seems to hum in a frequency just below hearing. Tendrils of green smoky light search the area around it, gently touching and probing its surroundings for anything that once hold a spark of light, animating it to eternal unlife.]
[NAME:black monolith:black monoliths:black monolith]
[CASTE_NAME:black monolith:black monoliths:black monolith]
[SOUND:ALERT:20:8000:NONE:resonate:resonates:a resonating tone]
[CDI:ADV_NAME:Animate corpse]
[CDI:TARGET_VERB:shudder and begin to move:shudders and begins to move]
Note the interaction in the creature. Its the same that it learns from the inorganic. And note the castes, there is literally no difference, just that I needed at least two, to make the creature transform.