Altar of Dark Magic
Allows learning a single spell from each basic sphere, these spells only cost (2?) souls (and a gem?) to learn. Aim is to to make them useful, with a focus on utility and warlock survivability
Grants 2 abilities when learnt
Skeleton Master: AOE, short range, short duration, short cooldown, only targets skelletons, +2000 recuperation, +500 toughness
Bonus to skelletons if fighting alongside them. Recuperation bonus is high but if they die you can cheaply resurect them anyway, aim is to cut down on the injured but not dead skeletons.
Release Minion: Single Target, 3 range, short cooldown, only targets sleeping skelleton, kills target.
Skeletons don't sleep normally, so only go unconsious for major (normally unrecovable) injuries. This will allow your necromancer to destroy skelletons slacking of in your hospital, and allow them to be resurected. There may be the occasional accidents on the battlefield, due to poisons/spells knocking the skelletons out but well there only skeletons they can be ressed.
Breath of life: Gain +500 toughness, +500 recuperation, +500 disease resist. For 2 souls can already get +500 toughness in the soul sphion, The free extra improved recovery rates are the bonus.
Deponic Pact: Cast once only, Summon additional 2 mephits. A distraction for attacks and once dead can be butchered to regain the 2 souls and some bones.
The other sphere
Warlock staff slow spell. (remove from staff)
Wraithblade attack spell. (remove from wraithblade)
Freeze: Short range (5), long cooldown, single target. Stuns enemy.
Helps in either escaping or catching up with an enemy. If your minions are already fighting the enemy as the mage approaches they should get in shome free/head shots whill it is stunned.
Departing flame: short duration (~50), large cooldown, self target when fleeing. +500% speed.
Aim is to give 10-20 squares movement at very high speed with a cooldown so you will only get to use it once per fight. Helps counteract the fact that early warlock are irriplacable and likly poorly armored.