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Author Topic: ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Grey Christmas IC Thread ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ  (Read 4946 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"...darn, I really have to make it myself, huh. I doubt even gold can make it worth that much... right, thanks. I'll make it tomorrow, or the next day. You think we should do a mission tomorrow?"
Still alive, amazingly.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti
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"I guess I can always pay another worker to do it... And I'd rather spend 7 days a week in the workshop and the library, but we get paid to do missions. I wouldn't want to get kicked out."
Quote from: Robert Donoghue and Fred Hicks
There are three things you must learn if you wish to defeat me, my young pupil. First, you must look within yourself and find your core of strength. Second, your mind and body must be in perfect unison. Third...
Third, stop listening when you should be fighting.


  • Bay Watcher
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"I'll do it. Too expensive, anyways, and I want the materials." Robert waved his hand next to his head to show that he'd still do it. "Yeah. I have to admit, there's a lot better stuff here than at home. Plus." He tried to move his sail. "Don't want anything like this happening again."
Still alive, amazingly.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Roger, I'd like a look at that magical clockwork. Do you mind if I come by tomorrow?"

"Sure thing. I might not be back by sundown if it's as far as you all say, but you're welcome to take anything you think you might be able to use.


  • Bay Watcher
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3 hours: Read a mundane book from the pile Nathan brought with him (No roll required, mundane books with no direct magical knowledge in them)
2 hours: Observe some of the matches at the church tournament (No roll required)
4 hours: Shadow sparring at the church's practice area, avoiding other people (Mundane Combat, Character Progression for a maneuver or whatever the GM gives me, 3d6+3, DC 7)
3 hours: Meditate on the two sets of memories, looking for separation and clarity (Id, 2d4-2, not sure on any time bonuses, will leave up to GM discretion)
Quote from: BaerTaffy
If Adele covered Aerosmith, that would be my life right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Turn 2: Monday, 7th of July, 2014


You make a quick trip to the store to purchase supplies, and then head on down to the workshop to make a few items. Each turns out perfectly. First is a nice set of full plate armor with a large and carefully measured hole in the back to fit your new sail. Next you produce a large tower shield that can easily protect yourself or cover an ally. Lastly you make the hard hat that Jacob wants.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Jacob stops by and hands over the Mind Iron, so that you may use it to enchant the hat. As soon as he departs you set to work. It takes hours, but you manage to infuse the strange metal into the hard hat, placing a powerful enchantment upon it. You feel as if the mind of the wearer will be protected.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


You wake up early and set out to follow the directions you have been given in search of the treasure chest. The walk is long, cold, and leads to a close encounter with a rather angry polar bear, but in the end the Dread Pirate Roger manages to locate the booty.

The chest is rather heavy, so dragging it back is a pain. By the time you return your back and arms are all rather sore. You put it down, tackle the mundane lock with a heavy duty wire cutter from the workshop, and check out the contents. The hat is able to identify the workmanship as that of the Clockwork Devils, infernal beings from a hell known as The Toybox who are known for their complex craftsmanship and skill as manipulators. He is also able to point out what a few of the items do.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


You spend your morning suffering through the letters. Why did the damn Oni have to be so fond of sentimental poetry? Eventually you are able to cut through the crap and find some of the good stuff. Two spells and a ritual catch your intrest. The spells, which the Oni claims he learned from a daughter of the emperor he had been sleeping with, both offer good quick disguises in a pinch. The ritual, while disturbing, will allow you to build up a collection of disguises that you can fall back on whenever you need them.

Results = 23
+3 new opportunities

You decide that you need to toughen your body up. It is, after all, your greatest weapon. Wearing only your pajamas, you head outside and spend several hours standing in the biggest snow drift you can find. When you finish, you have a nasty case of frost bite, but feel much tougher. Kestrel, having foreseen your training stunt, comes to your room with a magical salve to cure frostbite, and helps you rub it in the afflicted areas.

Results = 10
+1 Rank of Constitution


Finding a quiet corner in the library, you begin to look for books about healing for conjurers and realms that have life energy to spare. You are having little luck today however. All the titles that clearly and obviously contain what you want have been checked out, and you are reduced to frantically searching the indexes of generalized conjuration books.

"You won't find what you are looking for in a book today."

Looking up from your reading, you shockingly find yourself face to face with a strange hooded figure with the warts, facial structure, and bulging eyes of a toad. You try your best not to panic.

"Relax... I'm not with them... Well I am... but it is my day off. I've been watching you since you showed up in town a few days ago, and I decided that I want you."

The creature reaches foward and puts its hand on your cheek. You are suddenly paralyzed with fear. "When we succeed in our plans, you will be kept alive in a mostly human state as my pet. I might even let you keep your free will. I will give you the healing knowledge you seek now, so that you don't die before then."

It leans in and kisses you on the forehead, and for the briefest of seconds as the lips touch you, its form changes into that of a beautiful woman. You find yourself unable to move as the creature produces a ring from her cloak. It is a frightening thing; A gold plated mouse skull with black gems in the eye sockets, attached to a band with strange characters on it.

The creature slides the ring onto your finger, and suddenly new knowledge of healing magic flows into your head. What also flows into your head is a sort of dreadful understanding; You know what the ring is and how it works at once.

"And now you are marked as mine. Consider this both a token of my affection, and fair payment for your freedom when I take you into slavery. Take care!"

And with that, the creature leaps over several rows of books in a single bound, and is gone.

Results = 15 (CRITICAL SUCCESS!)
+New Permanent Ritual
+2 New Spells
+Cursed Plaguering of Magical Knowledge (This ring occasionally grants you free knowledge of spells, rituals, and magical features. The knowledge gained from this ring is almost always tainted with some side effect related to illness or mutation. You may gain this knowledge at will, by kissing the ring and describing what sort of new knowledge you would like. This process takes an hour. The ring has a five day cooldown if it gives you a spell, pair of cantrips, or temporary ritual and a seven day cooldown if it gives you a permanent ritual or feature. This ring is cursed and impossible to remove without powerful magic or cutting off your own finger. If you do ever get the ring off, it will leave you with 1d6+1 magical diseases as a parting 'gift'. Each of these parting diseases has a 25% chance of being the sort that is lethal if not properly treated.)

You do your best to shake off the disturbing encounter by running errands. You pick up the memory stick, install it for Robert, drop the mind iron off with Robert, and then visit the hardware store in search of fuel. You get a liter and a half, and also some good advice, for your 500 bucks. The guy who helps you find the fuel you need mentions the name of Tyrone Griswald, a local retired foreman who loves to tinker with space ship bits. You are given Tyrone's number, and informed that he would likely be more than willing to help you restore and/or sell the engine.

Back at the workshop, you make some progress with the engine. You manage to get some of the lights on it to flash, and even figure out how to start the thing up, but you will need to find or make some sort of proper fuel tank before you can have any sort of sustained runtime.

Results = 17
+New Opportunity


You spend the morning reading. The romantic poetry of Burns and Blake helps calm your troubled spirit, even if you do not fully understand it.

Next you make a visit to the fighting ring outside of the church. Today mundane fights are scheduled, and you manage to watch a few. The first is a standard MMA fight between two people who are both described as light heavyweights; You note however that one of the combatants, who appears to be an elf, has a clear weight advantage against his foe. The elf finishes the fight in the second round with a triangle choke. Next you watch a minotaur take on three large men; The humans put in a valiant effort, but are all quickly dispatched by the bull-persons horns. The next bout, in the flyweight division, easily goes to the man who can literally fly.

Feeling that you have seen enough, you find a nice secluded spot to practice and do some shadow sparring. You focus on your fists and boxing technique, and eventually come up with a combination of punches designed to exploit your defensive element in an offensive fashion.

Results = 12
+ New Maneuver

Finding a good place nearby to sit, you begin attempting to meditate. Sadly this proves useless today. The mysteries of your two sets of memories are tough to unravel, and the confusion and effort it takes to do so is rather frustrating. Eventually you get too angry to think, and return to the castle to cool down with a nice shower.

Results = 1


  • Bay Watcher
  • Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti
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FP: +1 feature, if possible learned from working on the starship engine.
GP: +1 maneuver. Jacob is determined not to get surprised by kisses of evil-doing cursemancers again.
Quote from: Robert Donoghue and Fred Hicks
There are three things you must learn if you wish to defeat me, my young pupil. First, you must look within yourself and find your core of strength. Second, your mind and body must be in perfect unison. Third...
Third, stop listening when you should be fighting.


  • Bay Watcher
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GP: Spell... Of something.
Still alive, amazingly.


  • Bay Watcher
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GP on a spell
Quote from: BaerTaffy
If Adele covered Aerosmith, that would be my life right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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When he gets back, Roger unloads the chest on the downstairs table so that he can show off the haul. As the Hat says, booty doesn't count until you count it!

"Whole bunch of devil stuff. I imagine Robert will want all of the spare metal bits to play with, but there's lots of things that still work."

He points at a toaster-like device. "First is this werebeast machine, which I imagine I should keep hold of since I'm the only one who can actually get the souls to make it work."

Next he holds up the clockwork baton "This thing is used to channel the more blasty sorts of magic. It needs to be wound up. It should go to someone who can actually, you know, blast people with magic. Any volunteers? And, speaking of blasting..." he gestures to the grenades, "...we have holy hand grenades. Two each sounds fair, since there's 10 of them."

"And lastly, we have the things that I don't think any of us have a use for. The box teleports a room full of people to Hell for high stakes gambling with their souls. I need not point out what a bad idea that is unless you have a really good plan for how to cheat. We should probably just sell this one."

"I don't know what these other things are yet. I'd look it up at the library, but I'm not going back there if I'm just going to get attacked by frog monsters."

Seeming reluctant to touch or even mention the Devil's Play Thing, "This last thing is a, err, combination soul extractor and adult toy. It will basically kill whoever you, uh, you know, use it with. I don't really have a use for it. It's a lot more work, a lot more creepy and much less effective than killing something first and then taking the soul out. Way less traumatic that way too. I personally vote that we sell this one too. I know a guy who knows a guy."


  • Bay Watcher
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From the diary of Yuri Torres:

It has been several days since I arrived in this strange place.

I enjoy my time here, though I'm not sure what exactly to do with most of it. I've met several interesting people, and I've spent my time getting to know them as best I can, at least part of it.

Their beings are many and varied, from a pirate to a technician to a blacksmith, and much else besides. But beyond that, I've learned more about what I can do than anything I could possibly imagine. I know why I can do what I do, now. I know why I have these powers, and what I can do with them. I know what I am, I suppose, though I don't consider myself any different than I was before.

My life is before me.

I had best live it to the best of my abilities, for I will not get a second chance...

Until another time,

Yuri Torres

((I'd write more, but I don't want to do anything that isn't her because I don't want to get in the way of established canon or do anything weird >_____<))
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


  • Bay Watcher
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Alright, forum turn, forum turn.

2 hours: Make another warhammer, exactly like the first one.
3 hours: Infuse the soft magium into the new warhammer. (Empower Metal Object: 3d6+2)
7 hours: Find out what this Naturia place is, and how to get stuff from there. (Research: 2d6-1 + time 1d+2 = 3d6+1)
Still alive, amazingly.


  • Bay Watcher
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5 hours: Moar meditation, gotta get them memories clear (Id, 2d4-2, still not sure on time bonuses)
3 hours: Charity work at the church, whatever they need help with that Nathan can handle (Unsure of roll)
3 hours: Search the library for any books that seem useful (unsure of roll)
1 hour: Research other incidents of wrath fueled creatures or magi in the library
Quote from: BaerTaffy
If Adele covered Aerosmith, that would be my life right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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1 hours: Look at that magic ring for Jacob. (3d6 Perception, DC 6)
2 hours: Find a buyer for the soul-stealing dildo and the Who Wants to Be a Hellionaire Home Edition. (3d6+3 to sell loot with Blackest Market feature. I'm pretty sure this uses time bonuses like shopping, since I'm shopping for cash and paying in magic items?)
3 hours: It suddenly occurs to me that I could probably get some sort of ointment for these horrific face boils. (3d6 to explore for a doctor)
6 hours: Let's go diving in Davy Jone's locker. What's the worst that could happen? (4d6+1 to stir up trouble)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 03:12:13 pm by Grek »
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