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Author Topic: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress  (Read 280441 times)


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2013, 03:40:20 am »

#3: As I'm starting the turn from early summer, should I play until the end of this year, or the end of next year?
Finish the year, and if you wish to complete another, I'd say it's your right.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #106 on: December 22, 2013, 09:55:34 am »

I have no problem with Rhaken having my year and his own.  That was my intent, and given the way that the fort is progressing I say that would make sense.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #107 on: December 22, 2013, 12:24:33 pm »

Levers, tubes and pressurized compartments. Lenehan's device was impressive. Far too impressive for a lone madman obsessed with elvishness to have produced. This was the first thing to enter Emdief's mind, before they were interrupted, last time he studied the device. That, he thought, is something for Rhaken to deal with. Although I probably should integrate myself in the running of this fortress, in some fashion. Safer to be in Rhaken's inner circle than outside it. I'm a free dwarf, after all. That can't be popular with the dwarfs forced to play prisoner.
Magic, madness and now vampires. Someone had to clean up this fort. Emdief hoped Rhaken was the dwarf for the job. He was a brute, but a dependable brute with sensible priorities.
Rhaken. Where did Lenehan get his alchemical compounds for this machine? I don't see any means for producing it here. At this, Rhaken paused. I figured the bastard bought it off the elves. Emdief frowned. Elves can't make this stuff. It's too sophisticated, and it doesn't travel well. Too volatile. It has to have been produced here, in the fort. But who produced it? The only person I can think of that had the know-how would be Asmoth - Rhaken silenced the tinker with an intimidating look. Asmoth saved this Armok-be-damned fort from Lenehan. If not for her, we'd all be Elves now. Why would she help him?
Emdief, taking a more subservient tone, continued. I have no idea why. But I think I can find out more if I have her notes, if you'll get them for me. Because I think this goes deeper than previously thought. Lenehan couldn't have built this machine alone. Someone helped him. And that someone is using the entire fort for their own ends. Until we figure out what those are... I think we better disable this device. See that gear? Pop it out of the device and replace it with a larger one. The whole thing won't work without it, and you'll need a damn fine engineer to figure out what's wrong with it. If someone tries to start it, we'll have precious hours to stop them.

Without warning, the blindfold came back on, and Emdief was frog-marched out of the room. Inwardly, he sighed. He was trusted around a device that could easily kill or transform every living thing in the fort, but not to know where the door was? Rhaken must know anyone who bothered to explore the ventilation shafts would eventually stumble on the device. He'd have to remember to tell him to block those up.
Was the masked dwarf behind this? More information was needed. Hopefully Rhaken would provide it. If not, Moisturizer would take some convincing to steal from "lab-coat dwarf".
Now, finding this vampire. That was a practical problem, with practical solutions. Emdief had already devised serveral schemes to try and find the vampire before it killed again - hopefully Rhaken would consider them. And once they caught the vampire, Emdief wanted it alive. Many potential uses for vampires. They weren't a resource to be squandered, no sir...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 12:32:21 pm by MDFification »


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2013, 01:56:44 pm »

some time after Rhaken's speech but before my trip to the ventilation shafts...
A mediocre chef, mediocre engraver, and a couple of haulers stood in a room around me. I grinned.

"Alright.  Rhaken is all well and sensible...for now.  but he's not a good commander in the long run.  here's the plan: we let him rule for about a year and a half...but we influence him.  We leave sensible hints for how to make the fortress both more practical and more luxurious.  But we be SURE to claim credit for the ideas.  By the end of next year, he'll be eating out of our hands, unable to stop us from simply assuming bloodshed, nobody gets hurt. I've already proposed the idea for an epic community doubt he'll forget to have it smoothed and engraved, but that's something we can do when it's OUR turn to rule.  "
heads nodded.
"now, I understand some of you have...other dreams?"
the engraver was first: "I want water dripping from every roof in the fort! this place is HOT!"
I pondered.
"Every roof might be problematic. not all dwarves like rain, no matter how hot it lets stick to a simple summer bedroom with a dripping ceiling, and a cool-down room near the magma forges.  "
the chef went next: "one day, I want to slip a halucinagen into EVERY meal in the fort!"
I stroked my beard.  dwarven beards are very strokable.
"if you're hoping for a bloodbath, go take up butchery. if you think it'd just be hilarious to see dwarves acting like cats...instead of slipping something into ALL the meals, slip something into 10% of the meals, and put them on a special shelf, declaring it 'reserved for a special occasion'.  watch as greedy schmucks take the bait for the entertainment of the rest of the fort. got any halucinagens in mind?"
the chef grinned. "Incorrectly processed valley herbs, of course!"
"I like your thinking.  Any other strange dreams?"

Heads shook, though one timid hand raised. "um, I kinda want to get turned into an elf?"
disbelieving and shocked dwarves turned to stare at the dwarf in question.

"*cough* Well, I'm sure there's some of the elf-serum around somewhere. We'll want to find the relevant notes on dosage before we attempt that. Just DON'T go trying to turn anyone else into an elf, mkay?"
The hauler gave a sheepish grin "oh...ok."
"Well. We're certainly a motley bunch...but that doesn't matter.  Royal dormitories and flour roasts...are in the future for everyone!"
A round of cheering, and we went to our respective tasks. 

In a darkened part of the ventilation shafts...

"I suggest, vampire, that you take your payment of masterwork figurines and leave the fort now.  I hear marshtowers is looking for a vampiric lever operator."

The vampire, who's name I didn't know, simply shrugged.

"I shall take my chances on this fort. I think I'd rather be caught and killed quickly than endure endless thirsts as a lever operator. "
"...suicide by proxy, eh?"
The vampire shrugged again. "perhaps."

"And don't squeal on me.  Do that and I'll drag your soul with me the next time I jump. i'm quite sure you don't want to have your soul ripped into a million tiny pieces, and if you DO want that to happen you should join maskdwarf's cult!"

The vampire softly chuckled at that.
"Ah yes, the group with a vore fetish.  Foolish of them, they could just-"
"Don't go there. T!M!I!"

The vampire snorted before departing.
Then I realized something.  maskdwarf and his cult were going to feed themselves to the demons, of course, but...

Oh.  crap. They weren't necessarily going to lock their room up, where they?
This was going to require some planning. 

now, where did I set my bone decorated adamant pickaxe (the only adamant Das Ebal was willing to release from swordthunders)...
Ah. left it in 
So. which way was the nearest exit from these ventilation shafts?
...I was going to totally wind up in the control room for these things, wasn't I.

-don't think this means my dwarf is behind the vampiric attack.  He merely payed the vampire to leave the corpse behind rather than take it to an atomsmasher.   

He REALLY wants that shared room as part of his plan to brainwash the fort with luxury.  His modus operandi is to keep the dwarves unquestioning via high-quality living conditions. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 02:14:25 pm by fractalman »
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #109 on: December 22, 2013, 02:34:30 pm »

"It's scheming time!"
"No, Steelhold! No!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #110 on: December 22, 2013, 04:17:53 pm »

Back on the topic of how long the turn should last, if you plan to take another full year after you finish the current one, be sure that you have the time and the will to do it, for any more incomplete turns shall be voided. If you are Christian, I'd recommend just finishing the year, so that you'll have more time to spend with your family.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #111 on: December 23, 2013, 04:36:05 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Right. This bullshit has gone on long enough.

The reinforced double doors to my office swing inward, and in come Tirist and Sigun, dragging a dwarf in chains between them. They throw him down at the foot of my desk. The dwarf looks up at me, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"So you're the one that's been downing dwarven cocktails," I tell him, my tone perfectly neutral, as if musing aloud.

"Why, I've no idea what you're talking about," the vampire feigns. "I demand to be released at once."

"Don't insult my intelligence. I have twenty-two witnesses who saw you wander into Zefon's cell, and come back out with bloodstains all over your beard. Zefon had been asleep for mere hours, alive and well. By the time you left, he was dead."

"Well, what can I say? A dwarf needs his liquor. It just so happens I get mine from other dwarves."

"Yes, like a common prostitute." It took no small amount of self-control not to laugh at the offended look on his mug.

"Well, what now? Do you expect me to confess? Go quietly?"

I chuckle. "Honestly, I just expect you to cooperate. Unnatural abomination or no, you still serve an important function in Steelhold. A function you can't performed if you're dressed in chains from head to toe."

The vampire looks confused. Guess he wasn't expecting to get out of a meeting with the hammerer without getting, well, a hammering. "So you're letting me go? Just like that?"

"Not quite," I say, staring him right in the eye. "You will be confined to your office. Not your quarters. Your office. You'll do your job, same as always. I'm sure your vampiric gifts will be of great help to you there. And you'll not sink your fangs into another dwarf's flesh ever again."

"Or else what, oh mighty warlord? You'll kill me?" Here comes the mandatory display of arrogance. It's fine, I was counting on it. "You think I fear death? I have lived more lifetimes than your entire bloodline. I have seen the rise and fall of nations, the coming and going of faiths old and new. I fear no death."

I chuckle. "Death? Oh, no. Nothing so merciful." I walk around the desk, hunker down in front of him, eyes slightly above level with his. "If you disobey my instructions, I won't kill you. I'll have you on crossed pikes, going in under the ribs, like we did back home. Ah, I see it in your eyes. You know that old tradition from up north, don't you? The victim stays alive for days, incapable of movement, eventually succumbing to starvation or infection. But you don't suffer from that like us common mortals, oh no. You'd be there until I ordered the lads to bring you down. Which I won't."

"So, do I have your cooperation, or should I call for the pikes? Mister mayor."

Like candy from a baby.

The dwarven caravan is here, and with it comes the inspector. Once the mayor is done conning the merchants out of all their food, booze, wood and metal, the inspection begins. We had arranged the whole affair like master playwrights. Prisoners "chained" to workshops, overseen by "guardsdwarves". Idlers in their cells, or in the "exercise yard". The inspector didn't even bat an eyelash at the vent shafts, since he'd seen them the year before.

No suspicious behaviors. No riots. Not even health code violations, such as they were. Even the loonies were acceptable - it's a prison. As far as they know. After some final arrangements with the mayor, the inspector returned to the caravan, report in hand, utterly pleased with himself. I'm sure a healthy dose of vampiric suggestion helped that as well.

The inspector is even pleased with the series of arches that line the approach to the prison. If only he knew what they were really for.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It's been a few days since the inspection. I'm minding my own business, watching The Mighty Cudgel-Roads execute another goblin POW by firing squad, when the missus comes up to me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

She is dead set on joining the second melee squad, the Constructive Fed Daggers. I'd try to dissuade her, but you don't keep a marriage together for over a century without knowing your spouse. I'd be wasting my time. So now I have this to worry about too.

The goblin on the platform spazzes out and falls into the hole, a bolt lodged in his brain. I sigh and call for the next prisoner. Onul, my dear wife, links her arm with mine and watches intently as two of the lads drag in a bound goblin archer and slap him in irons on the platform. The sargeant calls for the next volley. She's trying to figure out my thoughts again. Nothing too difficult. I'm sure she's thinking the exact same thing.

Goddamn, I feel old.

My boots click against the smooth floor as I make my way to Lenehan's secret chamber again. For the millionth time this year, I gaze upon the monstrous machinery. It has since been rendered completely useless thanks to Emdief's advice, but I still can't help but feel its former danger. Worse yet, the lad's expert opinion had confirmed my suspicions. Lenehan couldn't have built this thing himself. And none of his former elf party supporters had the mechanical know-how for a device of this complexity - and elves don't know shit about mechanics or engineering.

That left very few people who could have aided in building the damned thing. I had identified the mechanics months ago, but Lenehan had been clever - each was given only a small piece of the schematic, and each assembled a different component. They had no idea what any of it was for at the time. Most just figured it was just another eccntricity of the infamous baron. But even then, it didn't account for everything. From various conversations with Emdief, I'd concluded that the device itself was merely a sort of complex gas pump, designed to spread any substance it received in the central canister. It didn't account for the substance that caused the Elf Plague.

I thought of Lenehan's son. A report from my observers had told me that the lad did not support my cause in the slightest. A pity. He might have information I could use. Maybe even Lenehan's entire archives, presumed lost in the aftermath of the Crisis. I had asked Melek what she could do about finding Asmoth's research logs, but I'm no fool. I know the lass maintains correspondence with Corley. I'll know if she brings me the real files or not. Though I'm not sure I could hold it against her if she lies. She reminds me of my daughter when she was younger.

Then there's the matter of the vampire. He'd been caught red-handed before the killings got out of control, and made subservient. But I was not satisfied. Somebody had known the mayor's secret and locked him up in a cell in solitary confinement. Somebody had also released him in time to attend his brokering duties, and they did it without alerting my sentries. And I aim to I know whom.

I pace to the back of the chamber, where I'd had the lads install the controls for the entrance arches. I gaze into the tunnel mouth where I'd proclaimed my rule for all to hear, then turn back to face the central machinery. I lower myself slowly to my knees and slow my breathing.

I think back on my training as a tracker. I'd spent years tracking down yetis and polar bears through snow and blizzards. I'd found them most of the time, too. You just had to know what to look for. Just study the pattern until you found the irregularity that broke it, and there you would find your trail. I've known all this for so long, it's almost second nature. But I'd never done it like this.

I gaze at the shadows in the nearest corner of the room. I take in their hue, their shape, the source of the light that projects them. I take a moment to know this shadow as one would know an old friend. I observe until the shadows hold no secrets from me. Then I let my eyes and ears wander, looking for the irregularity.

There, in the far corner. This shadow holds a secret. I knew it would. I know he's been watching.

"I know you're there, masked one. Come on out. I need information."

He steps out from the shadows, as casual as if he'd been walking down a corridor. If he's surprised that I could detect him, he doesn't show it.

"Spill it. The Elf Plague. Asmoth's involvement. Lenehan's fate. The vampire. The fractaldwarf. We've got some catching up to do."

Pending dorfs have been dorfed. No migration wave ocurred. Magni is infiltrating and working as a strand extractor. Melek is learning how to be a doctor. Bees is bees is bees is bees.
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #112 on: December 23, 2013, 04:37:21 am »

Goddamned internet...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 04:38:54 am by Rhaken »
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #113 on: December 23, 2013, 06:14:01 am »

Kikrost is dead. As in, Kikrost-who-was-supposed-to-be-dorfed-as-Melek is dead. Was already dead in the save. She's a ghostly planter.

What do?
Huh. Well that's unfortunate. Let's say she's a clone of Asmoth, because that seems like the kind of thing she'd do. Also, I will likely not be participating much for the next week or so, due to being interrupted by Christmas.

Melek's Log.

So far, I can identify at the very least three factions in this prison, all vying for power. Each of them also seems to want something of my mother, which likely explains how quickly I was accepted as a doctor. I've hidden all of her research and notes that I could find in a place not even she would guess, and I'm considering taking Corley's advice and disappearing along with it, but for two things. First, I cannot believe that anyone in this fortress is selfless enough to try help someone out of the goodness of their heart (or, indeed, out of the goodness of a piece of brain associated with empathy which mother has a nice sample of preserved in vinegar). Secondly, I don't know Rhaken's aims yet, but becoming a major power and possibly rebelling certainly suits my desire to kill the Queen. On the other hand, there's something... off... about Rhaken. I cannot put my finger on it. He plays his part perfectly, but it feels as if he just does that, play a part while waiting to show his true face.

In any case, I've been looking through my mother's files, and was surprised to find one with my name on it, since I can't remember being sick a day in my life. What I found in that file... well, I can't exactly write it in my diary, knowing that at least one dwarf in this fortress is fully capable of breaking into my room and robbing me. Let's just say that I'm... adopted. There's no one I can talk to about this, with my sisters dead, my mother insane and the only other person I know of with any experience in this kind of thing killed by a giant louse or something ridiculous like that. The only thing I can do is continue reading these records and see if there's anyone else like me. In the meantime, I'll have to keep my mind clear. My goal is to stay alive. In relation to this, I shall aid Rhaken, as he is currently the most powerful force in Steelhold. According to Corley, the worst case outcome is becoming a member of his harem afterwards, and considering my knowledge of poisons and Rhaken's advanced age, this doesn't seem like a prospect that would pose much trouble. I may need to seek out Moisturizer and see if my mother confided anything in him. Corley shall have to be avoided until I have decided what to do, but this shouldn't be a problem, since he seems to be in hiding. And suddenly, I feel a strong urge to find some test subjects...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 06:44:40 am by Deus Asmoth »
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #114 on: December 23, 2013, 11:31:11 am »


Well, it has come to this. Rhaken has refused to assist me, preferring his own methods of finding the truth. As if the masked one would give away anything that would hurt his own objectives. I support Rhaken, aye, but he'll get himself in trouble soon. I can feel it in my water.
I can tell without asking that Moisturizer too will not help me get Asmoth's research notes. I would merely loose his loyalty by asking. This leaves me with two options. I could steal the research myself, exposing myself to undo risk and potentially forfeiting my position. Or I can ask. I hate to give away my plans, but if others must know I seek the notes, so be it. I must have them all the same.
But how to convince Asmoth's daughter? The girl surely holds no affection for me. I could offer her my talents, but what problem does she need solved? I once dreamed of becoming rich in this fort, before I realized that this fort works on a bizarre, barter/reputation based economy. I lack the charisma to get what I need.

Sometimes I wonder why I stay involved. I have several plans going to escape the fort - the time, however, is not yet ripe. I must wait a few years until the guards on the caravan change. Once none remember my exact person, I can convince them to take me away from this accursed place and back to civilization. Still, while I must keep myself alive until then, I cannot do this if the fort is allowed to fall.
What Melek will not give me out of the goodness of her heart, I must earn. I remember still the outcome of the project that caused my exile. While it disgusts me to do this, that is what I have to barter. I must try.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #115 on: December 23, 2013, 01:35:21 pm »

"Ah, friend, such knowledge you seek," the masked dwarf mused, "some I can give you, others... I am bound not to."

"Don't tell me this has anything to do with your little demon cult."

"Oh no, nothing that simple.  But please, it's no more of a cult then your little band of followers."

Rhaken's mouth twitched, but otherwise showed no reaction, "get to the point."

"Very well, brother.  You see, Asmoth and I have known each other a lot longer then anyone realizes.  Even her.  I know all of her weaknesses, all that she desires, and I simply used that to get her to cooperate with my plan for Lenehan's defeat."

Rhaken frowned, "what do you mean?  I thought she helped of her own accord."

"She was never very... fond of my plan."

"And your plan was..."

Rhaken could swear that beneath the golden mask, he caught a flash of a smile, "I simply used Modi's hatred of Lenehan, combined with a small amount of magic, to imbue her corpse with enough life to fight Lenehan one last time."

Rhaken's eyes widened, but his face quickly became impassive, "and yet Lenehan lived?"

"Oh yes.  He was no use to me dead, now was he?"

A chill ran up Rhaken's spine, which was odd.  Despite all that the masked dwarf had done, something about the way he said it sounded far more sinister then it seemed.


"I gave to him an honor only bestowed on a handful of dwarves every age, an honor I have only bestowed on one other dwarf."


"He became a host."

Rhaken's eyes widened once more as understanding hit him.

"Then why..?"

The masked dwarf made a disgusted sound, as if this was a sore point.

"As to your other two points: yes, I knew we had a vampire.  I could sense the darkness inside of him.  I could of course purge his curse, but he has not deigned to lower himself to ask.  As for the fractaldwarf..."

I'll post the rest of the conversation later.  Sorry if I portrayed Rhaken as a bit too skiddish.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #116 on: December 23, 2013, 03:56:13 pm »

Corley dressed himself well for the occasion. Once his family became nobility, he began to regularly don a double-breasted jacket with a nice hat. Once his family lost influence, however, he ceased to wear it, as it had become such a recognizable outfit on the young dwarf. Today was different, though; today he was going to hold a meeting with Rhaken, Steelhold's king. He needed to be as persuasive and nonchalant as possible, he could not betray even the slightest hint of nervousness. If he did his request would not be granted.

As he walked down the winding passageway leading to Rhaken's offices, he overheard two voices coming from the inside the room. Normally, this would call for some investigation on his part, but he had a particular request this day, and he feared being caught as an eavesdropper would harm his chances this day. Corley could also sense, from the tones he could make out, that it was a serious conversation indeed. Thus, he left a reasonable distance between the door and him, and amused himself by reading one of his grandaunt's propaganda booklets whilst he waited.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #117 on: December 23, 2013, 04:21:18 pm »

Cautiously, I lowered myself inch by inch along the shaft, my legs pushed against one side, my back against the other. I was getting a tad bit thirsty, but...

Wait a minute, was that the vampire?
Oh, futz, he'd just HAD to go and get himself caught by being obvious, hadn't he?
That was a spanner in the works, we were supposed to have everyone go into a dorm for mutual protection...
...what a Scammer! he was going to get himself caught without my figurines and charged me 10 figurines anyways! Oh, I'd have words with him...maybe carve a fortification and shoot a bolt at his kneecap...

hm. maskdwarf was talking with Rhaken....

Here's a funny little omake/comedic resolution to the whole thing.  I'll make another post when I'm sure I'm done.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 04:52:04 pm by fractalman »
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #118 on: December 23, 2013, 04:24:29 pm »

Let's go with that.  Some comic relief in this dark fortress.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #119 on: December 23, 2013, 05:07:30 pm »

And...there. Comedic resolution to Rhaken's turn, at Rhaken-the-dwarf's expense.  Original plan was to find the control room, say 'that's obviously the wrong gear size!', fix the machine while nobody was there, and maybe get caught by guards on the way out.
But when 4maskwolf ended his post like that, well...

There is, however, still a dark side to my dwarf.
I added a drop of blood to the circle-inspired by something i'd seen in Maskdwarf's hidey-hole-activating it to summon a demon from the depths. 
Which...I promptly ate with Das Ebal. 

I was having to do this more and more often lately, each demon extending my stay in this realm by a smaller and smaller amount.
Even though, in a stroke of genius, I'd added an xpig-tailshirtx (the cloth is red with redroot dye) to the center of the circle, it was only a matter of time before the demons noticed my activities...

And if the damage Maskdwarf did to wolfy was any indication, eating HIM might not be an option...
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"
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