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Author Topic: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress  (Read 275535 times)


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #180 on: December 30, 2013, 01:53:58 am »

I've been busy with other things... I guess its high time i got myself caught up to speed...
Indeed! You have a character running about the fort and we haven't heard anything from him. This must change.
He's been... Biding his time...
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #181 on: December 30, 2013, 05:41:09 am »

What follows are the musings of a being who's either dangerously sane or dangerously insane; it doesn't really matter which. keh heh.

Normally, Das Ebal would be quite fireproof, and maybe even magma proof. 
Even in it's current condition, you'd have to leave it in a fire for quite some time to destroy it...
Not that I was about to tell Emdief that.
I did, however, mention that destroying Das Ebal would probably unseal an entire fortress in the middle of steel hold.

Then Rhaken stepped in to calm us down.
That's probably the biggest reason I need Rhaken around: I need Emdief's help with the thaumometer (assuming maskdwarf hasn't gone and destroyed it, in which case only Emdief can hope to build an adequate replacement)-and I need Rhaken to keep Emdiefcalm enough not to shoot poison bolts at me.

If fate weren't on my side, it'd probably make it go wrong.
As it was, this whole house of cards would probably come crashing down when my year was up. 
It would probably involve valley herbs, a 10 poison-drinkswap pileup as part of a general 50-gambit pileup, and a naked mole rat.

Or just 50 goblins in the hallways. That works too.
for remember: the other option is the destruction of reality!
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #182 on: December 31, 2013, 12:38:47 am »

How's the big reveal going, Rhaken?


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #183 on: December 31, 2013, 01:06:08 am »

The cyclops struggles against its bindings. A valiant effort, but useless. It has been hogtied with a leaden chain, a position where it cannot exert the full extent of its prodigious strength. The single eye turns to me, the beast squirming, snarling, baring its jagged, rotting teeth. I stare the cyclops in its eye, spit into it. I am not impressed. Once again, I spit in its eye. The creature bellows and tries to break free. No success.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I pace around the creature, ancient memories surfacing. For a brief second, it all comes back to me. The puddle of blood. The shattered body. Holding the mangled, broken thing that had been my daughter, laying her to rest in a coffin, never to see her again. I was younger then. I had screamed at the gods, demanding to know why they had let it happen. It was only years later that I had figured out why. We were too small in the eyes of gods for them to give a damn.

Teeth grinding, I draw my morningstar. Normally, I would interrogate first, see what other information I can glean before fulfilling my duty as hammerer. Not this time. Cyclops are far too stupid to comprehend languages like dwarven. I was okay with that this time. Just this once, I was willing to communicate through the universal language of hate.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I wipe bits of skull from my morningstar, my breath ragged. Looking at the shattered corpse in front of me, I feel no elation. No sense of victory. This was not the cyclops that had murdered my daughter, or my son. A numbness washes over me, burying the anger somewhere deep. Sunken-eyed, I head back to the office, knowing full well that I have accomplished nothing.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I spend the rest of winter putting my acting skills to the test. As fas as anyone around the fortress can tell, I'm looking brighter than ever. My mausoleum is complete, and its scupture garden will be inaugurated during the turn of the year. We passed annual inspection with flying colors. The goblins seem to be avoiding our lands like the plague, we are producing valuable crafts and goods, and we have food and booze to last us years. The new mayor has even taken it upon himself to sew clothes for the entire prison. Seems like they are quite content with having me in charge of things.

I just smile, and do nothing to show that my reign is at an end.

It's harder around Onul. She and I have been married our entire adult lives. I spend the entirety of the cold season being just a tad more romantic than usual, rekindling our passion of over one hundred years. She doesn't know the plan. She will not know until I reemerge. If I reemerge. She will call me selfish for this. She will be angry. But in the end, she will understand. She always does. She is wife to the former royal spymaster, after all.

Everyone has gathered in the meeting hall. It is new year's eve, a few hours after the sun went down over the surface world. The grand feast I have called for is coming to an end. The dwarves are just about done gorging themselves, and now turn to alcohol to pass the rest of the evening. I give them some time, waiting for the final hour of the final day of the year, and then stand up. My commanding voice calls turns every head in the room in my direction.

"Denizens of Steelhold! Hear me!" Hushed silence descends upon the dining room.

"Two years ago," I begin, "we faced dire times. Supplies were running low, we had no way to defend ourselves, and many were recovering from the elf plague. Some of us were at the brink of despair."

I give them a moment to take it in before continuing. "Yet look at us now! We have enough food and booze to throw a feast. We have established trade, and beaten back the goblin scourge. We have come back stronger than ever!"

A round of applause follows my words. I raise a hand to slow it down. My face hardens.

"But we are not yet done. Not while the mountainhomes call our home a prison. Not while the goblins harass us, believing us to be easy prey. Not while the corrupt courts of Chainbell and Sprinkledlabor determine who enters and who leaves." Murmurs of agreement. Many of the inmates were sentenced at one of those two courts.

"We are not done while our own so-called "sovereigns" plot against us. We are not done while we are not treated equal. We are not done while Queen Kivish holds the shadow of her disdainful rule over our heads!" Their murmurs intensify. I don't give them time to become a roar.

"Though it may take years, we will fight this oppression from the shadows. We will lie to them, year after year, our power growing until we can become free. Until we can establish colonies of our own. And on that day, when our children run free, when we can reside in bedrooms and not cells, when we are independent from the laws of this Queen and her kin, then, my friends, then I can truly say: this day, we are done!"

Roaring applause erupts throughout the room. I haven't seen dwarves this enflamed since my days in the army. I let the roar continue for a moment.

I raise my flagon.

"So drink with me, my friends! To emancipation! To freedom! To Steelhold!"

'To Steelhold', they shout, and we drink. To them, within two hours, I will be dead.

The new year has begun.

Boredom. Solitude. Longing for my wife. Discontent. These things simmer in my head for a bleeding eternity as Corley's drug takes its effect.

I have been interred for hours. They buried me as befits a leader, armor, weapon and all. The funeral procession would have torn my heart, if I were lucid. Onul wasn't the only dwarf who was devastated by my 'death'. Many seem dejected, as if their only hope had been snuffed out like a candle in a blizzard.

I believe I shall be waking soon. I'll just have to slide open the fake bottom of my sarcophagus and enter the chamber below. Within are provisions, training space, and a manual screw pump to keep me fit. The food and alcohol should last me quite some time. If they run out before Emdief or the fractaldwarf come around to free me, I'll head out myself.

Most of my mental faculties seem to be returning now that the drug is wearing off. I find myself thinking of the secrets I unearthed, as if to pass the time. It occurs to me that I never did find out what happened to the vampire Likot. Tun was slain, yes, but my spies found no further mention of Likot for quite some time. Most of the other dwarven vampires were dead, I knew. I had seen the reports myself. I started counting them off in my head.

Then, just as movement and wakefulness returned to me, the realization hit. And with it, came shock. Cold sweat started to flow down my back.

Only one dwarven vampire remained in the world. Likot Lockedgears.

And he was right here in Steelhold the whole time.
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #184 on: December 31, 2013, 06:23:47 pm »

OOC: Well then. We appear to have not killed a former Overseer. Congratulations, Steelhold. I'm so proud of you. 

Emdief grasped the thaumometer tightly. It was embarrassing that he'd just forgot it, and not just because he'd looked like a fool in front of Rhaken. It was very bad that he'd forgotten it. Anyone could have nabbed it. This was a fort full of thieves, after all.
26 hours. Four more until Rhaken could be let out. Nobody would notice Emdief was gone until tomorrow morning, with any luck. Crossbow at the ready, he squinted down the hallway. Did the Fractaldwarf really think him so foolish as to believe that he'd simply trust him to keep Rhaken alive? Or did he think he could be bought with being put at the head of Steelhold's engineers? Probably the later, although Emdief suspected there was more sanity in that dwarf than he let on. No, he wouldn't trust anyone to let Rhaken out but him.
So he'd trapped the hallway. Somewhere in the darkness were several tripwires at varying heights. When he heard someone crash through them, he'd be ready to off them. Just grazing them should be enough. This Lenehan was smart, even if he was insane. An alchemical agent that could transform one creature to another? Emdief had diluted it with sheep's blood. Wouldn't be a pleasant way to go, botching your transformation into an elf.
Now, Lenehan. That dwarf's family was interesting. Asmoth, Melek, and Corley. Those ones fascinated him. They were all involved in whatever it was that was going on in the fort. Emdief was sure there was more going on that what he knew. Fractaldwarf was building some sort of magical structure. The Masked Dwarf was studying adamantine, probably so that he could tell his gods how to break through it. Rhaken had something in his past involving the queen. There had to be more going on then that, right? In stark contrast with the outside world, paranoia is a sign of sanity in Steelhold.
Corley... why had he gone along with this plan? Emdief was a talented actor, never letting on what he felt (that what he didn't feel - dwarves didn't consider the logic behind things) if it would put him in a bad position. Living your life like that, you could recognize when someone was acting. Corley was good, but Emdief knew there was some resentment for Rhaken buried down there somewhere. Oh, he respected Rhaken, maybe even liked him a bit. But he wasn't devoted to him like he put on. Was he plotting against him, or just smart enough to be wary of dwarves of power? Kid was probably smart enough to know that the Fractaldwarf wasn't the kind of person you want running your city. He needed to be appeased now, since his supporters were so numerous. But after a year with him at the helm? The dwarves would forget their grievances against Rhaken; even if their leaders had them beaten daily, a dwarf would eventually look on that as "the good old days". Short memories, this race had. Maybe it was all that booze.
Looking at his watch, Emdief noted the passing of another 15 minutes and sighed. It was going to be a long watch. It'd already been a long watch. Next time a stunt like this was pulled, there had to be more than one person Rhaken could trust. They could take shifts.
What a year this would be. Emdief didn't know when the Fractaldwarf would make his mistake, but when he did, he'd be ready. Rhaken couldn't afford the consequences of having the magic-users plans foiled, but if they ran the fort into the ground, the dwarves would be on his side. Then maybe all this could stop. Emdief couldn't leave until it did. When did anyone escape magic? No, he couldn't leave yet. He'd be ready.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #185 on: December 31, 2013, 06:27:25 pm »

Hey, did I pop up? I can't really remember...


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #186 on: December 31, 2013, 06:48:49 pm »

Yep, Derroth is in.

The masked dwarf picked up the rock, examining it.  Within, he could see the thin strands of adamantine, the greatest of all metals.  Precious little of it existed, and its magical properties were as yet unknown.
With a slight twitch of his fingers, all of the adamantine flew out of the rock, burrowing into his skin.  The masked dwarf tensed up momentarily, then sighed.  9 more to go.

Emdief checked the time.  Another 15 minutes.  Only... 6 more to go.  6 more 15 minutes.  He sighed.
A voice from behind him said, "Interesting trap layout you have here."
Emdief whirled, crossbow in hand, but before he could fire he was pinned up against the wall by his assailant.
"Now now, Emdief, is that any way to treat an old friend?" The masked dwarf said, the golden mask staring deep into his eyes.
"I don't believe we ever were friendly to one another."
"Fair is fair, Emdief.  Now, I'll let you up in just a second."
The masked dwarf plucked the crossbow from his hand with impossible ease.  There was an intense flare of light and heat from his hands, and the crossbow melted into slag.
"Now.  Since neither of us has a weapon, we can discuss."
The masked dwarf released his grip on Emdief, stepping back to allow him room to sit.
"Discuss what," Emdief asked, struggling to keep his face impassive.
"There's no need to lie.  I know why you are down here.  The real question is: Why are you so loyal to Rhaken that you decide that nobody else can let him out?"
Emdief's eyes narrowed momentarily, then his face became impassive again, "How did you manage to sneak up on me?  The thaumometer should have detected you."
The mask remained stationary, but Emdief swore the masked dwarf was smiling, "Changing the subject now are we.  So inquisitive you are.  How I do what I do... well, that's for me to know and you to find out.  Now answer the question."
Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over Emdief.  The thaumometer began blaring, but somehow, that was alright.  Why shouldn't he answer the question, the masked dwarf was his friend.
"I don't trust the Fractaldwarf, or you, for that matter.  Magic is not something I wish to dabble in, and..."
A flash, somehow brighter than the fire the masked dwarf had conjured, emanated from the thaumometer.  The feeling was gone, replaced with a sensation of pain.  His head pounded, as if he had just woken up after drinking far too much booze.  The masked dwarf stumbled backwards, growing taller, less broad, until in front of him stood what could only be a masked human women, wearing full bronze combat armor.  Then the flash faded, leaving Emdief unable to see.  Suddenly, he fell backwards, unconscious.

Emdief awoke, checking the time.  He swore.  Whatever dream or nightmare or whatever had happened, Rhaken was about to wake up.  He had to go, now.  He reached for his crossbow...

It wasn't there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 06:58:08 pm by 4maskwolf »


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #187 on: December 31, 2013, 07:57:49 pm »

Yep, Derroth is in.

The masked dwarf picked up the rock, examining it.  Within, he could see the thin strands of adamantine, the greatest of all metals.  Precious little of it existed, and its magical properties were as yet unknown.
With a slight twitch of his fingers, all of the adamantine flew out of the rock, burrowing into his skin.  The masked dwarf tensed up momentarily, then sighed.  9 more to go.

Emdief checked the time.  Another 15 minutes.  Only... 6 more to go.  6 more 15 minutes.  He sighed.
A voice from behind him said, "Interesting trap layout you have here."
Emdief whirled, crossbow in hand, but before he could fire he was pinned up against the wall by his assailant.
"Now now, Emdief, is that any way to treat an old friend?" The masked dwarf said, the golden mask staring deep into his eyes.
"I don't believe we ever were friendly to one another."
"Fair is fair, Emdief.  Now, I'll let you up in just a second."
The masked dwarf plucked the crossbow from his hand with impossible ease.  There was an intense flare of light and heat from his hands, and the crossbow melted into slag.
"Now.  Since neither of us has a weapon, we can discuss."
The masked dwarf released his grip on Emdief, stepping back to allow him room to sit.
"Discuss what," Emdief asked, struggling to keep his face impassive.
"There's no need to lie.  I know why you are down here.  The real question is: Why are you so loyal to Rhaken that you decide that nobody else can let him out?"
Emdief's eyes narrowed momentarily, then his face became impassive again, "How did you manage to sneak up on me?  The thaumometer should have detected you."
The mask remained stationary, but Emdief swore the masked dwarf was smiling, "Changing the subject now are we.  So inquisitive you are.  How I do what I do... well, that's for me to know and you to find out.  Now answer the question."
Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over Emdief.  The thaumometer began blaring, but somehow, that was alright.  Why shouldn't he answer the question, the masked dwarf was his friend.
"I don't trust the Fractaldwarf, or you, for that matter.  Magic is not something I wish to dabble in, and..."
A flash, somehow brighter than the fire the masked dwarf had conjured, emanated from the thaumometer.  The feeling was gone, replaced with a sensation of pain.  His head pounded, as if he had just woken up after drinking far too much booze.  The masked dwarf stumbled backwards, growing taller, less broad, until in front of him stood what could only be a masked human women, wearing full bronze combat armor.  Then the flash faded, leaving Emdief unable to see.  Suddenly, he fell backwards, unconscious.

Emdief awoke, checking the time.  He swore.  Whatever dream or nightmare or whatever had happened, Rhaken was about to wake up.  He had to go, now.  He reached for his crossbow...

It wasn't there.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
>Magic Users
Good to see all that paranoia is completely justified, yep. Also Maskdwarf, please. We need that candy to kill your friends. Don't eat it.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #188 on: December 31, 2013, 08:31:50 pm »

The masked dwarf stumbled backwards, growing taller, less broad, until in front of him stood what could only be a masked human women, wearing full bronze combat armor.
So, is the implication supposed to be that the Maskdwarf is actually a lady in disguise?
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #189 on: December 31, 2013, 09:25:32 pm »

The masked dwarf stumbled backwards, growing taller, less broad, until in front of him stood what could only be a masked human women, wearing full bronze combat armor.
So, is the implication supposed to be that the Maskdwarf is actually a lady in disguise?

Maskdwarf isn't a woman. It's the unholy offspring of the Eye of Sauron and Darth Vader.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #190 on: December 31, 2013, 11:15:47 pm »

:cracks knuckles:
downloading now. 
"Alright you dwarves, listen up. there are a few things that need to change.  Starting with...unless I tell you otherwise, the stockpiles are to be considered full.  Exception # 1 is the food stockpile.   dwarves who do not mind sharing a bedroom, please come see me for assignment to an ore vein or something.
"Any dwarf who knows where all the dump zones are, please see me IMMEDIATELY!"
"Nobody?...sigh...dump these cages. I'll find where the dump zones are that way. 

"So. maskdwarf.  Where is the adamant?"
"...the deal was you would get rid of Rhaken. Not keep him around one of your skeletal pets."
"...I have to find that adamant, Maskdwarf.  The fate of...oh so at stake.  I don't want to kill. I regret even the deaths of mere goblins. Of mere chickens...But with your death, your illusions will fall; ironic, though, that I who can pierce your illusions without effort cannot even detect TAKE THIS!"
I gesture towards maskdwarf, and a bolt of terrible light shoots forth, piercing Maskdwarf...
And causing absolutely no damage whatsoever, as his body simply flows around it. 

The crack in spacetime lingered in the air, a danger to any who would linger nearby too long.

The maskdwarf snarled at me, launching his own blast of magical energy towards me...
It shattered on impact, disintigrating into harmless pieces.  Barely noticed by either of us was that the crack sealed up where shards of maskdwarf's spell struck it.
We stared at eachother for a while.

"It seems...we are at an impasse. But mark my words...I will find that adamant."

Of all the ways to find maskdwarf's adamant...
I would never have expected to find it when I went to hunt down a spot for new magma furnaces. sometimes it's true, you find something when you start looking for something else...
at any rate, the current setup is TERRIBLE.  The workshops aren't positioned properly, a magma crab could come crawling up through the floor!
Well, unless there's somethign in the magma channel to stop that, but the records don't indicate any sort of floodgate or anything...
At any rate, by designating channeling 1-zlevel over the intended magma workshops...
I don't have to put up with months of dwarves complaining about digging in warm stone. 

...Did I say that outloud?
Move along, my dwarves, you've got some mining to do.

-is Emdief's thaumometer intact?
-in case it's not clear, my plan was to get the addy, then reaveal Rhaken was alive. but since maskdwarf knows, well...
-what's up with the textures?
-could someone remind me how to take screenies of *just* dwarf fortress and not the rest of my monitor?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 12:01:47 am by fractalman »
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #191 on: January 01, 2014, 12:08:42 am »

"You ask my how come I ordered everyone else to stop butchering, and became the fort's sole butcher?
"See these cracks? I can repair them, but, make a long story short, I need fresh blood to repair it. Now, what's the status of the new kitchens? still building? hmph.  Well, lets cancel the glass making, except for the serrated disks. Those are usefull.  "
"...ok, so the ritual requires these green orbs that only I get when I kill an animal, some leather and paper, and finally some iron.  the green orbs and iron are non-negotiable, the other two materials depend on what I'm repairing."
"...yes, that wolf skeleton is moving, no, it's not going to hurt you, yes, you may take your leave."
What was I forgetting...
Ah.  Rhaken.

We have a problem.
...They're onto us!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I don't DARE promote myself.
The dwarf who I possesed...has a preference for BINS.
I can't be sure I can override that.  a mandate: export of bins: prohibited..
is the LAST thing ANY fortress needs.  bins are for making trade and stockpiling easier, pure and simple.  the last thing you want is the traders either going insane or leaving junk behind just 'cause they can't pack up quickly enough...
Rhaken isn't much better, it seems. three or four different preferences that can result in a mandate?

I withdraw my contact with the hive mind for a moment to ease away the headache..

« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 01:05:37 am by fractalman »
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #192 on: January 01, 2014, 02:14:34 am »

and...lo and behold, a cyclops interrupting everything!

Hey diddle diddle, the MOOn in the fiddle...
The cat jumped off of the wall.
The annoying cyclops..
pathed onto the tile...
of a hatchcover he wanted to destroy!

-lever puller was a TEENSY bit too slow. BUT.  The cyclops spotted a cat.  It chased the cat around the outside of the bee-keeping area. The cat jumped off of a corner, and the cyclops is now stuck one tile away from the hatch cover, unable to get a good grip on it to destroy it.
will upload the picture...later.

Ooc: thought I'd hit edit instead of post...oh well. 
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #193 on: January 01, 2014, 05:45:20 am »

-what's up with the textures?
I think it is a result of Rhaken's messing with the graphics, though it could result from Fractal's portal slowly ripping apart the fabric of all dimensions.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: The Insidious Sons of Steelhold -- Revival Succession Fortress
« Reply #194 on: January 01, 2014, 10:49:42 am »

-what's up with the textures?
I think it is a result of Rhaken's messing with the graphics, though it could result from Fractal's portal slowly ripping apart the fabric of all dimensions.

Second option, definitely. Also we're getting a chance to get a new baron? I thought they only gave you that chance once?
As far as I know the Thaumometer's intact, and Emdief is now holed up somewhere with his back against the wall, trying desperately to not be relevant until people forget about him. Magic users.
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