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Author Topic: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.  (Read 24037 times)


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2013, 12:56:04 pm »

1st of Hematite, year 70

Having thoroughly reconnoitered the surrounding area I instructed our group to pull our wagon up along the abandoned one left behind by the missing settlers. A couple of dwarves complained about the bones and desiccated carcasses of some drakes but at this point, I don't really care about some petty concerns like hygiene and sanitation. There are things lurking out there, and before this year is over I want a palisade wall separating us from them.

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10th of Hematite, year 70

I instructed the lumberjack to cut down all the trees surrounding our embark site. Someone started making squeaking noises about pissing off the elves but we have bigger concerns than offending their better sensibilities. I also decided to put some of the laborers to work stripping all nearby vegetation of anything remotely edible. Who knows if we can get some farms up in this muck. I'm not taking any chances when it comes to our food supplies. The last thing we want in a prolonged siege is to be forced to eat rats and rotten plump helmet stems to get by. If seen that before, the sunken eyes and hollow cheeks of a dwarf reduced to emaciated madness. Miscarriages, beards falling off, beloved pets roasted in their skins out of desperation...

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26th of Hematite, year 70

We are making progress, such as it is. Stockpiles have been designated for our essentials and the beginning of what hopefully will become a stalwart fortress is being established meters under our feet. Until I feel we are somewhat safe I will leave considerations pertaining to organization and efficiency out of our plans. Let some other dwarf worry about that once they have a fat belly, a woozy head, and no adders to swat away from their infants.

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15th of Malachite, year 70

Whatever misgivings I have had about my comrades at the outset of our journey may have been premature. They are proving their mettle in this heat and humidity. We have worked almost nonstop since we parked the wagon, and we now have plenty of logs to begin our palisade. In addition, we have made good progress in excavating the muck to dig out the area for our mushroom patch. Once you dig deep enough, it seems, the mud gives way to some black volcanic sand. Its actually a refreshing change of scenery, the black gritty depth of the mire in contrast to an endless stretch of festering sun baked muck

23rd of Malachite, year 70

Construction on the palisade is well underway and progress is steady. At this point in time there is little to stand against us, more on account of our obscurity than anything else. Every once in a while an adder will frighten one of the workers but that is of little consideration in the grand scheme of things. I decided to wall in a large area which encompasses several ponds in the hopes that our fisherdwarves can provide us with some pond turtles or mudskippers or whatever the hell lurks in this foetid, stagnant water. Farms are being established as I write and our valuables are being relocated to safer premises underground.

We have had some difficulty with labor, though, and many dwarves have found themselves with jobs they have not been trained for. There are protests but most understand that there are no other alternatives until migrants start arriving, at which point they can be relieved of their temporary duties to attend to their specialties.

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17th of Galena, year 70

We had finally managed to complete the palisade and had just begun work on the drawbridge when skulking filth was spotted just outside the walls! Fortunately, it had no way into our compound but through the drakes we posted at the entrance so it had to go skulk elsewhere.

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23rd of Galena, year 70

Snakes, so many's as if the swamp itself is trying to run us off. No matter, with the palisade complete we have graduated from shit caked encampment to festering swamp town. Hopefully, some migrants will show up soon, though the booze is almost gone and the water is too foul to drink, we could use extra farmhands and maybe some able bodied defenders.

These damn snakes, they are practically climbing up the walls..

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17th of Limestone, year 70

After months of labor we have a complete palisade and a drawbridge rigged to a lever near the entrance to our mudhole. I am begining to worry about our profound lack of alcohol though, dwarves without booze are a sad sight, and liable to go berserk at the slightest offense. I try to brew what I can but we are having a hell of a time farming here and I'm constantly short plants. I fear that the food situation may be our first hurdle. I have to admit, I may have been overzealous in the construction of the palisade. If we starve or go thirsty there will be little worth defending.

23rd of Sandstone, year 70

The booze situation has not improved. We can barely keep up with demand, and just when I thought we could do at least that, migrants.. where I had once hoped for some trickle of new faces to help us grow, I now dread the thought of feeding and boozing up even more dwarves. I ordered the farms to be expanded and for more diverse crops to be grown. I also ordered a surface farm to be established to begin growing steeloaks. If I will achieve anything as overseer, it will be to see to the forts defense, both now and for the future.

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28th of Sandstone, year 70

In desperation I ordered the miners to begin work on a cistern. I plan to tap into some nearby ponds to fill it initially and afterward keep it full with rainwater. We can place our well underground, this way no one will become dehydrated when we inevitably run out of booze.

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10th of Timber, year 70

It seems that the academy didnt cover esoteric, scientific topics like water pressure, gravity, etcetera, as I have exercised some very poor judgement in the placement of our well. Turns out that since the well was situated on a level a dozen or so meters below the ponds water level...the pond the cistern draws its water from...anytime it rains water pushes up through the well and floods our makeshift meeting hall. Thankfully, the mason had a quick fix: wall in the existing well and place it one level up. The water pressure will not be sufficient to push the water up that high but we will still have a functioning well, just not as close to the workers meeting area as I had hoped.

27th of Timber, year 70

This is not shaping up to be a good month. Not only were several thieves spotted, but we have now lost at least 2 children to kidnappers. The kidnappers were not able to make it into the compound, no... their careless parents were nice enough to practically deliver the children to the skulking FILTH waiting just outside our walls. I would chastise the morons but I feel their grief will be sufficient punishment. Maybe I should console them regardless, tell them its okay, they'll get to see their precious little Urists as they lead the charge on our fort at the head of a goblin army in a few short years..

..oh yeah, some traders came, but we were too occupied with fending off snakes, enduring stale water, getting our children stolen and erecting the palisade to churn out stone dolls for them. We barely had enough time to lash some twigs together to make a trade depot. I hope they don't notice how few fucks we have to give.

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[scribbled in the margins of the -diorite journal- are numerous illegible words, followed by a profanity laced tirade regarding goblins, followed by]

...and they made off with yet another child. We should have saved them the trouble and just sent the little shits to their warrens with a bagged lunch.

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4th of Fuckall, year 70

The traders have finally decided to move on and brave heaping mounds of snow rather than stay in this stinkhole for one more night. Can't say I blame them.. I damn near hitched a ride out, but to shirk my duty at this point would amount to more than treason... it would surely lead to the death of my comrades. Kidnappings aside, things have been pleasant. Masons are currently churning out some cheap stone furniture as many dwarves are grumbling about a lack of tables and chairs... as if we don't have more pressing concerns...

To keep them busy I ordered them to stockpile all the stone we have dug up so far and to gather more food from the closest vegetation they can find. We simply cannot afford to run out of booze now, with so many grieving parents finding solace in the bottom of an empty muck root whiskey barrel.

I also ordered some cloistered cells to be dug out for bedrooms. Hopefully having some private place to rest will boost morale.

16th of Moonstone, year 70

Just when I thought our level of suffering was at its apex, things actually manage to get worse. A horde of Dark Stranglers was spotted just at the edge of the mire today, and I fear they have not come to harass the geese.

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17th of Moonstone, year 70

As I suspected, the stranglers were no mere geese kickers. They have pressed forward and will be upon us soon. Rather than close the gates or hope the drakes can manage to fend them all off I have assembled as many dwarves as I can into a peoples militia. We have no weapons, no armor, and less hope, but if we can lure them into our narrow entranceway with our drakes at our sides I believe we can take them, or at the least make one hell of a last stand.

18th of Moonstone, year 70

It worked! At the cost of one dwarfs miserable life (10-18-70 never forget) we have managed to kill all the stranglers. Some bruises and scratches and one dead schmuck aside, things are looking well, and plenty of dwarves are glad to have revelled in some slaughter. I can only wonder, though, what lurking horrors have driven these dark stranglers to our gates. Such simple minded creatures have never managed to achieve so much as a ambush let alone a full blown siege. To celebrate this narrow victory I instructed our band to begin work on a laboratory... anti-climatic, yes, but according to our herbalists one does not simply make steel from steeloak, to do so is part of a complex process involving something they call !SCIENCE!. Whatever !SCIENCE! is, I figure should be left to the scientists... so I asked the dwarf called Jerbot to begin his work. Hopefully, he will figure out a way to extract the steel from these robust elven trees soon enough as the next batch of siegers may not be as easily repelled as the last.

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1st of Granite, year 71

After a pleasantly mild yet boozeless winter spring is now upon upon us and with it the smells and sounds of the swamp..
I can only hope that this new year sees us well defended and swimming in an ocean of plump helmet wine, but I fear the adders and the stranglers may have something to say about that.

1st of Felsite, year 71

Yet more migrants have shown up, gods know why. What with the kidnappings, invasions, and adders, you'd think word would have gone out to stay the fuck away from this wretched swamp. I'm begining to wonder if our messages to the mountainhomes are even making it all the way there, or if the traders are being intercepted before they could report what they have seen here. Booze and food supplies were strained before, now with so many more empty stomachs I fear for the worst.

17th of Felsite, year 71

While the past months have been uneventful, a migrant here, a kidnapper there, it seems that now, at the end of my term, Armok has decided to make me pay for every snobby noble I ever tripped down some stairs. Yet another army of stranglers was spotted. Reports are just coming in but from the sounds of it a dwarf meandering around where he shouldn't have been was jumped and killed. They will be upon us soon enough, and we will have one less drake to defend us. It seems the mire is no place for open wounds, as the trauma the creature endured in fending off the last siege had become infected, inevitably resulting in its demise. Rest in peace, noble beast.

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[the following is a crude sketch of the beast, as depicted by Mensrea]
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28th of Felsite, year 71

Well, its officially the last day of my term as overseer. At least I say it is... summer is nearly upon us, as are the stranglers, and I have no intention of presiding over some slaughter. If I die, I die fighting in the muck, next to my brothers and sisters and the drakes. I was lucky enough to at least witness the discovery of the "herbalist lab" which, according to Jerbot, will be where all future !SCIENCE! regarding steeloaks will be conducted. Whoever draws the short straw will have that to their advantage. Though I am usually in favor of taking threats head on, with morale being as it is this may be time to pull up the bridge and slap together some steel weapons and armor to give our best warriors. More deaths could result in hot tempers, and surely a mutiny. That's not my concern now, though, and even if they choose otherwise, I can't say that we didn't have a good run.

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Armok save us all.

Had a hell of a first year. I have never been sieged not just once but twice like that so quickly. The wildlife made starting out a pain due to the dwarves constantly being scared away from the tasks at hand, and then once I finally had things walled in morale plummeted from 3 kidnappings. I definitely intended to do better but I'm afraid all I really managed was to build some defenses. Not that the defenses will help against more sophisticated enemies; if we turtle they will just knock the damn walls down.

Food/booze was an issue and I'm almost certain that was due to the slow start. I had to re-assign a lot of labor to get the wall up fast, and then re-assign again to get the bridge, mechanisms and levers made. Immigrants are pouring in now and I'm not sure why given all the carnage. I don't have the save or the ingame pictures on my workstation so I will post those later, probably around 6 pm or so.

Again, I apologize for taking so long. I pretty much pushed it til the last day.. now I know why so many community forts seem to take so long. Life seems to be content quietly lurking in a dark corner until there is a deadline to meet, at which point it pounces and makes sure you are sufficiently overwhelmed as to be late. I only dorfed Jerbot and Grimmash and that wasn't until the very end of my term.

Jerbot is up next and buddy, I wish you luck, cause you will need it. You have a siege to deal with right away and the dorfs are already pretty agitated so I would suggest continuing with the bedroom project to make them happy/keep them from going apeshit.

I also seemed to have got the date wrong initially, likely due to the failed/accident embark. Maybe this should have been another drunk fortress?

« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 01:38:00 pm by mensrea »


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2013, 03:24:06 pm »

And here... the save.

Also, about the last siege...turns out that the siegers showed up with the elven caravan, who proceeded to slaughter the stranglers. This happened at the tail end of my turn so I'm thinking I glossed over it/spaced out, but either way you wont have to worry about some pending siege.

The tileset is default masterwork. Just navigate to your Dwarf Fortress\data\save folder and drop the region5 and region5-sum-71 into it.

If you have any problems email me at I will be out for the night but I can still respond from my mobile, otherwise I will be keeping an eye on the thread/updating the OP, etc.

Good luck!


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2013, 05:54:03 pm »

Journal of Overseer Jerbot 1st Hematite, 71

It has been a few months since my large group of migrants arrived here and something big happened!

But, before I get to it, I should tell you about the Fortress. Apparently named after a bird sighting, the carver misspelled "goose" as "goos" and unfortunately it is now carved in stone in the staircase, with no room to add the "e" to correct it. So this place is called Silvergoos. And the naming snafoo is just the beginning. They had a chaotic first year they tell me, with snakes plaguing them, two groups of Stranglers attacking, and a hastily built wall to protect their entrance. It seems that everyone just pitched in to help with whatever needed done, with everyone doing whatever they felt they wanted to, running around like crazed lobsters in a trap! That will end soon enough...

Which brings me to the big thing: I find myself appointed to the office of overseer! Mensrea, the real leader behind the expedition, has had a hard time of it and chose me out of all the large groups of new migrants to put some order into the fort. And that is what I shall do! I think he chose me because of how cheerful I've been just to be out of the stuffy old Mountain Homes and out in the world.

My plan is to do only what I know and trust, and to do everything the way I remember it being done back home. Some people might not like it, and I sympathize, but for this fortress to become a real fortress, we must follow the traditions of our people. And so, my term as overseer will focus on 3 things: prayer to Armok, developing the forges, and forming a military! Anything that is not necessary for those things will just have to wait.



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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2013, 07:08:36 pm »

Journal of Overseer Jerbot 8th Hematite, 71

I included the results from a personality test that we were given when we arrived at Silvergoos so that future overseers might have some background on me. Maybe if they know me it will help them understand my decisions better.

Let me detail my initial orders, already given and being carried out as I write. First, I organized a huge meeting where everyone introduced themselves and I heard their thoughts about our fortress. Luckily I have a great memory, because it turns out there was no bookkeeper. So I appointed one, as well as a manager (actually he is the same dwarf that is bookkeeping for us), a broker, a chief medical dwarf (such as he is), and even a psychiatrist.

With those jobs taken care of, I divided the dwarfs into their guilds (We even had a dwarf claiming to be a "Beast Warden" so I let him take charge of drake training) and assigned them roles based on their memberships. Except for the so called "Fishing" guild. The whole organization revolves around lobsters and related creatures, and I despise lobsters. I will not allow them here! So in consolation for demeaning the group they joined (although I'm not sure what attracted them in the first place) I gave them special jobs. I had one be in charge of our armor making as he already had some experience (he tasted the glory of crafting armor and still wants to fish!!??!), and the second I put to the task of learning gem cutting (might as well learn something useful). The third I have taken to calling Doogie (I'm not sure why but it just seems to fit) and have appointed him Chief Medical Dwarf. He is only 9 years old, but maybe he'll turn out to be a child prodigy. At any rate, I think chopping dwarf limbs is infinitely better than catching lobsters.

With that done, I turned to the Apostles of Armok that had seen fit to migrate to Silvergoos. One, named Grimmash, seemed to have more experience and I put him in charge of seeing to the honoring of Armok through shrines and temples and most of all prayers. I have a feeling we will be crying out for booze soon enough...

I also appointed Mensrea to help train up a militia, which I am hoping to outfit as soon as possible with weapons and armor from the forges I am planning. Lobsters, I hope I can manage to pull off those plans!

With all of that in motion, the lengthy meeting was adjourned and all scattered to their newly organized tasks. I hope they are happy with their new jobs, but only time will tell. Now to the forges!


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2013, 08:27:22 pm »

Well, I finished the first season, will post an update at some point. I intend to do one update every season.

My previous post was my first screenshot post ever! So two (or more)questions: how do I get rid of the white part, and how do I do the spoiler thing? Is there a way that you guys edit the size of the pic so its not an obnoxious size? What is a good size?

Mensrea: you will have to wait and see exactly what happened, but your dorf is kickass. Also, I thought there would be a volcano. Did you mean there was one in the area, but not the embark? I am going to do what I can, but smelting beyond some basic things may not happen in my year. Also, only you were named in the save you posted so I just chose a few dwarfs for Grimmash and I.

I totally rearranged the labors to suit myself, and I am arranging rooms and whatnot the same way, so I hope that is ok. This is my first succession fort so Im not sure where the line is in changing everything or leaving things the way the previous people had it. Any input on finding that balance is appreciated.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 08:51:47 am by Jerbot »


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2013, 04:35:36 pm »

Well, I finished the first season, will post an update at some point. I intend to do one update every season.

My previous post was my first screenshot post ever! So two (or more)questions: how do I get rid of the white part, and how do I do the spoiler thing? Is there a way that you guys edit the size of the pic so its not an obnoxious size? What is a good size?

Mensrea: you will have to wait and see exactly what happened, but your dorf is kickass. Also, I thought there would be a volcano. Did you mean there was one in the area, but not the embark? I am going to do what I can, but smelting beyond some basic things may not happen in my year. Also, only you were named in the save you posted so I just chose a few dwarfs for Grimmash and I.

I totally rearranged the labors to suit myself, and I am arranging rooms and whatnot the same way, so I hope that is ok. This is my first succession fort so Im not sure where the line is in changing everything or leaving things the way the previous people had it. Any input on finding that balance is appreciated.

You can make a spoiler like such (spoiler) stuff that you want in the spoiler tag (/spoiler) (replace the () with []). You can remove the white part of the picture with a crop tool which comes packaged with paint. You can pretty much take the menu's out if you wish but definitely take out any white parts.

I believe it's one of those volcanos that doesn't come all the way to the surface. It seemed like a lot of volcano embarks I took were like that. Somewhere there will be a huge tube filled with magma that stretches up from the magma sea probably several dozen z levels. Tapping into that will be easier than digging all the way down to the magma sea to build forges there so even with no surface volcano its still slightly easier.

Strange with the naming thing.. I may have sent the save from before I named you guys?

If you don't want to dig around for the lava tube you could farm trees on the surface or fungiwoods underground. 4 plots or so should provide you with enough charcoal to do whatever you need; even better if you are using potash to fertilize. Also bear in mind that steeloaks are processed initially at the lumbermill, then taken to the herbalist workshop for processing into steel bars. No smelting required. Theres also magmalings and blood of armok if you want to mess around with more !SCIENCE!. That's one of the things I love about masterwork: so many different options.

And yeah, as far as changing labors and layouts and such, I don't care at all. Do what you feel needs done. I was so worried about establishing initial defenses that I kind of left things a disorganized mess in the hopes that whoever picked up would tidy things up properly. I was also looking forward to grimmash doing his thing with the fort layout. I'm not sure if your following his masterwork thread but I really like his architectural style; very neat and clean and symmetrical. Either way, having so many people put a personal touch on the fort is what makes community games special and more interesting. That being said if there is something you don't want changed you should make note of it in specific.

EDIT: I was also reading some of mephs notes just now and saw this..
"Forgotten Beasts have a small chance to be able to tunnel up into your fort." I'm fucking terrified.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 04:57:04 pm by mensrea »


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2013, 06:41:16 pm »

Thanks for the input. I really am having fun with this.

Journal of Overseer Jerbot  25th Felsite, 71

Summer started easy, with a handful of more migrants showing up, nothing remarkable. Everybody was busy getting used to their new jobs and things were going smoothly as I got used to where everything was setup. And Mensrea got married to a Mason named Zon! I hope their union is long and merry.

I ordered an office setup for the bookkeeper and he started counting our stocks. Hopefully we will soon see exactly what our situation is. I also designed a new dining room and food area to be dug out, so that our ever growing crowd of dwarfs can have a nice place to relax. I also changed a few stockpiles around including having all the stone dumped in one pile, instead of evenly spread out on the floor. Saves a lot of space.

A few odd things going on: one peasant has been spending a lot of time studying the refuse pile. Maybe he really likes rotting corpses? I'll have to figure out what his deal is, he's starting to creep people out. The other thing is that Doogie came by and told me that we have a large number of dwarfs with high blood pressure, including me! I wonder if its because of the craziness still around us...Doogie said something about wheat allergy...its hard to take him seriously with his hat four sizes too big.

A peasant named Morul scared everyone away from a mason's workshop and worked furiously, eventually coming up with a wonderful bed which commemorates the first battle of Silvergoos.
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As I said, summer started easy, with a few kobold thieves our drakes scared away or ripped to shreds. Then, near the end of the summer, came an army of Beakwolves with a leader riding a fearsome two humped camel!!!

I knew our military was practically untrained, but ordered them to stand by the drakes nonetheless, so that we would not have to shut ourselves off from the outside yet. We still need trade desperately. As the Beakwolves charged in and fighting began, a tragedy occurred.

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But no sooner had brave Udil died when Mensrea stepped up with naught but a tree chopping axe and had his revenge!

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With a curse on his lips Mensrea lopped the Beakwolf's head off and proceeded in his anger to hew the corpse's torso in two! The Beakwolves were stunned at this display and Mensrea continued his rampage, finishing off two more before they all fled his fury.

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With the sun setting on these mighty acts, the summer came to a close.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2013, 06:46:18 pm »

Note to Grimmash:
I accidentally dorfed you as a girl. If it matters then I can change it

I think I'm getting the hang of the pics and all that. Doing this with updates makes me pay much more attention to the specifics of battles and whatnot, to see if any of the dorfed folks are involved in fun stuff.

Also, Maskwolf, do you want me to dorf you?


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2013, 07:37:21 pm »

Journal of Mensrea, marksdwarf

17th of Felsite, year 71

I was once instructed to write down my thoughts when I was in a bad place. I was fat, angry and most of all, disenchanted with the daily prospect of having an unfulfilling life. When I was at the depths of my depression I was approached with an order from my superiors. Guide a team of dwarves into an unsettled swamp to expand the glory of the Attics of Harsness.

Well, I was never an imperialist and I was never a babysitter... so the prospect of all that didn't appeal to me.

Then something happened. I'm not sure where or how, but something about these intrepid dwarves made me feel alive again. I began to make friends and acquaintances. Saw the good in my brothers and sisters. Fought with them and would have died for them. Now for the first time in decades I am in love. I came here expecting death and misery but what I found was an opportunity to begin again and forget about the horrors of the past. I have even had the opportunity to put my abilities to some use for a good cause; the defense of my friends. My family. I even lost weight!

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Something I saw the other day though... for a brief moment, it took me back to a dark time. At first I thought it was a dream.. I had awoken, or been awoken, abruptly, likely by the drakes crooning amongst each other. I ventured topside to check the entranceway for whatever may have disturbed them but then on my way back I spotted a lone dwarf. The dwarf was seemingly standing idle near a refuse patch when I moved closer, careful not disturb him. What he was doing was carefully examining the variety of bones protruding from the pile. The dwarfs eyes darted from pile to pile, spotting a piece here and there and expressing quizzical looks only to move on to another pile after some sort of realization set in. As if they were trying to put together a puzzle without touching the pieces. At the time I disregarded the behavior as merely unusual. Then today I remembered an incident at the mountainhome from almost a decade ago, when I was just a recruit in the fortress guard.

There had been a spate of grisly murders. Dwarves found clawed to death in their beds. Terrible wounds that cut flesh and bone and scored rock where something had flailed wildly with murderous rage. Reports of gaunt things fleeing the scenes of the crime... things little more than bone and claw. We were at a loss for leads when we were approached by an unusual dwarf privy to the arts of the arcane and the fel. The dwarf suggested that such was likely the work of a lich; a foul necromancer capable of twisting bone into a living form through some dark magic. The lich, she explained, was once a mortal being that had transplanted its soul into a vessel so that its life would be prolonged forever. The lich itself could not be easily destroyed but more worrisome were the revelations that it would be prone to creating these monstrous bone creatures to do its will.

The dwarf explained that lichs were known to frequent the garbage dumps and trash heaps of a fortress, slowly building and training an army of bone golems; sometimes secretly and sometimes openly in more progressive or tolerant fortresses. Regardless of the lichs apparent motives, one thing was sure. It valued power above all; power over its own life and the life of others. If its golem army was sizable or the fortress particularly weak then the lich would surely attempt to usurp the authorities and wage an unholy insurrection against its inhabitants. The case was not solved until months later, and then it came at the cost of over a dozen lives. I still remember the thing desperately fighting us after we had bashed apart its tormented servants... fighting us even after we cut off its Armok damn head.

I only regret that I had not gotten a better look at that dwarf.. I will have to report this to Jerbot. This could be very dangerous for the fortress.


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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2013, 03:48:21 pm »

Journal of Overseer Jerbot, 27th of Timber, year 71

So, we started out Fall with some bad news. Our bookkeeper finished his initial inventory, and the status of our booze and food stocks is dire. I don't blame him though, because at least now we know the problems coming our way. With almost 60 dwarfs, we will be thirsty and hungry before long, and only a caravan offers hope of relief, however temporary.

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I doubt my plans for the metalworks can happen this year, so I will focus on our beginning our military and erecting shrines to honor Armok. Maybe our prayers will result in some help with the food and drink shortage.

A peasant named Gakit had an idea take hold of him and by the time his intensity had spent itself, he had created a helm for our burgeoning militia.

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Thirsty, hungry, but still working hard, Silvergoos lasted until a caravan came through from the mountain homes. After trading away anything I thought we could do without, we gained animals and booze and meat. Although they had cages of lobsters, I bit my tongue and traded anyway, for the good of everyone. But it disgusted me. The flood of thirsty and hungry dwarfs running for the depot when the trade was complete almost trampled our poor broker.

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Mensrea came to me and warned me of the peasant Listosheb who is the creepy one hanging out by the refuse stockpile. Mensrea says that the peasant may be a monster in the making. I talked it over with Listosheb and he was repentant, so I assigned him to work in the hastily constructed monastery praying for Armok's forgiveness. It hasn't seemed to help, so my plan is to construct and Altar, and see if prayers there give him relief from these foul, lobster fed urges. I am optimistic that we can cure him of his temptations, and Grimmash agrees with my hopefulness.

The caravan has left, and with it went my orders for a few wards of Armok, some magical weapons, and bullet turrets. And of course food and drink. I can only hope that we have enough goods to help bolster both our stocks and our defenses come next year.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2013, 03:51:52 pm »

Quick question: Am I done after this winter so that we can start new turns with spring? I will have only played 3 seasons, but it matters not to me either way. Let me know...I will hopefully have winter done soon as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2013, 04:51:59 pm »

Finish your turn at the start of summer. After you 4maskwolf is up, then grimmash, then jimboo, then [blank]. Still taking dorfing requests as well. Just let us know the name and labor preference.

I also find it somewhat unusual that we were both constantly short food/booze. Did I accidently leave harder farming on or something? If that's the case farms will have to be quadrupled, and the number of workers in the food industry will have to be drastically increased as well. Too bad invaders cant be made into ground meat. Does anyone ever really ask what's in the sausages anyway?

Also, if you really start worrying about that guy who were practically sure is a may want to sacrifice his life to armok. We will likely get something good (a sexy iron colossus?) and at the least get rid of a potential warlock insurgent.

A question for meph/other masterwork players: what happens if a lobotomy is performed on a disguised warlock/necromancer? Do they still remain a threat?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2013, 06:01:52 pm »

Oh, I have plans for our necro update you'll see...if we don't succumb to this nasty siege :-\


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2013, 06:59:15 pm »

Journal of Overseer Jerbot, 28th of Obsidian, 71


A slow winter, spent worrying about food and booze. We also have been expanding our religious buildings, adding an altar, although they are still not in places worthy of their grandeur. Suddenly...

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I had our two squads (one axes one crossbows) station at our entrance with the war drakes, as has been customary at Silvergoos. Gathered together, we had every reason to be confident. When suddenly a goblin master thief appeared and both squads, primed for battle, charged after it. That crustacean kissing thief was too fast to catch however, and led the squads around the map, so that when the Beakwolves attacked, everyone was scattered to the winds! So what was shaping up to be a fine battle for the glory of Silvergoos turned into total chaos and mayhem, all thanks to that slimy little goblin. When all was said and done, with a Beakwolf killed just as he neared the steps of our Fortress, our recruits still made the Beakwolves run. But they'll be back I'd bet. Mensrea killed another named Beakwolf but it could have been better.

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We lost two marksdwarfs to the ordeal.

Then at the end of the winter, Listosheb, that poor disturbed soul, got his answer from Armok.

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All in all, our booze and food problems are still with us, but the prayers have helped, with 4 Apostles of Armok in the Fortress, we get a lot of answered prayers. We need them. As optimistic as I am, I find this job wearisome to handle, and the mistakes and twists of fate lie heavily on my shoulders. Perhaps I might soon ask another to take it from me for awhile...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 07:56:57 pm by Jerbot »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2013, 07:47:50 pm »

Ok, 2 more updates, a spring and a state of the fortress. The whole thing is done, just need to write it up and post it.

Good luck whoever is next, I did what I could, but there are still some major problems to tackle. I thought that made the fort more fun though.
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