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Author Topic: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.  (Read 24029 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #60 on: December 26, 2013, 01:44:36 pm »

To echo mensrea, we thought the game was generated without harder farming turned on.  Just makes a big difference in how you can respond to things.  I played spring expecting the crops to show up in summer, like usual.  That was a bit of a surprise.  I would not have tried to kill the elves had I known about the actual nature of the farms.  As for alternate options, there are many, but if you are sieged out for most of the year with little food, an untrained militia, and no good way to improve either of those to start with, options are limited for trade.  On my other MW games, I haven't had as much trouble with food, but I knew what I was going into and got lots of farms running from year one.

On that note, turn is done, just working on the write up.  We got more sieges!  And no caravans ever showed up!  How do you all think this will end?

Also, there was honest to goodness !!FUN!! at the end.  It will take a bit to write up, there are lots of pictures.  It's bloody, depressing and deadly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #61 on: December 26, 2013, 02:19:11 pm »


I have set aside rooms for more dwarves.  By Armok’s Grace, we will last through this siege and find food from our brothers from the Mountainhome.

12th Hematite

We have no food.  Our fields are expanded and planted, but we have nothing to put in our mouths.  I have designated all the ponds within our walls for fishing, and ordered construction of a fishpond.  I hope my device works to reopen our fortress…

17th Hematite

The elven traders have all gone into melancholy.  Perhaps we can tunnel into the depot once they have passed and claim some of their food.  I have order our militia to kill the envoy.  When next year’s caravan comes, we will tell them stranglers killed the elves.

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4th Malachite

The devices are almost complete.  Thank Armok the pond has been completed.  We are down to hunting vermin.  I order a turkey slaughtered, the last of our available livestock.

20th Malachite

The trap worked!  We lured in the stranglers, into a new entryway, and I was able to use bridges to smash all but three.  Unfortunately two are stuck on the wall!

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27th Malachite

Well, we have constructed an artifact abacus.  While this may help us in the future, for now it will go into the stockpiles.

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7th Galena

By drafting all our dwarves, I have rigged a controlled cave in to try and get rid of those pesky elves.

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The plan worked, but destroyed everything, save for the armor of those damn elves.  Well, we have mithril, if we make to the next caravan.

9th Galena

In order to find food, I am going to try and dig to the caverns.  Perhaps we can find mushrooms or moss…

13th Galena

The caverns were only a few floors below us!  We found iron, gold, and many other things.  I have ordered our craftsman to begin creating gold-bearing rock mugs for trade.  There is not much food, as it appears the caverns are barren and lifeless.  Still I have ordered all able bodied dwarves to salvage what food they can.

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14th Galena

An Orcish siege has come.  We have resealed the gates.

Autumn falls, as we start to lose our brethren to starvation.


Although no pages are missing, it appears nothing was written during Autumn.

3rd Moonstone

It appears the Mountainhome has forsaken us.  No caravan came, not even to bypass our besieged fort.  We have been left to die.  So be it.  We shall try to carry on.

I was notified of an artifact scabbard being constructed.  Wonderful.

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We have no food, no drink.  New farms are in place, and I am digging out space for more fish ponds.

We also have a new catapault, to try and fire upon the orcs on our borders.

1st Opal

In desperation, I ordered our archers and soldiers in position to try and break the orcish siege, and find food outside.  We lured in one warlord and struck him down, at the cost of half our melee fighters.

Over the days that followed, our archers needled the remaining orcs.  Eventually enough blood was spilt and the orcs withdrew.

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11th Obsidian

As our dwarves scavenge for food, we are finding the dead around our walls.  One of our fisherdwarves has starved.

13th Obsidian

And now giants have laid siege to our home.  I tried to lure them into the trap, but the when the bridge dropped, it simply smashed into pieces.

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23rd Obsidian

Our archers are valiantly shooting at the giants, but doing little.  They have a wizard with them, who appear to have somehow lit the plains on fire. 

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27th Obsidian

As best I can tell, the wizard threw some sort of magical fire at our marksmen.  Five have bled to death, and another has starved.

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The conflagration continues to consume the plains.  Almost all of us are starving.  A handful have started to go mad, tantruming and lashing out at those around us.

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I leave you with the fort as it stands, with my thoughts for the next overseer.

Here are the newest farms and fishponds, along with a seed stockpile:
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This is the cleared main floor, with expanded farms and more fishponds:
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The Abbey is complete.  However, there were issues with bins, and most of the research items and in a dump pile outside the stockpile.  I had hoped to build out the research buildings, but the sieges and starvation slowed me down.
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I relocated most of the workshops down a few floors.  Above this is a set of stockpiles that holds most of the rest of the goods of the fort.
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The next floor was to be the forges, but I ended up saving wood for arrows and emergency building.
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My plans for new bedrooms.  Obviously not very complete.  The mayor’s suite is dug and smoothed.
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Here is the cavern entrance.  The first layer is barren, with no moss.  There is tons of iron.
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Off the dining room.  They are all labeled.  The top left level is the inner door of the courtyard.  The middle top is the nest door outwards.  The right top lever was for the outer door on the edge of the wall, and is not connected.  The bottom left lever is for the atom smasher, one of the bridges is broken.  The bottom right lever is for the caverns door.
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This lever, in the main hall, controls the outer most bridge.  It might be broken.
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And this is the vampire bookkeeper, of the dining room.
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Our final stats:
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We have no food, no drink, farms planted to come up probably some in spring, maybe a few in autumn, and a bit next winter.  Most of the dwarves are near starvation.  Our military is largely decimated, as the giants lit most of the archers on fire.  One melee squad remains, and a handful of archers.  The giants are camped below the hill to our east.

Good luck.  You’ll need it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Bane of COMEX
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #63 on: December 26, 2013, 03:33:10 pm »

Haha oh wow...why the giants would even attack is beyond me. I doubt we have reached the wealth requirement. I have a feeling that vampire may end up being the sole sane and unmaimed member of our fortress. Too bad there's no way to make everyone forget all their relations. That way you could just dump most of the population outside and basically start over with just fishermen and farmers. We may be fucked but this sure is fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2013, 03:36:08 pm »

Great job Grimmash! This fort keeps limping along, to my delight/horror. The caravan problem lies at the heart of the issue. We need that iron badly to build up a military to break up those sieges. Without caravan access, self sufficient food takes awhile to get off the ground. Obviously early food production didn't kick into gear soon enough, and there have been alot of sieges. A LOT. Just makes the fort fun, staving off disaster every season. Good luck whoever is next!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2013, 03:46:09 pm »

I dug out an iron vein or two, so there should be some.  The only problem is that whoever is next will either burn up all the wood to use it, or need to dig deeper.  I did run into mummies, and a few other nuisances in the cavern.  But compared to the sieges they seemed rather bland.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Bastart
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2013, 10:36:26 pm »

First impression: OhMyGosh.  Well, things could be worse.
Second impression: this hotel Wi-Fi connection is iffy, might be 48/72 hours before I have much real time. 
Good walls make for good neighbors. -- Urist Frost
Avatar photo credit:, reposted from (great site)


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2013, 11:17:20 pm »

FYI, dwarf me is dead, went insane halfway through my year and starved towards the end of it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #68 on: December 27, 2013, 12:13:49 am »

Every named dwarf save Grimmash was dead at the start of my turn.  In the ensuing bloodletting, starvation, giant inferno and orc attack, I just assumed it might be good to survive and not worry about redorfing.  Sorry :).


  • Bay Watcher
  • 4mask always angle, do figure his!
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #69 on: December 27, 2013, 12:45:13 am »

Actually, I was saying that so the OP could be updated


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2013, 12:47:11 am »

Dwarf me as Meph, any new migrant that arrives. Military, if possible.

Good luck Jimboo :)
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
  • Bastart
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #71 on: December 27, 2013, 09:49:12 am »

I spent an hour or so looking around…
No food, no booze, 4 wood stalks and 10 quarry bush leaves.  A bit of flour.  Hmm.  Gazillion seeds, though.  28 water and an inside well (nowhere close to the full hospital).
On the bright side, with only 40-ish dorfs including children and no animals, the FPS is still at 100 even on my laptop.  On the not-so-bright side – actually, I’m still working on that list, have been busy with the holidays.  The first couple of RL days might be posing questions here on the forum thread since I’ll be trying a number of things for the first time.  Example: there was a large vein of gold but it’s been turned into gold-bearing rock mugs (pretty to look at, shame we can’t eat ‘em).  320 gold-bearing rock mugs.  Two are worth ☼3600☼ each, good, but most are worth only 300 each.  No bars, no coins.  With coins and an Embassy, we could summon a Legionnaire caravan to deal with all the Cyclops, dark elves and various nasties presently camped outside the walls and hopefully survive until a caravan arrives, assuming the Spring Elves can make it past the surface fire blazing merrily away (which, surprisingly, is making the wood stockade walls ‘warm’ but is not making them ‘ash’).  Since this is a community game w/o scum saves, I’d like to keep mistakes to a minimum – particularly right now, when things are looking not so good.  Check that: easy; things are looking not so easy.   

So here’s the first question: once gold rock has been made into a mug, there’s no way to get the gold back out, is there?  A millstone can grind rocks to look for base minerals but a finished good just becomes “dust, destroying the item” according to the manual.   

Second question for the previous overseers: how do you know the harder farming option is on?  The “simple x” options on the GUI are backwards – some of them, anyway – but I’ve never embarked and found the farming option to be other than what it says.  It’s a holiday season so I’ve been watching the screen shots and did not look at any but the first save when it was posted and this fortress has always had forty times more farm plots than I’ve ever used to feed a self-sufficient fortress of 200.  Most of the plots were untended from being outside the Alarm warren civs were confined to but that was easily changed.  Have you guys noticed a seed taking a year to mature?  There are currently two plump helmets ripening and more than 200 spawn planted.  Steeloaks and fungiwoods seem to be doing well. Shift-R says there are no kitchens; tantrum victims?  The first order of business seems to be sealing off the second stairway to the caverns since without a healthy militia, the last thing we need right now is more Fun coming up from below.  There is cave fungus and an exposed Bloody Gem down there, though.  I’m playing the Road Warrior game for the rest of today and most of the weekend, will try to find things asap.  There are some Notes (Yea! Kudos!) but not so many and levers may or may not be working.  Ehh, gimme a day and I should have a handle on what’s what with Silvergoos.
Good walls make for good neighbors. -- Urist Frost
Avatar photo credit:, reposted from (great site)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #72 on: December 27, 2013, 10:59:09 am »

Harder Farming: Open plant_standard.txt in the save raws, and check the growdurations. If they are in the  hundrets its off, if they are in the thousands, its on.

Gazillion seeds => Go to kitchen, roast seed, get edible seeds. Like eating acorns. ;)

No way of getting the gold from the gold bearing rock mugs. Thats gone.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #73 on: December 27, 2013, 11:02:18 am »

I am not 100% certain. But, only once did seeds mature on my turn, despite all the farm plots which I didn't touch, at the very end of the year.

In masterwork, I am used to relying on livestock more than anything else for food, especially early on. The fps hit isnt much if you butcher them as they are born, and certain animals are prolific. Past that, I think I underestimated how far behind I was, sieges dont usually bother me because I start the military right away, and they keep pace. So on my turn, I put us further behind, by not solving the food problem for the future. Sorry about that.

Now we have food/booze/siege problems all together...good times. I will enjoy seeing this fort last, troubles or not!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼SILVERGOOSE☼ Of Masterworks, Mephs and Magma.
« Reply #74 on: December 27, 2013, 12:03:56 pm »

A few answers:

I am spoilering the following, because it involves using dfhack to answer a question:
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Unspoilered part of the answer:  I was hoping for a drow caravan, or a dwarven caravan, hence the metric ton of gold-bearing rock mugs.  The mugs were fast, and were meant to be a get out of jail free card for food, and most importantly, they we supposed to be gone by this point. Stupid value of those things is probably hurting us now.If you manage to get a caravan in, you should be able to buy the whole damn thing out with all those mugs.

I know harder farming is on, because the fields were almost all empty when I started, and nothing I planted grew.  I lost some above ground seed, because I was not aware harder farming was on until early autumn.  Then it was painfully obivous.  I was honestly expecting to have food sorted by mid-way through the year.  Oh well.

All the materials to build a Researcher's Study and Herbalist are in the dump pile, outside the stock room by the temples.  I forgot to forbid bins in the stocks for research, and was unable to get it all loaded back into the stockpile due to everyone hunting vermin and fishing for food.  If you can find more gold, research the mint, build the embassy and the toolmaker's shop (for the dies for the mint), by all means summon a caravan.  Just read the manual that comes with masterwork, it's fairly easy to get the coin mint.  I... totally blanked on that.  Sorry guys.  Just be careful - the whole surface is going to slowly burn up.

Yeah, use a bridge to seal off those few stair tiles.  I tried to leave room to do so.  As for layout, I put in the most relevant levels in vertical order in my final write-up.  I think I skipped a stockpile layer or two.  I did take out the kitchen, because the main floor was so chaotic I could not understand what the hell was going on.  Most everything was rebuilt, save for the Masterwork forges, a thatchery, a possible few vanilla shops that I had no real use for.
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